Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2320: old knowledge

Text 2320 Old Acquaintances

<!--go-->When they passed a turning point, a group of monks came towards them, headed by a golden-robed old man with a round face and big eyes. The golden-robed old man had a hunchback and waist. A yellow gourd is tied between them, and their clothes have a pattern of red maple leaves, which is obviously a sign of a certain force.

A cyan lotus flower is embroidered on the clothes of the monks of the Wang family, which is the symbol of the family.

"Fairy Duan, what a coincidence!"

A tall and thin young man in yellow shirt shouted to Dong Xueli.

Wang Qingshan was slightly taken aback and looked at Dong Xueli.

Wang Qingfeng also looked at Dong Xueli, he had never heard Dong Xueli mention this person.

"This fellow Daoist, you have mistaken the person. My surname is Dong, not Fairy Duan, but Madam Wang."

Dong Xueli explained in a flat tone.

"Old man Huang Fenggu Luo Yiheng, what do you call fellow Daoists?"

The golden-robed old man clasped his fists with both hands and said politely.

"Qinglian Island Wang Qingshan."

Wang Qingshan hurriedly returned the salute. Wang Qingshan had heard of it from a big family or a major faction. He had never heard of this force, and it was estimated that it was a small force.

"Fairy Duan, you really don't remember me? I'm Luo Tianbao! My brother and I are good friends. We went to the deep mountains to pick elixir and were almost killed by the golden-eyed wind wolf. Your brother still left your father behind. Show me the manual of the knife!"

The young man in yellow shirt explained.

"I don't know. My name is Dong Xueli. I'm not the Duan Fairy you know. You are mistaken."

Dong Xueli's attitude was a little cold, and she didn't want to say more.

Luo Tianbao wanted to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Luo Yiheng.

"Okay, Tianbao, this Dong Xiaoyou said he doesn't know you anymore, you've got the wrong person."

Hearing this, Luo Tianbao didn't dare to say anything, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, do you know where the Zhenhai Palace's stronghold is? We rushed to the front line under the order of Zhenhai Palace."

Wang Qingshan asked politely.

"Zhenhai Palace!"

Luo Yiheng was awe-inspiring, his tone became polite, and said, "Go straight along this street, turn left for a thousand steps, then turn right, and then walk a few hundred steps."

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Luo, for your guidance. We have a task to do, so let's say goodbye first."

Wang Qingshan said hello and walked towards the front.

Dong Xueli and others quickly followed and disappeared into the crowd.

Luo Tianbao looked at Dong Xueli's leaving back, his face full of confusion.

"Tianbao, this is not within the clan, don't mess around and cause trouble for the clan."

Luo Yiheng reprimanded in a stern tone.

"But she really looks like Fairy Duan. I haven't seen her for more than two thousand years. Maybe I'm the wrong person!"

Luo Tianbao said somewhat uncertainly.

"More than two thousand years? Hmph, thank you for daring to say such a thing, please restrain yourself a little, don't cause trouble for me, and bring disaster to the family."

Luo Yiheng reprimanded unceremoniously.

Luo Tianbao pouted and agreed.

In an eighteen-story blue attic, many monks came in and out, and the plaque was written with three golden characters "Zhenhai Tower", which sparkled with inspiration.

Wang Qingshan strode in, the hall was spacious and bright, and there were thousands of immortal cultivators, including as many as 100 spiritual cultivators.

"You are from Uncle Wang's clan!"

A silver bell-like female voice sounded.

A girl in a yellow skirt with a round face came over, it was Huang Yuner, she was currently in the late stage of Shenhua.

Huang Yuner worked in the Deacon Hall. In this war, she accompanied the army and was mainly responsible for allocating materials and managing the recruitment of monks.

"In the next Wang Qingshan, who is the fairy?"

Wang Qingshan asked politely, Wang Changsheng knew too many monks, and Wang Qingshan didn't know most of them.

"Fairy does not dare to be, junior Huang Yuner, senior Wang, please come with me, I will arrange accommodation for you, and distribute materials to you."

Huang Yuner made a gesture of invitation, and brought Wang Qingshan and Dong Xueli to a side room.

"Senior Wang, don't worry, Uncle Wang has given me a lot of care. We are all the way. How many people have you brought this time? How is your cultivation? What skills do you have? Fill in, and I will assign them to you according to your cultivation and skills. Task."

Huang Yun'er took out a silver-glowing Dharma plate and a golden-glowing jade pen, and handed them to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan truthfully wrote down the situation of the cultivator he brought to facilitate dispatch.

"According to the order, the monks who participate in the war can get some rewards, the cultivator of the virtual can get a low-grade heaven-penetrating treasure, the monk of the gods can get two spiritual treasures, and the monk of the Yuanying can get a bottle of fourth-order healing medicine. , you can get good deeds, and good deeds can be exchanged for immortal cultivation resources, including heavenly treasures, sites, refining materials, medicinal pills, talismans, formations, etc. Its Nascent Soul or corpse can be easily converted into meritorious deeds."

Huang Yuner took out a golden jade plate and picked treasures for Wang Qingshan.

Without enough benefits, who wants to go all the way to the front line to participate in the war.

Wang Qingshan suddenly realized, no wonder Lan Fukong also participated in the war, it is estimated that it was for the treasure of the sky.

He checked carefully and found that there were several Heavenly Soul Treasures that were very pleasing to his heart, but he could only choose one.

"Flying Heavenly Spirit Treasure!"

Wang Qingshan was surprised and said that there was a pair of boots with blue light on the golden jade plate, and there was a line of small characters next to it.

Escape boots, flying very fast.

"This treasure was refined by Lin Shizu in his early years. UU Reading Master Fang repeatedly told me to keep this treasure. If Senior Wang doesn't like it, let other cultivators choose."

Huang Yuner explained that Zhenhai Palace has allocated a large number of resources for cultivating immortals. Only a few people know the specific list, and good things should naturally be reserved for their own people.

Zhenhai Palace has recruited a large number of high-level monks, and they are naturally separated. Wang Changsheng gave Fang Ming some golden mulberry trees last time, and Fang Ming will naturally repay when he has the opportunity.

Most of the cultivators in Zhenhai Palace still use flying spirit treasures, and only a small number of emptiness-refining cultivators can drive the flying-like heavenly spirit treasures to travel.

Wang Qingshan nodded, with these Escape Boots in hand, he could escape even if he encountered a strong enemy.

After selecting the treasures, he handed the golden jade plate to Wang Qingfeng and the others, and they each chose two spiritual treasures.

After chatting for a while, Wang Qingshan took Wang Qingfeng and others away.

After more than half an hour, they appeared on a secluded street, which was sparsely populated and lined with residences, attic manors, and so on.

Wang Qingshan and others stood at the entrance of a manor with blue bricks and glazed tiles. There were two stone lions as tall as one person at the entrance.

Wang Qingshan sent a sound transmission, and not long after, a gentle middle-aged man walked out quickly.

"Meet Senior Wang."

The middle-aged man bowed and saluted.

"Okay, nothing to do with you, go back! We're staying."

Wang Qingshan waved his hand and asked the middle-aged man to retreat.

Walking into the manor, exotic flowers and plants, pavilions, strange rocks, arch bridge gardens.

This manor is very large, and it can accommodate a thousand people without feeling crowded, not to mention that Wang Qingshan and his party are only more than a hundred people.

"None of you should conflict with other monks, and make as many friends as possible."

Wang Qingshan urged them to move freely. <!--over-->

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