Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2319: wind free

Text 2319 Wind Happy

Xuanguang City, one of the frontier cities where the human race resists foreign races.

The outside of the city was a mess, the earth and rocks were bursting, the vegetation was flying, the ground was full of potholes, and there were a large number of corpses lying there.

A large number of magic weapons, formation flags, and formation disks were scattered on the ground, and some still-dead monsters screamed, corpses piled up like mountains, and the ground was stained red with blood.

A large number of monks are gathering the corpses, and a team of monks is on guard on the tall city wall.

In the city, there is a splendid palace with flying eaves and bucket arches, carved beams and painted buildings, and the word "Xuanguang" is written on the plaque.

Jin Ding Zhenjun sat on the main seat, his eyes solemn.

Li Yan and other seven cultivators were sitting on both sides. Their expressions were serious. More than 30 cultivators stood aside with respectful expressions. They had the lowest cultivation base and the middle stage of cultivating.

There was a large teleportation array built in Xuanguang City, and many cultivators quickly teleported over to support.

"The Jinghuo clan is aggressive this time, and there are as many as eight cultivators gathered."

Jin Ding Zhenjun's tone was heavy. The human race had been running Xuanguang City for many years. Even if there were ten aliens in the fusion stage, it would not be easy to break through Xuanguang City, but they faced a lot of pressure.

"The alien race is still in the tentative stage, and the cultivators are just trying to learn from each other. At present, the alien race has not moved to the real state, and may be waiting for someone. Before that, we must teach the alien race a lesson and kill a few more people in the refining stage. The alien race, set back their spirit."

A ruddy white-robed old man suggested that the white-robed old man's face was kind, with a goatee, and he looked approachable.

Master Feixue, in the early stage of integration.

Lay Master Feixue looked at a plump young woman in a red dress and said, "Thank you, Xiaoyou Lin, their strength is good, and they joined forces to kill a Bone Race in the late stage of virtual refining, which can encourage them to kill a few more alien refining virtual races. Selecting a group of masters from among the cultivators of the void, and specifically killing the cultivators of the alien race, can boost morale."

The young woman in the red dress has delicate facial features, three thousand blue silks are coiled into a bun, her slender waist is bound by a cloud belt, and the twin peaks are towering.

Xie Ying, in the early days of integration, was born in Jiuyanmen.

"Friend Jiang, your Leng Yan faction also has good seedlings, such as Leng Yan Xianlu, Zhenhai Jiuzi, three Xuanqing Shuangjiao and Wanling Qijie, if you organize them, you will definitely be able to kill a few more. Refinement."

Xie Ying said that the elite children of the major factions are numerous.

"Hmph, the direction of this war still depends on us old guys, those juniors can't make much of a storm, the head senior asked me to bring Zhen Tianluo, with this treasure in hand, and a few more aliens in the fusion stage. Don't be afraid."

A chubby old man in yellow robe snorted coldly, his face full of confidence.

Huang Yilong, in the middle stage of the fusion, was born in the magic weapon.

"Zhentianluo, that's great, fellow Daoist Huang, if we discuss with other races again, with Zhentianluo's cooperation, we may be able to kill an alien who is in the fusion stage."

Jinding Zhenjun said with a smile, listening to his words, Zhentianluo's power is very great.

"I believe that fellow Daoists have also brought a lot of powerful killers. Don't hide them and defeat the Jinghuo clan as soon as possible. If the Lizard clan also joins the Jinghuo clan, it will be troublesome."

Huang Yilong frowned and said that the Lizards are one of the five major races in the Xuanling Continent. They are proficient in the art of concealment. In terms of resistance to beatings, the Lizards are not much worse than the Yashas, ​​and in terms of supernatural powers, the Lizards are not much worse than the Jinghuo. Fortunately, the Lizards multiply. Difficult, not many.

