Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2314: undercurrent

Wang Yuanjiang walked around and saw a lot of tasks, but some tasks had very little merit, either too long or with strict requirements. It was not easy to find a task that was easier and more meritorious.

After a while, Wang Yuanjiang's eyes suddenly lit up, the identity token in his hand swayed slightly, and a blue light flew out and hit a line of words. Almost at the same time, two blue lights flew out and hit the same line of words. .

"Feed the third-order turtles and beasts for ten years, including board and lodging, and 6,000 good deeds."

This task is relatively simple and not difficult. Since the third-order turtles and turtles are raised, the owner is at least a cultivator of pill formation, and may even be a cultivator of Yuanying.

The same job, the same treatment, the higher the publisher's cultivation, the more popular they are.

There is not much benefit from helping the Foundation Establishment cultivator. If you help the Jie Dan cultivator or the Yuanying cultivator to do things, there may be additional rewards for doing well, even if you learn some skills.

Lingzhifu helps the alchemist to take care of the medicine garden. If you are lucky, you can learn some alchemy skills. Even if you only get paid and spread it out, you will be able to find a job in the future.

Soon, this line of words disappeared.

Wang Yuanjiang and two other clansmen came to the second floor. There were thirty-six round counters on the second floor. Behind each counter stood several qi-refining cultivators, who were responsible for the formalities.

Sometimes, multiple clansmen take on a task at the same time, depending on who the employer hires.

They came to a round counter and briefly talked about what happened.

"This task was issued by Uncle Yiyan. He lives in Jinzhifeng. You go to him. As for who he hires, it depends on your performance."

The deacon disciple told the truth, handed them a light blue token, told them a few words, and let them leave.

After leaving the Shufu Pagoda, Wang Yuanjiang took out a flying instrument and flew towards Jinzhifeng with two clansmen.

After more than an hour, they stopped over a steep golden peak. From a distance, the peak looked like a golden finger stuck on the ground.

The place above the mountainside was shrouded in golden fog, and it was difficult to see what was inside.

Wang Yuanjiang controlled the flying instrument to land and issued a sound transmission.

An hour passed, and no monk came out.

The three were very patient and continued to wait.

Time passed a little bit, the sky darkened, and from time to time clansmen flew by, and no one paid any attention to them.

Three days have passed, and the employer has not appeared for a long time. Maybe he is away from home, or he is retreating to practice, or it may be alchemy.

The two compatriots lost patience and left one after another.

Wang Yuanjiang honestly stood at the foot of the mountain and waited quietly.

The day passed quickly and the employer still didn't show up.

Wang Yuanjiang sighed lightly, took out his flying weapon, and jumped up.

Since this road doesn't work, then change the road, he won't go to the dark all the way.

"Wait, come in!"

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, the golden mist rolled violently, turned into a golden ladder, and fell in front of Wang Yuanjiang.

Wang Yuanjiang stood on top of the golden cloud ladder, and the golden cloud ladder suddenly rolled up, engulfing it in the golden mist.

He felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a quiet manor, and a tall and thin old man in green robe stood in front of him.

"Grandson meets Uncle Yiyan."

Wang Yuanjiang hurriedly bowed and saluted with a respectful expression.

"You've been waiting for three days, why didn't you wait for the fifth day?"

Wang Yiyan asked curiously.

"My grandson thought that Uncle Yiyan was practicing in seclusion. I don't know when to wait, and I don't want to wait any longer.

Wang Yuanjiang answered honestly.

Wang Yiyan nodded and took Wang Yuanjiang to a lake that was more than ten acres in size. A black turtle and turtle beast reached out to the lake and made a cheerful roar.

"You will live here in the future, just pick the spiritual fruit from the orchard next door and feed it to the turtle beast."

Wang Yiyan ordered.

"Uncle Yiyan, can you write a note? My grandson should give it to the deacon's disciple."

Wang Yuanjiang said cautiously, if the other party corrupted him, he would not be able to pay.

Wang Yiyan showed approval, agreed, wrote a note in person, handed it to Wang Yuanjiang, and handed him the access token.

"Okay, I'm going to the conference hall for a meeting, you're busy!"

Wang Yiyan exhorted, turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the sky.

In the council hall, more than 30 clan elders were sitting on both sides, whispering something.

There were cultivators arriving one after another, most of them were Yuan Ying cultivators, and there were also cultivators who formed pills.

Not long after Wang Yiyan sat down, Wang Qingcheng walked out with a solemn gaze.

"Meet the master."

Wang Yiyan and the others quickly stood up and said respectfully.

Wang Qingcheng nodded with satisfaction, sat down, and instructed: "Everyone is here, start reporting!"

"Patriarch, there are currently three cultivators in our family, forty-five cultivators of spirit cultivators of Nascent Soul, and the whole clan has 63,475 cultivators The one who controls 3,545 islands, we can dispatch fifteen cultivators."

"At present, there are three fifth-order formation masters, three fifth-order alchemists, five fifth-order alchemists, two fifth-order Lingzhifu, two fifth-order talisman masters, and two fifth-order spiritual masters."

"The main source of income for the family is the puppet beasts, especially the fifth-order puppet beasts. The sales volume is very good, and it is hard to find a single beast. Our stores in Xueyanfang City have reached 20, and one-third of them are selling puppet beasts and magic weapons. ."

"The mortal who is currently attached to one of our royal families was born in the royal family."

Mortals are the cornerstone of the Immortal Cultivation World. The more people there are, the higher the chance of those with spiritual roots. However, the number of Immortal Cultivators in the Wang family is increasing, and there is no shortage of those people.

Wang Qingcheng nodded, his face sank, looked at Wang Tianli, and asked, "What's going on? Why hasn't this large beast tide erupted this time, are the aliens going to do something?"

According to the time, the large-scale beast tide should have erupted long ago, but the large-scale beast tide has not yet erupted, which is really strange.

Wang Tianli has entered the God Transformation stage and is mainly responsible for inquiring about intelligence.

"I sent a lot of spies to investigate, but found nothing unusual. According to records, a large beast tide broke out more than 10,000 years ago, more than 1,500 years ago, perhaps because of something disgusting."

Wang Tianli said with some uncertainty, the aliens would not greet him when they were in trouble, and the spies under him could not inquire about the movements of the aliens.

To tell the truth, I have been using a lot of timbres recently, both Android and Apple.

Wang Qingcheng frowned, pondered for a moment, and instructed: "Add more patrol personnel, and report immediately if you find a beast tide."

"Yes, master."

Wang Tianli agreed.

Wang Qingcheng exhorted a few words and announced the end of the meeting. To be continued

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