Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2315: Race war (not today)

In Xuanguang City, there are many integrated cultivators sitting in town all the year round, gathering millions of cultivators, which is an important line of defense for the human race to resist foreign races.

In a certain secret room, Zhenjun Jinding sat cross-legged on a pale golden futon, his eyes were closed, his hands were sealed, and a huge human-shaped phantom floated above his head.

Most of the humanoid phantom body glowed with a dazzling metallic luster, like a solid body.

After a while, a sound transmission flew in.

The human-shaped phantom above Jin Ding Zhenjun's head slowly dissipated and disappeared. He opened his eyes and frowned.

He grabbed the sound transmission and smashed it, and a panicked voice suddenly sounded: "Master, the big thing is bad, the alien army is killing here, there are five integrated monks leading the team, there are more than 100 cultivators alone, The leader is Qinglin of the Jinghuo clan."

Jin Ding Zhenjun's face sank, and it was really strange that the aliens were attacking on a large scale, for no reason.

In any case, if such a big thing happened, you must ask for help from the major forces.

He took out a dazzling magic plate, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Seek help from other forces immediately, and the monks in the city stop taking vacations and prepare to meet the enemy."

"Yes, Master."

A respectful male voice suddenly sounded.


Thousands of miles away from Xuanguang, there are millions of aliens stationed in an open area, and you can see all kinds of exotic animals, as well as half-demons, orcs, spirits, multi-eyes, and so on.

In a splendid palace, four male and one female five fit monks are discussing something, and their faces are solemn.

Yan Ji and Bai Xuan were both inside. In this war, they represented the Jinghuo Clan to command the allied army of different ethnic groups.

"Fairy Yan, Fellow Daoist Bai, we have millions of Chen Bing, plus the cooperation of the monsters, there is no need to wait here. If you want me to tell you, we will directly kill Xuanguang City."

A middle-aged man with the head of a tiger said nonchalantly, his skin was cyan.

Hu Ke, the representative of the Orcs, is in the middle of the fusion.

The overall strength of the Orcs is not strong. Originally, the Jinghuo clan was a vassal of the Orc clan, but after the rise of the Jinghuo clan, the relationship changed.

"It's better to be cautious, and be careful to sail the ten thousand year ship. Since the establishment of Xuanguang City, we have only broken it three times. At least ten people must be mobilized before we can break through. The human race is good at arranging arrays and refining equipment. ."

An old man with a ruddy face in blue robe suggested that there are some blue spiritual patterns on his face and hands, and two golden flowers grow on his shoulders.

Mu Heng, the representative of the Spiritual Race, was in the early stage of integration.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. "I have no opinion, I will listen to Fairy Yan and Fellow Daoist Bai."

A tall golden skull shrugged and said nonchalantly.

The surface of the golden skull is glittering with golden light, and there are two golden flames in the hollow eye sockets.

The Bone Race and the Spirit Race are difficult to reproduce, their numbers are small, and their strength is limited.

"Before the appointed time, let's practice hard. I don't know how many people will die in this war. Maybe we will all go in."

Yan Ji's face was solemn.

This time 17B*xW* Zhang Si. "Fairy Yan, even with the five of us, even if we break Xuanguang City, we won't be able to break into the hinterland of the human race! What are we fighting for?"

Mu Heng wondered, every time the Jinghuo Clan launched a war, their small clan had to send people to participate and take the lead. To be honest, he didn't want to go to war with the Human Race at all, but he did not dare to disobey the orders of the Jinghuo Clan, otherwise he would lose his life. The clan has long been wiped out.

"Don't worry, there are other fellow Daoists, who are just putting some pressure on the people. As for our purpose, I don't know either. I am acting on the orders of the high priest. Anyone who does not obey the order will kill without mercy. Rewards, including the Fire Heaven Orb."

Yan Ji's tone was stern.

"Huoxiao Orb? Fairy Yan? Seriously?"

Hu Miao's breathing became quicker. The Huoxiao Orb was the exclusive treasure of the Jinghuo Clan. The integrated cultivator could use this thing to cross the great catastrophe and weaken the power of thunder. It was only a one-time use item, and it was not easy to refine. It is a fine fire clan in the fusion stage, and it is not easy to obtain the fire orb, and it will not flow out easily.

"Of course, why are you lying to me! Send someone to practice hard first. If you want to get the Huoxiao Orb, you all have to work hard, and you can keep your hands at will. If the high priest knows, you will know the consequences."

Yan Ji's tone was cold. After she entered the fusion stage, she used the Fire Heaven Orb to survive a big catastrophe. The power of the second catastrophe was even greater. Robbery is useless.

The Jinghuo Clan has mastered the refining method of the Huoxiao Orb. The number of integrated monks is relatively large. The five major races of the Xuanling Continent all have similar treasures or great formations, but the refining is very difficult, and they can be used once or twice. .

Hu Mi and Mu Heng shuddered and agreed.

Bai Xuan said nothing, his face was calm.


Xuanling City is more than five million miles long and thousands of feet high. It is also one of the border cities. There are integrated monks sitting in town all the year round. There are millions of monks gathered in the city.

The defense object of Xuanling City is the Yasha tribe. The Yasha tribe is one of the five major races in the Xuanling Continent. There is currently a Mahayana monk. .

In order to deal with the Yaksha clan, True Monarch Lei Jiao of Wanlingmen sits exclusively in Xuanling City.

Under normal circumstances, no one would disturb True Monarch Lei Jiao's cultivation.

In a secret room, True Monarch Lei Jiao was sitting cross-legged on a golden futon to practice, with his eyes closed, a huge Lei Jiao phantom floated above his head, and most of the Lei Jiao gleamed like a real entity.

Zhenjun Lei Jiao was a half-demon, but he grew up in Wanlingmen since he was a child, and considered himself as a human race.

After a while, Zhenjun Lei Jiao seemed to notice something, and the phantom of Lei Jiao above his head suddenly dissipated, turning into a little silver light and disappearing.

He opened his eyes, removed a flashing blue light, and entered a magic formula, and a panicked female voice suddenly sounded: "Long Shibo, the big thing is bad, the army of the Yasha clan is killing here. , it is conservatively estimated that there are as many as one million, and there are at least three monks in the fusion stage."

Make a big tyrant. "What are you panicking about? I'm here, don't panic, send a message immediately, ask for support, I'll go out, retreat for many years, just a little itchy, slaughtering a few interracial activities in the fusion period."

Zhenjun Lei Jiao said solemnly, looking confident.

"Yes, Master Long."

Zhenjun Lei Jiao stood up, moved his hands and feet, and said to himself: "I hope to get some good things from the Yasha clan, otherwise it will be difficult to survive the next big catastrophe."

Almost at the same time, the border cities of the human race asked for help one after another, a large number of immortal cultivators and supplies were transported to the border cities, and the major sects dispatched troops one after another.

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