Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2313: 300 years, Wang Yuanjiang

Spring and autumn come, and three hundred years have passed quickly.

At the southeast corner of Qinglian Island, there is a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. There are a lot of exotic flowers and plants growing on both sides of the valley, and a lot of green vines are climbing on the stone walls.

Facing the stone wall outside the valley, a blue waterfall like a ribbon poured down, and below it was a water pool as large as mu, splashing countless jade beads.

There are more than 20 peach trees growing near the waterfall, each peach tree has hundreds of light blue peach trees, and under a peach tree hangs a huge cyan honeycomb with many The spirit bee flew in and out.

Behind the blue waterfall, there is a simple grotto with countless blue talismans on the stone walls. The inside of the grotto is relatively simple, with a cyan stone table and a few cyan stone benches, nothing else.

Passing through a long bluestone passage, three stone chambers of similar size approached.

The door of a stone room suddenly opened, and a blue-shirted youth of fifteen or sixteen came out.

The blue-shirted youth was tall and slender, with delicate features, and looked sassy.

"Finally broke through."

The blue shirt youth muttered to himself, his face full of joy.

Wang Yuanjiang, his descendant, is currently at the sixth level of Qi Refining.

With Liu Hongxue, they have a son and a daughter, descendants, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. After hundreds of years of reproduction, there are thousands of descendants. Wang Yuanjiang is one of them. These thousands of people refer to people with spiritual roots. .

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When the family was first established, the land was vast and the people were sparse, and each clan member obtained more resources for immortal cultivation. Even a foundation-building cultivator could own ten thousand acres of spiritual fields, and if they formed pills, they could obtain spiritual treasures.

With the passage of time, there are more and more immortal cultivators in the clan, more and more rules, and less and less immortal cultivation resources obtained by the lower-level clansmen, but compared to those small families or small schools, the Wang family's children are doing well. good.

Wang Yuanjiang's ancestors were all qi cultivators for nine generations, and there are many descendants, so it is impossible to take care of all of them.

Wang Yuanjiang has heard of the deeds since he was a child. Heaven rewards hard work. He has always regarded it as a role model and worked hard to cultivate. His goal is to become a 720-year-old beauty.

The family has launched a mechanism for cultivating talents.

Eighteen heroes are selected from the family to focus on the cultivation of twelve spiritual monks, Wang Mengbin, Wang Zonglang, Wang Yanhong, Wang Lihe, Liu Hongxue, Wang Qiupu, Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli, Wang Qiuyu, Wang Jiye, Bai Yuqi, Song Ziyao, Wang Lijiao, Wang Gonghu, Wang Li Hai, Wang Qiushui, Wang Lihe.

Wang Qingcheng is the head of the family, and Sun Yuejiao is in charge of the family's finances, so they don't have to worry about resources for immortal cultivation.

Wang Lihe, Wang Lijiao, and Wang Lihe were all sword cultivators, Bai Yuqi, Song Ziyao, and Wang Yanhong were formation masters, Liu Hongxue and Wang Qiuyu were alchemists, and Wang Qingfeng and Wang Jiye were alchemists.

One hundred and eight Yuanying monks were selected from the family to focus on training, and these people were one hundred and eighteen.

Three hundred and sixty is to select three hundred and sixty cultivators of the formation of alchemy, as the key seedling training, seven hundred and twenty show is to select 720 cultivators of foundation-building cultivators.

These people are the elites of the Wang family, who support the family. If you want to be selected, you need to go through layers of selection.

If you want to become the Seven Hundred and Twenty Show, you have to make great achievements, such as obtaining important resources for immortal cultivation, discovering major enemy situations, etc., or you can be proficient in certain skills, such as refining weapons, refining alchemy, and forming arrays. In addition, there is another One way is to break away from the Fire Refinement Demon Pagoda.

The Lihuo Refining Demon Pagoda is a heavenly treasure that can transform into all kinds of monsters, up to the sixth-order monster.

The clansmen of the foundation-building period can become 720 talents when they cross the eighteenth floor, become 360 ​​talents when they cross the thirty-sixth floor, and become 18 heroes when they cross the 108th floor.

Wang Yuanjiang currently wants to build a foundation, become a foundation and then move towards the goal of the 720th show.

Wang Yuanjiang walked out of the residence, raised his right hand, and a blue light flew out, which was a lotus flower with blue light.

He jumped on top of the blue lotus flower, and when the magic trick was pinched, the blue lotus flower's aura soared and flew towards the outside.

He intends to go to the Shufu Tower to find a suitable task. Doing the task can get good deeds, and good deeds can be exchanged for immortal cultivation resources.

The aura was thick and foggy, and there were monks who piloted flying magic weapons from high altitudes, and monks who piloted luxurious animal vehicles to travel. What's more, they used dragons to travel.

Seeing the huge Jiaolong, Wang Yuanjiang was full of envy, and he secretly made up his mind to live like this in the future.

Suddenly, a deafening thunder sounded, the wind was blowing, colorful auras appeared high in the sky, and a huge thundercloud suddenly appeared over a certain valley, with lightning and thunder.

"Five or nine thunder tribulations! There are clansmen who are impacting the spirit transformation period."

"Three clansmen have already failed, and I hope he can successfully enter the Divine Transformation Stage."

"Some people fail and some succeed. This is normal. Let's get busy!"

The clansmen have taken it for granted. Every once in a while, there are clansmen who attack the big realm, or form pills, or form babies, or hit the stage of spiritual transformation. Some people fail, and some people succeed.

Wang Yuanjiang was used to it, and controlled the flying instrument to fly towards the Shuttle Tower.

More than an hour later, Wang Yuanjiang landed on a bluestone square covering an area of ​​1,000 mu. A giant silver tower stood on the square. The silver tower was more than 100 feet high, and many clansmen came in and out, which seemed very lively.

At the entrance, there are three big golden characters of "General Affairs Tower". This is the place where the clansmen receive the quest. The higher the level, the more dangerous the quest.

Wang Yuanjiang strode in, walked into the Shufu Pagoda, and a spacious and bright hall came towards him.

Thirty-six thick white jade stone pillars stand in the main hall, and a large number of characters can be seen on the white jade stone pillars. Thousands of qi refining cultivators gathered in the main hall and were choosing tasks.

"Golden Barium Island needs ten qi refining cultivators to patrol for ten years, and the training time is relatively sufficient. The island has Earth Fire Vessels, which can make alchemy and refining tools, and perform three thousand good works."

"Green Bamboo Island needs three first-order spiritual planting husbands to take care of thousands of acres of orchards, rain every three days for a period of five years, and 4,000 good deeds."

"Daofeng Island needs two first-order Royal Spirit Masters to take care of ten acres of golden-backed snails for a period of five years and 5,000 good deeds."

There are tasks such as mountain patrol, refining, alchemy, and taking care of the medicine garden. Mountain patrol is the easiest, but you get the least good deeds. If you master a skill, it is easier to earn good deeds.

Wang Yuanjiang's eyes quickly glanced at the words on the white jade pillar. If he likes the task, he can accept the task with his identity token, and he will not be forced to assign it.

He doesn't know how to make alchemy, refining, making talismans, and forming arrays. These skills cost money in the early stage. His ancestors were all Qi-refining monks for nine generations, and there was no financial resources to support him to learn a skill. To be continued

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