Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2311: Wang Yanhong

As soon as these words came out, the cultivators of Nascent Soul were stunned for a moment, and soon became full of surprises.

You must know that in previous years, the competition was rewarded with a set of Lingbao at most, but this time, it was unexpectedly rewarded with the Tongtian Lingbao.

The Xuanyang Realm has rich resources for cultivating immortals, but not all the cultivators of the gods use the Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure. Some poor cultivators or small family monks still use the Spirit Treasure, and they have worked hard for many years to get a Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure.

The large beast tide is approaching, and Wang Qingcheng hopes that before the large beast tide comes, the family can add one or two new spiritual monks.

The Wang family has been established in Xuanyang Realm for more than a thousand years and has held many competitions. This is the first time that the Tongtian Lingbao has been awarded to the first name. On the one hand, it is to encourage the clan to cultivate, and on the other hand, this is also the strength of the Wang family. a manifestation of.

The big family or the big sect, usually the century-old competition and the millennium competition. They have a large number of cultivators and have strong financial resources. Every time they have a big competition, they will give out Tongtian Lingbao as a reward. The development time of the Wang family is short, and there are too few masters. It can be compared in ten years, and it can be compared in a hundred years.

With the increase in the number of cultivators in the clan, more and more clansmen appealed to Dabi to reward Tongtian Lingbao. Considering the development of the family, Wang Qingcheng took out Tongtian Lingbao as a reward.

The Liu family's one-hundred-year competition, the millennium competition, the first title of the big competition is also a reward for a heavenly treasure.

Wang Qingcheng intends to change the rules. In the future, a small competition will be held once every 100 years, and a big competition will be held once every thousand years.

In addition to the clan ratio, many rules are not suitable. It needs to keep pace with the times, and the welfare of the clan must also be changed, which is a good thing.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Wang Liangyan and the others looked excited and agreed in unison.

They queued up and entered the Lihuo Refining Demon Pagoda one after another.

Soon, the first floor of the Lihuo Lian Yao Pagoda was lit up, and the clansmen began to break through.

Wang Liangyan stood in a spacious and bright red hall, surrounded by a silver giant tiger and a blue giant eagle.

They are all fourth-order monsters that have been transformed, and she must pass the level at the fastest speed.

The ranking is determined according to the number of levels and the time used to clear the level.

Wang Liangyan's sleeves flicked, and two metal balls, one red and one gold, flew out. With a pinch of the magic trick, the two metal **** suddenly lit up with a dazzling aura. After one blurred, they turned into a yellow giant ape more than ten feet tall. And a red giant eagle more than a hundred feet long, their eyes are dull, and the surface of the body is glowing with a metallic luster, which is obviously a puppet beast.

Wang Liangyan's tactic reminded, the yellow giant ape rushed towards the silver giant tiger, and the red giant eagle faced the blue giant eagle.

The yellow giant ape opened its mouth and spewed out yellow sound waves. The silver giant tiger was not afraid at all. Countless silver arcs emerged from its body, and thick silver lightning flew out.

The red giant eagle flapped its wings and released red fireballs, the cyan giant eagle flapped its wings, and countless cyan wind blades flew out, smashing the incoming red fireballs, and the cyan wind blades hit the red giant eagle one after another. There was a muffled sound, and sparks flew everywhere.

From the top of the Fire Refinement Pagoda, a tall and thin blue-robed youth with handsome features and a graceful blue-skirt young woman were talking.

The blue-robed youth is called Wang Yanhong. He is a descendant of Wang Qingfeng.

The young woman in the blue skirt is his Taoist companion Song Ziyao. Song Ziyao came from a cultivator family and met Wang Yanhong by chance. They are all magicians, and Song Ziyao is currently in the early stage of God Transformation.

On the stone wall is an image of Wang Liangyan breaking through the barrier. If Wang Liangyan is in danger, he can stop it at any time.

"The last time we met, Liangyan was only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and we haven't seen her for hundreds of years. She actually entered the Nascent Soul Great Consummation. Seeing that she has become more and more proficient in manipulating puppet beasts against the enemy, if she enters the God Transformation stage, she will definitely be one of the family members. Great power."

Wang Yanhong said with a smile, his face full of admiration.

Song Ziyao nodded and said with a smile, "Qing Lei is also good, I hope he can get a better ranking."

Wang Qinglei is their descendant, and they naturally hope that their descendants will be better.


Outside the Lihuo Lian Yao Pagoda, many clansmen stared intently at the Li Huo Lian Yao Pagoda, discussing a lot, and some even bet on the ranking.

"If you want me to say, this time the first place in the competition must be the ancestor of Liangyan. She is proficient in the art of puppets. It is said that she can control five fourth-order puppet beasts at the same time."

"I'm more optimistic about Qinglong's ancestor. He is a dual practitioner of law and body, and the fourth-order iron-backed ape is not his opponent."

"I think the first place should be Qing Lei, his life magic weapon is a top-grade spiritual treasure."


The clansmen are talking non-stop, and each has their own favorite clansmen.

On the viewing platform, Wang Qingcheng sat on the main seat with a smile on his face, accompanied by more than ten guests.

The affiliated forces of the Wang family have appeared one after another, but there are not many monks. This time the competition is an opportunity to show the younger generation of the Wang family. Wang Qingcheng specially invited the monks from the affiliated forces to watch the ceremony.

These cultivators couldn't see anything, but they still said some polite words.

"Wang Daoyou, it's not too long before the large-scale beast tide, can you sell one or two fifth-order puppet beasts to us? Improve our strength, so as to better resist the monster beasts."

A plump young woman in a golden skirt asked politely with a look of anticipation on her face.

The outbreak of the large-scale beast tide is getting closer and closer, and the major forces are stepping up their time to improve their own strength and strengthen their defenses.

The Wang family's puppet beasts shined in the last large-scale beast tide, especially the fifth-order puppet beasts, but the Wang family rarely sells fifth-order puppet beasts.

"The fifth-order puppet beast? We don't have many family members, so refining is very difficult!"

Wang Qingcheng's face was embarrassed. UU Reading Rare is the most expensive thing. The refining of fifth-order puppet beasts is not easy. The Wang family took out one or two fifth-order puppet beasts as the finale auction item.

He seemed to have noticed something, and took out a gleaming dharma disk from his arms, the runes flashed, and the spiritual light flashed.

He entered a magic formula, and a line of small characters appeared on it.

Wang Qingcheng's expression changed, and he was full of surprises.

"Mrs. Lin, I'm in a hurry, you sit down for a while."

Wang Qingcheng said hello and left in a hurry.

All the guests looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what was going on.

Outside Qinglian Island, Wang Zonglang was standing high in the sky with a worried expression.

After he left Xuanguang Island, he went straight to Qinglian Island, but he didn't have an identity token, so naturally he couldn't get in.

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