In the heyday of the Lizard Clan, there were three Mahayana monks with many masters, who overwhelmed the other big clans. This also caused the disaster. The other big clan secretly instigated the Lizard Clan, which caused internal strife. At the same time, they joined forces to suppress the Lizard Clan. If it weren't for the Mahayana monks still in charge, the Lizard clan would have long since been annexed by other major clans.

"Defeat the Jinghuo clan as soon as possible? I'm afraid it can't be done. The Yasha clan leads more than a dozen small clans to attack Xuanling City. The Jinlin clan may attack us from the sea, and it is not bad to be able to block the attack of the Jinghuo clan."

Zhenjun Jinding shook his head and said, he didn't want to defeat the Jinghuo Clan as soon as possible. If other alien races didn't do anything, they could concentrate on dealing with the Jinghuo Clan.

"If you add Feng, can you have a better chance of winning?"

A clear male voice suddenly sounded.

A gust of wind whistled past, and a nine-foot-tall red-shirted youth appeared in the hall. The red-shirted youth had sharp eyes, bright eyes, and a white jade belt around his waist, looking like a handsome young man.

He was carrying an exquisite red sword case, and looking at its aura, he was a cultivator in the early stages of integration.

"Fellow Daoist, why are you here? Senior Lin is here too?"

Zhenjun Jin Ding was full of surprises when he saw the young man in the red shirt.

The young man in red shirt is not an ordinary cultivator, he is Feng Xiaoyao, the second disciple of Sword Sovereign Tianhe.

Tianhe Jianzun is a Mahayana monk. Like Xuan Qingzi, he is the protector of the human race in Xuanling Continent, but he has not appeared for tens of thousands of years, and his whereabouts are uncertain.

Tianhe Jianzun was born in a loose cultivator. He did not set up a sect and was a family in the world. However, he accepted a few apprentices, and Feng Xiaoyao was one of them.

"I heard that the aliens committed crimes, I came uninvited, the master didn't come, and I don't know the whereabouts of the master. UU reading"

Feng Xiaoyao explained.

"Haha, Daoist Feng joins the battle, and our odds of winning are a little better."

Li Yan laughed, his face full of smiles.

"I still can't be careless. The Jinghuo clan has also sent experts, and the integrated monks of other small clans are not easy to underestimate."

Xie Ying said solemnly.

Feng Xiaoyao nodded and said, "I heard that the Jinghuo clan has a cultivator named Bai Xuan, who has a lot of supernatural powers."

"Yes, Mrs. Xie also suffered a small loss in his hands."

Huang Yilong nodded, his expression solemn.

Bai Xuan is a new master of the Jinghuo clan, and he has great supernatural powers. Bai Xuan killed many cultivators during the cultivating period and became famous.

"Feng Daoyou has worked hard all the way, let's go to rest first! Everyone go back and select the elites, specializing in dealing with the refining cultivators of the Jinghuo clan, and then dispatch a group of high-level cultivators from the rear to support the front line."

Jin Ding Zhenjun said a few words and went down with Feng Xiaoyao.

In Xuanguang City, Wang Qingshan and others were walking on the bustling streets, and the Wang family's children looked at everything around them curiously.

Wang Qingshan has been to many giant cities, but compared with Xuanguang City, it is still far behind.

Just in terms of floor space, Xuanguang City shrugged off those giant cities by a large margin.

The Lan family and the Wang family are not affiliated to the same faction. After entering Xuanguang City, Lan Fukong separated from Wang Qingshan and reported to his backers.

Along the way, Wang Qingshan saw many cultivators, but he didn't know them.

After arriving in the Xuanyang Realm, Wang Qingshan spent most of the time on Qinglian Island and rarely went out. He traveled and met some spiritual monks, but after so many years, there are not many old acquaintances who have entered the refining stage.

It's not surprising that Wang Qingshan met all the cultivators from small sects or small families, and the cultivators from big sects or big families, but he didn't know any of them.

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