Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2312: The case of the Nether family

He is now worried that Wang Changsheng has gone out to travel, and he has not mentioned him to the clan, he cannot recognize his ancestors and become a loose cultivator.

Not long after, a yellow light flew out and stopped, it was Wang Qingcheng.

"Are you Zong Lang? Dad mentioned you to me. If your parents knew that you had ascended to the Xuanyang Realm, they would be very happy."

Wang Qingcheng said with a smile, it is not easy for Wang Zonglang to cultivate to the middle stage of God Transformation in the lower realm.

"The grandson visits the ancestors."

Wang Zonglang bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

"My family doesn't need to be polite, go back to Qinglian Island first."

Wang Qingcheng waved his sleeves and took Wang Zonglang back to Qinglian Island. This time 7H Zhang Si

Qinglian Island is full of beautiful peaks, deep valleys and dense forests, towering ancient trees, waterfalls hanging in the sky, strange birds and animals, colorful clouds fluttering, and the aura is thick and foggy. It is a scene of a fairyland.

In the distance, in a huge lake, a huge tortoise floated on the sea, with countless blue electric arcs flashing on its surface, high-altitude lightning and thunder, and one after another thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed towards the blue giant. turtle.

The silver lightning struck the shell of the blue giant tortoise, and the blue giant tortoise roared excitedly, looking very enjoying.

Wang Zonglang was stunned and stared blankly at the blue giant tortoise.

This is the first time he has seen such a big tortoise. Could it be that the tortoises in Xuanyang Realm are all this big? Or that this tortoise has extraordinary bloodline and a particularly large size.

"This is Lin Zun. It was promoted to the sixth rank not long ago. It is a spirit beast raised by father. It is more humane. all liked it."

Wang Qingcheng introduced with pride.

"Lin Zun, sixth-order spirit beast!"

Wang Zonglang was secretly surprised and wrote down the name of the blue giant tortoise.

Within half a quarter of an hour, they appeared in a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. There was a manor covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, with blue bricks and glazed tiles, and a blue waterfall hanging on the stone wall.

Wang Qingcheng sent someone to bring him four elixir to prolong his life, which can prolong his life for more than 1,500 years. In addition, there are one heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure and two spiritual treasures, which are the rewards of the ascended clansmen.

Wang Zonglang was full of surprises and was very excited. His life was extended by more than 1,500 years. One piece of heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure and two pieces of spiritual treasure, he didn't even dare to think about it in the lower realm.

As soon as I arrived in Xuanyang Realm, I got so many good things.

"Thank you, ancestor."

Wang Zonglang bowed and bowed, his face full of gratitude.

"You're welcome, tell me about the lower realm family."

Wang Qingcheng instructed that to contact the people of the lower realm, he would need to use the Jinhuan Divine Crystal, and once contacted, there would be less than one contact. There was nothing important, and he would not use the communication formation to contact the people of the lower realm.

After so many years, the Nether family should have undergone some changes. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

"Going back to the ancestors, the family currently has four god-turning monks in the lower realm, namely Wang Zongyun, Wang Zongyan, Wang Shanrong, and Wang Zhongheng, who are stationed in Tianlan Realm, Dongli Realm, Binghai Realm, and Thousand Gourd Realm respectively. "

Wang Zonglang said truthfully, Wang Changsheng divided his soul into the lower realm and integrated the resources of the lower realm. Hundreds of years have passed, and a number of spiritual cultivators have emerged in the family, and they sit in the four interfaces respectively.

Every few hundred years, the cultivators of the Dongli Realm will bring the Boundary-Breaking Orbs to other interfaces. One is to trade, to communicate with each other; the other is to collect resources for cultivation; the third is to strengthen connections. , to solve it.

Wang Changsheng went to the lower realm hundreds of years ago, and greatly deterred the cultivators in the lower realm. In addition, Wang Changsheng left the Tongtian Lingbao and the fifth-order puppet beasts.

As long as it doesn't involve the issue of genocide, the Wang family will ignore it.

In general, the family in the lower realm has developed smoothly, the number of cultivators has more than doubled, and the cultivators of the four interfaces have added up to more than 200,000. less stress.

"How many times can the virtual cloud crystal be used?"

Wang Qingcheng asked a key question, without the virtual cloud crystal, the flying spirit formation could not be activated.

"We got some virtual cloud crystals in the ice sea world, and we can use it ten times!"

Wang Zonglang answered honestly.

"Ten times? That is, for thousands of years without a problem."

Wang Qingcheng nodded thoughtfully. The Wang family did not cut off the ascension of other cultivators. Among the ten times, it is estimated that half of the cultivators with different surnames had different surnames. There were still five places for cultivators in the Wang family. It's hard to say for a long time.

"Ancestor, can't our family build the Flying Spirit Platform?"

Wang Zonglang hesitated for a while and asked curiously.

If the family could build the Feiling Terrace, he would be able to appear directly on Qinglian Island. On the way to Qinglian Island, he encountered a few small troubles, and it was resolved by revealing his identity as Zhenhai Palace.

Wang Qingcheng smiled bitterly and said, "You think it's so easy to build Feiling Terrace? Not to mention that the materials used to build Feiling Terrace are rare, and every time it is activated, a special array material is consumed. The current strength is simply unattainable, if the parents advance to the integration stage, they may be able to build the Feiling Terrace!"

Wang Zonglang suddenly realized that he still underestimated the difficulty of building Feiling Terrace.

"You take a good rest first, take a panacea first, and prolong your lifespan. Today is the day of the Centennial Competition. There are many guests. I'm going to entertain. You are not familiar with the situation on Qinglian Island. Don't run around, just touch the ban trouble."

Wang Qingcheng said a few words and left the place.

Back at the viewing platform, Wang Qingcheng continued to chat with many guests, chatting and laughing, as if nothing happened.

Under the repeated requests of many guests, Wang Qingcheng sold them three fifth-order puppet beasts, asking them to exchange a batch of more than 500 years old elixir and array materials, and asked them to help collect some resources for immortal cultivation.

Only a few forces bought fifth-order puppet beasts, and they were full of surprises. The forces that could not buy fifth-order puppet beasts were disappointed. In order to appease them, Wang Qingcheng sold a batch of Wang family's excess cultivation resources to them.

One day passed quickly, and the competition was over. Wang Liangyan won the first place, and got a Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure Mysterious Fire Slashing Blade, Wang Qinglong ranked second, and got a five-piece set of Spirit Treasures, Wang Qinglei won the third place, and got A set of fourth-order four elephant puppet beasts, and other top-ranked clansmen, all received a generous reward.

After the big competition, Wang Qingcheng announced the new clan rules in public. In the future, the competition will be held once every 100 years and once in a thousand years. The first place in the competition will be rewarded with the Heavenly Spirit Treasure, and only spiritual monks can participate in the competition. Puppet beasts or complete sets of spirit treasures can participate in the competition, and the top 100 can get rewards.

The guests said their goodbyes and left one after another, and went back to their homes. control the big lord

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