Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2317: Qingshan led the team to the expedition

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"Seventh brother, let's go with you."

Wang Qingfeng took the initiative to invite Ying, and most of the cultivators in the clan were in the early stage, and not many in the middle stage.

He and Dong Xueli have hunted and killed monsters for many years, and they have rich fighting skills and can participate in battles.

"Ancestor, I am willing to participate in the war."

Wang Lihe got up and said that he was already in the middle stage of God Transformation.

"I would also like to participate in the war."

"Count me in."

"And me, after practicing for many years, I can finally fight against aliens."


Wang Lijiao, Wang Lihe, Wang Lihai and others stood up one after another, and they were all willing to follow Wang Qingshan to fight.

"Uncle Ninth is in retreat, so don't disturb Uncle Ninth. Tell Aunt Ninth! You should inform her about such a big thing."

Wang Qingshan said to Wang Qingcheng that Wang Changsheng had paid a lot for the family, and there was no need to let Wang Changsheng rush ahead in everything. It was time for them to contribute.

His dharma has been condensed by one-sixth, plus a nine-piece set of Tongtian Lingbao, there is no problem with being careful.

The large-scale beast tide has not yet erupted, so it would be better for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to sit on Qinglian Island.

Wang Qingcheng agreed and let Wang Qingshan and others continue to discuss the issue of candidates. He personally came to Qinglian Peak and sent a message to Wang Ruyan.

Not long after, Wang Ruyan flew out from Qinglian Peak with a solemn expression.

"Why did the racial war break out suddenly? There was no sign?"

Wang Ruyan wondered.

"Our clansmen are mainly active in this sea area. The border city is too far from here. We don't know the situation in the border city. The large beast tide has not erupted for a long time. I am afraid it has something to do with the racial war."

Wang Qingcheng's tone was heavy. According to the time, the large-scale beast tide should have erupted long ago. I thought it was delayed, but the aliens attacked the border city at this time. This is no coincidence.

"In other words, other alien races are likely to attack us from the sea, and attack the human race from both land and sea, and we will talk about it in the council hall."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said, this matter must be handled carefully, or the family may be in danger of collapse.

When she came to the council hall, Wang Qingshan and others stood up one after another.

"Nine aunts (old ancestors)."

Wang Ruyan came to the first place to sit down and asked Wang Qingshan and others to sit down and listen to the report.

"Ninth Aunt, let me lead the team to the border town! The large beast tide has not yet erupted, and the aliens may also attack the human race from the sea. It is better for you and Ninth Uncle to stay at Qinglian Island."

Wang Qingshan suggested, with a serious expression.

Zhenhai Palace is only recruiting a Lianxu, Wang Qingshan is more suitable to lead the team, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan are teamed up, and their strength is relatively strong.

"Mother, I, Xue Li and Seventh Brother are going to fight against the alien race."

Wang Qingfeng took the initiative to ask Ying.

Wang Lihe, Wang Lijiao, Wang Lihe and others expressed their willingness to follow Wang Qingshan to fight against the alien race.

"You bring some more puppet beasts and immortal cultivation resources from the family treasure house, and when you arrive at the front line, all obey Qingshan's command, and don't be fooled, you know?"

Wang Ruyan exhorted in a stern tone, she actually knew very well that when she got to the front line, it would be hard to say.

Wang Qingshan was only in the early stage of virtual refinement, so he didn't have much say.

Wang Qingfeng and the others agreed, bringing more puppet beasts to improve the survival rate.

Wang Ruyan identified ten candidates for the cultivators of God Transformation, and asked Wang Qingcheng to choose the cultivators of Nascent Soul.

"Qingfeng, when you get to the front line, don't conflict with others, and listen to your seventh brother's opinion on everything. Qingshan and Xueli, you all look at Qingfeng."

Wang Ruyan warned a little worriedly that the person she was most worried about was Wang Qingfeng.

