Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2310: Talented

Xuanling Continent, Xuanguang Island.

Liu Qingyun sat cross-legged near the Flying Spirit Platform, his hands were sealed, his eyes were tightly closed, and a dazzling aura shrouded his body.

After a while, the Feiling Platform shook violently, like an earthquake.

A dazzling blue beam of light rose into the sky, and before it flew far, a water-blue light curtain emerged out of thin air, blocking the blue beam of light.

Liu Qingyun seemed to be aware of it, the spiritual light on his body dissipated, and he opened his eyes.

"Someone is flying up again!"

Liu Qingyun was full of surprises. Originally, guarding Feilingtai was a freelance job, mainly because of a lot of training time, but within 10,000 years, many people have soared from the lower realm.

Every time a lower realm cultivator ascends to this flying spirit platform, it is Liu Qingyun's credit.

He hurriedly sent a message to the elder guarding Xuanguang Island, and looked towards Feiling Terrace.

A blue-shirted youth with resolute facial features stood on the Feiling Platform, tall and with bright eyes.

Wang Zonglang, he has been practicing hard for many years, and he has finally reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation. With the help of the flying spirit formation, he has successfully ascended to the Xuanyang realm.

Tracing the origin, Wang Zonglang is the descendant of Wang Changhao.

"Under Wang Zonglang, Master Taihao is the ancestor of the next, what do you call fellow Daoists?"

Wang Zonglang bowed to Liu Qingyun and said politely.

"Really Taihao! Are you from Junior Brother Wang's clan?"

A gentle male voice sounded.

A majestic azure-robed old man descended from the sky. The azure-robed old man had a round face and big eyes, and his eyes were bright, giving a strong sense of oppression.

Having greeted him above, Wang Changsheng established a flying spirit formation in the lower realm, which could help the spiritual cultivators in the lower realm to soar.

"Exactly, meet the seniors."

Wang Zonglang nodded with a respectful expression.

"I know, this is the chart for going to Qinglian Island, you can go by yourself! Be careful on the road, if necessary, you can report the name of Zhenhai Palace."

The old man in green robe took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Zonglang.

Wang Zonglang repeatedly claimed his thanks, put away the blue jade slip, turned into a blue light, and left.

"There is another spiritual cultivator ascension. If things go on like this, the power of our ascension faction will definitely be stronger."

The old man in green robe muttered to himself, his expression a little excited.

This time bxWx Zhang Si

Qinglian Island, a steep peak, has a large number of iron trees planted on the mountain, and the years range from a hundred to a thousand years.

Iron wood is a common material for refining puppet beasts. Puppet beasts below the sixth rank can be refined with iron wood. In addition, puppet beasts can also be refined with metal ore or the remains of monsters.

At the foot of the mountain stands a blue stone tablet more than ten feet high, with the word "Xuanji" written on it.

On the top of the mountain is a manor of blue bricks and glazed tiles, with exotic flowers and plants, strange rocks and rocks, and a five-storey red attic.

The door to the attic suddenly opened, and a girl in a red dress with delicate features came out. The girl in the red dress had a round face and big eyes, a pair of cute little dimples, and a beauty mole on her forehead.

Wang Liangyan, who is currently a cultivator of Yuan Ying's Great Perfection, is a fourth-order artifact refiner who is proficient in the art of puppets.

Wang Mengbin took Jinhuyuzhidan to have **** with Bai Yuqi, and Bai Yuqi gave birth to Wang Jiye.

Wang Jiye is a fire-attribute Tianlinggen cultivator. He is currently in the middle stage of God Transformation. He is a fifth-order craft refiner, and Wang Liangyan is his descendant.

She has been interested in the art of puppets since she was a child, and she has a high level of puppet making.

The red light on Wang Liangyan's body released a lot, turning into a dazzling red light and walking away.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Wang Liangyan appeared in a bluestone square covering an area of ​​100,000 mu. There were tens of thousands of immortal practitioners gathered in the square, both men and women, young and old.

In the center of the square is a huge red tower more than a thousand feet high. The aura is flashing, the runes are flashing, and the four characters "Li Huo refining the demon" are engraved. It is a low-quality spiritual treasure. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

This Lihuo Refining Demon Pagoda was made by Wang Qingfeng and Wang Jiye jointly. It can transform into monsters to attack the passers-by. The highest can transform into sixth-order low-grade monsters, and the lowest is first-order monsters.

The Lihuo Refining Demon Pagoda is used to temper the young clansmen and improve their fighting skills.

The Wang family has a small competition every ten years, and a big competition every hundred years. The higher the ranking, the more generous the reward.

Xiaobi restricted the participation of cultivators below Nascent Soul, while Dabi cultivators above Nascent Soul were very rewarded.

Today is the day of the big competition. Most of the clansmen are here to watch the fun. If the monks of their own line get a good ranking, they will be able to get some light.

Wang Liangyan's eyes swept away, and she quickly landed on the ground, beside the two men and one woman. They were both Nascent Soul cultivators. The one with the highest cultivation base was a gentle and gentle youth in green shirts. clean.

"Sister Liangyan, your cultivation has broken through. It seems that this time, it is no problem for you to enter the top three."

The young man in blue shirt said with a smile.

Wang Liangshu, in the late Yuanying period, he practiced the Confucianism practice "Haoran Jue".

After thousands of years of development, the Wang family has collected more and more exercises. There are various types of exercises. There are many types of exercises that the clansmen can choose. What exercises to practice depends on personal preferences.

Some clansmen like the art of alchemy, so they practice the "Tiandan Great Encyclopedia".

"Top three? My goal is to be number one."

Wang Liangyan said with a smile in a powerful and confident tone.

"First? I'm sorry, Aunt Liangyan, the first place is mine."

A confident male voice suddenly sounded.

A nine-foot-tall red-shirted youth fell from the sky. The red-shirted youth had big arms and round waists, thick hands and feet, exposed blue veins, and a dazzling red light faintly shot out of his eyes.

Wang Qinglong, he is a descendant of Wang Qingcheng, who has double cultivation of Dharma and body, and currently has the cultivation of Nascent Soul Great Perfection.

"That's not necessarily, it may be mine."

A somewhat lazy man's voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, a young man in yellow shirt with a big belly fell from the sky, and the ground shook slightly.

The young man in yellow shirt has a round face and small eyes, the fat around his waist is layered on top of one another, and his face is fair.

Wang Qinglei, he practiced earth attribute exercises, and is currently in the late Nascent Soul cultivation.

Wang Qinglei is a descendant of Wang Qingfeng. He doesn't know how to refine tools, make pills, and make formations. He is not interested in the techniques of expelling insects and beasts and puppets. However, he has rich fighting skills. In addition to training, he usually hunts and kills monsters.

Wang Liangyan, Wang Liangshu, Wang Qinglei, and Wang Qinglong are currently the most outstanding Yuanying monks in the Wang family, and they have a high chance of entering the stage of spiritual transformation.

It is impossible to be excellent from generation to generation, but a few good seedlings from each character are enough to support the family.

"The head of the family is here."

I don't know who shouted, and the monks stopped talking and looked towards the sky.

Wang Qingcheng flew from a distance and stopped over the Qingshi Square.

"Today is the day of the family's hundred-year competition. The clansmen of the Yuan Ying period line up and enter the Lihuo Lian Yao Pagoda in order to break through. The first place can get a heavenly treasure."

Wang Qingcheng's voice was not loud and spread throughout the square.

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