Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2318: Coincidence with Lan Fukong

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Zhenhai Palace, the Council Hall, hundreds of elders gathered together, they were whispering something, and their expressions were different.

Many border cities were attacked by aliens, and major sects sent experts to the front line for support.

Song Yiming walked in, and all the elders stood up one after another.

"Meet the Sect Master Senior Brother (Sect Master Master Uncle)."

Song Yiming sat down in the first place with a serious expression.

"You must have heard of it! Many border cities were attacked by aliens. We have dispatched a group of experts to go there, and Junior Brother Li personally led the team. However, this time the aliens invaded in a big way. The aliens attack us from the sea, and we must strengthen our vigilance."

Song Yiming's tone was stern.

If he guessed correctly, the big fights of alien races have something to do with the things of Xuantian. Even in Zhenhai Palace, there are not many elders who know the existence of things of Xuantian.

Hearing is false, seeing is believing, there are not many cultivators who have seen Xuantian things, and aliens can't judge whether the news is true or false.

Although Zhenhai Palace tried its best to cover up the news, there were aliens who entered the Xuanling Cave to hunt for treasures, so the news was not allowed to be leaked and had to be guarded against.

"Senior brother in charge, we have dispatched additional patrols and opened some restrictions on the Protector's Great Array."

A young woman wearing a moon-white fish scale skirt said, her facial features are exquisite, her jade peaks are towering, her waist is slender, and her buttocks are plump.

Ma Yingying, in the early days of the union, belonged to a local faction.

"The target of the alien race may be our Zhenhai Palace, let's recruit a group of masters from the affiliated forces!"

Ma Yingying suggested.

"I have no opinion on the selection of masters, but it is necessary to have a bowl of water. Most of the masters who are selected belong to our ascending faction. Senior brother, this is not fair!"

An angry female voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yueying and Yang Qinglong walked in.

"Ascension faction? As I said, there is no faction. The recruitment of personnel was approved by me. I also selected a group of masters for other purposes."

Song Yiming said solemnly, factional disputes exist in various sects, but they are rarely mentioned on the table.

Once the factional disputes are put on the table, it will expand the contradiction and is not conducive to unity.

Chen Yueying snorted lightly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

She went out to cross the big catastrophe, and it happened that the alien race was attacking the border town at this time. Zhenhai Palace dispatched experts to support the front line. Most of the experts belonged to the local faction. Chen Yueying naturally wanted to fight for her own interests.

If you turn a blind eye, the number of times is too many, and the people below will not serve her wholeheartedly.

"Junior Sister Chen, you just came back, you don't know many things, Junior Brother Yang, you and Junior Sister Chen go back first, I'll talk to you later."

Song Yiming commanded in a stern tone.

Chen Yueying and Yang Qinglong were not happy, but agreed.

Back at the residence, Chen Yueying called Fang Ming to ask about manpower scheduling.

Fang Ming was in charge of the Deacon Hall, and he could not get around him by dispatching people.

"With so many experts, it seems that there is a lot of noise from alien races."

Yang Qinglong said with a frown, his face dignified.

There must be some conspiracy for the alien race to go to war.

Chen Yueying frowned. The first thing she thought of was the things of Xuantian. If the aliens get the news of the things of Xuantian, the scale of the war will be even bigger.

After a cup of tea, Song Yiming came over.

"Junior Sister Chen, you have survived the great catastrophe, and there is no serious problem!"

Song Yiming's face was full of concern.

"No problem for the time being, Senior Sect Master, say a bowl of water is level, it's not fair for you to dispatch manpower this time!"

Chen Yueying frowned, her face full of displeasure.

"There are more than eight cultivators in the Song family, but only two cultivators were selected. The Wang family only had three cultivators, so one was selected. This is not fair at all!"

Yang Qinglong said with some dissatisfaction.

"Song Yunlong has entered the integration period. Outsiders don't know the news."

Song Yiming said solemnly, with the affiliated forces of the integrated monks, Zhenhai Palace is not too much.

"I remember that he is not long live yet! He cultivates so fast, does he possess some kind of spiritual body?"

Chen Yueying wondered.

"That's right, he should be a spirit body person, otherwise the cultivation speed will not be so fast."

Song Yiming nodded and said that the appearance of good seedlings in the affiliated forces may not necessarily be reported to Zhenhai Palace.

"Even if he's in the fit-in period, only two illustrators are assigned? Could it be that he wants to go to the front line?"

Chen Yueying wondered, a fit cultivator participating in the battle is better than ten Refining Void participating in the battle.

"Yes, but he has other tasks, so don't spread it to the outside world."

Song Yiming instructed, he looked at Chen Yueying, and then said: "You spend the catastrophe, take care of yourself for a while! Junior Brother Li and Junior Sister Sun have already led the team to the front line, so it's fair!"

After hearing this, Chen Yueying and Yang Qinglong stopped talking.


An escaping light quickly swept through the sky, extremely fast.

Wang Qingshan stood at the front with his hands behind his back, his expression solemn.

Wang Qingfeng and the others stood at the back, they didn't speak, their faces were solemn.

At the current speed, they can reach Xuanguang City in less than half a year.

They rode a number of large teleportation formations along the way, and they traveled relatively fast.

"Friend Wang Dao, wait a minute, old man."

A flattering male voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Qingshan felt that the voice was a bit familiar, and when the magic trick was pinched, the Ganguang Escape Shuttle suddenly stopped.

A red escaping light flew from a distance, and after a while, the red escaping light stopped, less than a thousand feet away from Wang Qingshan and others.

The red light is a flying boat with red light, and it is also a flying treasure.

Lan Fukong and other hundreds of monks were standing on it, Lan Fukong had already entered the stage of refining.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, you have entered the Void Refinement Stage, congratulations!"

Wang Qingshan greeted him with a smile.

"Happy and happy, fellow Daoist Wang, are you leading the team in your Wang family? Where's the real Tahoe!"

Lan Fukong said politely, if Wang Changsheng hadn't rescued him, he would have died at the hands of monsters, let alone entering the Void Refinement Stage.

"Ninth uncle can't go away because of something, I personally lead the team to Xuanguang City to support, what? You are also going to Xuanguang City to support?"

Wang Qingshan asked casually.

"Exactly, I thought I could meet the real person Tahoe, so I could thank him in person! If the real person Taihao hadn't come to help, the old man would have died long ago."

Lan Fukong's tone was sincere.

"Uncle Ninth saved you? He didn't mention it to me."

Wang Qingshan wondered.

"Hey, Master Tahoe may not remember this, but I don't dare to forget, let's drop by, let's go together! Maybe we can take care of each other when we fight against aliens."

Lan Fukong suggested, with a flattering look on his face.

He had seen Wang Qingshan's strength, and it was better to stay with Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan did not object, they flew towards the sky together and disappeared into the sky. (To be continued)

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