There are not many people in the clan who have cultivated to the late stage of God Transformation, otherwise she would not want to send Wang Qingfeng there. Wang Qingfeng is not good at dealing with people, and it is easy to offend people.

"Got it, mother."

Wang Qingfeng pouted and agreed.

"Don't worry! Aunt Jiu, I will watch Qing Feng."

Wang Qingshan agreed.

"Hope it! When you arrive at the front line, I'm afraid you can't help yourself. You have to be more careful. I hope you come back safely. These are the three Nine Free Shadow Talismans I made. Qingshan, Qingfeng, and Xueli, you can take Go!"

Wang Ruyan took out three Nine Free Escape Talismans and distributed them to Wang Qingshan and the three of them.

She can't wait to give all the clansmen participating in the war a Nine Free Shadow Talisman, but it is not easy to refine the sixth-order Talisman. She has refined three in these years, which is already very good.

Wang Qingshan thanked the three of them and accepted the Nine Free Shadow Talisman.

After a few words, Wang Ruyan asked them to go back and prepare.

Three days later, a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, a blue palace with a height of more than 100 feet was located in front of the square, with eaves and arches, carved beams and painted buildings.

The lacquered plaque reads "Qinglian Temple" in three silver characters. This is the ancestral hall of the Wang family, where the spiritual tablets of the deceased clansmen are enshrined, and the spiritual tablet of Wang Qingling is also inside.

The hall is spacious and bright, Wang Ruyan is standing at the front, Wang Qingshan and other hundreds of clansmen are standing in order.

"The ancestors of the Wang family are on top, Qingshan and the others will lead the team to fight against the alien race, and bless them for their safe return."

Wang Ruyan lit sandalwood incense, inserted it into a huge incense burner as high as one person, and kowtowed three times.

Wang Qingshan and others knelt down and kowtowed with serious expressions.

"This battle will definitely kill people, but I hope you can all come back alive. If you are unfortunately killed, the family will take good care of your descendants. If you shrink back and beg for mercy from the alien race, you will never forgive me lightly."

Wang Qingshan's tone was stern, and he must not beg for mercy when fighting against alien races, otherwise he would lose the face of the entire family.


Wang Qingfeng and the others agreed in unison.

Wang Qingshan sacrificed the Ganguang Escaping Shadow Shuttle and entered a magic trick. The Gan Guang Escaping Shadow Shuttle immediately grew to more than a hundred feet long, and Wang Qingfeng and others jumped on it.


When Wang Qingshan's magic tactic was pinched, the aura of Qianguang Escape Shuttle soared, turned into an escape light and flew out of the Qinglian Temple and disappeared into the sky.

Wang Ruyan looked at their distant backs and sighed lightly, her eyes full of worry.

Every racial war is extremely tragic, and I don’t know how many clansmen can come back alive.


Tianpeng Island, the home of the Jinpeng family.

In a manor that covers an extremely large area, Shaming Pearl and Jin Shuo are sitting in a cyan stone pavilion, and the two are drinking tea and chatting.

"What? Attacking the human race? It's hard to do it with the Jinpeng family alone!"

Sharma Mingzhu frowned and said, she is a member of the Jinpeng clan now, and if something happened to the Jinpeng clan, she would have a hard time.

"Of course it's not just our Jinpeng clan, the multi-eye clan, the bat clan and other races will participate in the war."

Jin Shuo explained.

"What about the Golden Scale Clan! If the Golden Scale Clan participates in the war, our pressure will be less."

Shark Pearl wondered.

"Then I don't know, maybe the conditions of the Jinghuo clan are not good enough, or maybe the golden scale clan wants to wait and see, let us fight the human race to the death, they are taking advantage of the fisherman, the ancestors have already agreed to send troops, we can only go out to fight."

Jin Shuo's tone was solemn. In this battle, he still didn't know how many masters would die.

Sharma Pearl nodded, a little worried in his eyes. (To be continued)

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