Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2321: Large beast tide, tier 7 monsters

Text 2321 Large-scale beast tide, seventh-order monsters

A secluded small courtyard with green tiles, there are several flower beds in the corner, some colorful spiritual flowers are planted, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers.

There is a three-story cyan attic in the courtyard, and there is a hexagonal stone pavilion next to the attic.

Dong Xueli and Wang Qingfeng came to Shiting to sit down, drink tea and chat.

"Husband, aren't you curious about Luo Tianbao?"

Dong Xueli hesitated and asked.

"If you want to tell me, I will listen carefully. If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask. I believe you."

Wang Qingfeng smiled slightly and gently held Dong Xueli's palm.

After being married for many years, he naturally knew what Dong Xueli was like.

"I knew him when I was practicing Qi, and then he moved away and lost contact. I didn't expect him to remember me, but I am Dong Xueli, your wife, I don't want to recall the past and people. ."

Dong Xueli explained that for her, the past is a bad memory, and she does not want to recall the past.

She has nothing to do with Luo Tianbao, at best a friend.

Wang Qingfeng suddenly realized that he did not ask any further questions.

"I don't know if my father-in-law will participate in the war. I haven't seen him for many years."

Wang Qingfeng said with a smile.

"Don't mention him, he will only cause trouble. If he does things recklessly, there is nothing he dares to do, otherwise it will not be called a mad sword master."

Dong Xueli frowned and said.

"Master Crazy Blade!"

Wang Qingfeng nodded thoughtfully and wrote down the name.


A vast green grassland, you can see a large number of tents, as well as some pavilions and palaces.

In a magnificent palace, Yan Ji and the other eight were discussing something.

"Judging from the current situation, the human race has indeed dispatched a lot of experts, but this is not enough, they need to be beaten, and it is best to kill one or two cultivators."

Bai Xuan's tone was stern, the aliens attacked Xuanguang City many times, killing more than a dozen cultivators in the imaginary stage, and paying a considerable price for themselves.

The integrated cultivators have discussed several times, and none of them have fallen.

"Fairy Yan, what is our purpose? Looking at the offensive, it doesn't look like we want to take Xuanguang City. It is still very difficult for us to take down Xuanguang City."

Mu Heng's tone was a little confused. He always felt that Yan Ji had other plans. It was not like they wanted to capture Xuanguang City, but to hold back the human race masters.

"The time has not yet come, we have just fought, what is the hurry, we have our own arrangements, what you have to do is to encourage your clansmen to kill more cultivators, we will also take action, and it is best to kill one or two integrated monks. , it's really not good, it's no problem to hit a few cultivators."

Yan Ji's tone was stern.

Everyone looked at each other, not daring to say anything.

"Fellow Daoist Mu, the three juniors of your spirit clan did well, and the orc clan has two young friends who did very well. I will keep it in my heart and report to the high priest. I hope you don't be timid. A good junior can marry the younger generation of our Jinghuo clan, and can exchange various resources for immortal cultivation."

Yan Ji's tone was full of temptation.

Mu Heng and the others even claimed yes and agreed.

The arrow was on the string and had to be sent. By this time, they had no way out.


The northwest corner of Xuanling Continent, Xuefeng Island.

Xuefeng Island is more than 30 million miles away from Xueyanfang City. The Lengyan Sect has deployed heavy troops here to monitor aliens. If there is a large beast tide or an alien attack, the Lengyan Sect monks who are sitting here will be the first time. Warning.

Yang Xuefeng has practiced Taoism for more than 7,000 years, and he is currently in the middle stage of virtual refining. Nine generations of his ancestors were disciples of the Leng Yan School.

Yang Xuefeng was in charge of taking charge of Xuefeng Island. He warned in time for the last large beast swarm, so it didn't cause a catastrophe.

There is a teleportation array directly under the island. If the scale of the beast tide is too large, he can teleport back and escape.

In the council hall, Yang Xuefeng is calling the monks on the island for a meeting. In addition to Xuefeng Island, they also control hundreds of islands, mainly to monitor the beast tide and report it layer by layer.

A tall and thin old man in green robe said cautiously: "Uncle Yang, everything is as usual recently, nothing is out of the ordinary, the large beast tide may be delayed."

Yang Xuefeng frowned, his eyelids twitched, always feeling that something big was happening.

"Delay? Send more people to monitor, if there is any abnormality, immediately..."

Before he could finish speaking, the council room shook violently, and the alarm on the island rang loudly.

The old man in green robe seemed to sense something, he took out a light cyan magic plate from his arms and punched in a magic formula. A panicked man's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Brother Chen, the big thing is bad, the beast tide is worse than the last time. A strong beast tide."

Yang Xuefeng's face sank, he was really afraid of what would happen.

The conference hall shook violently, the teacup on the table shook, fell to the ground, and shattered.

"Come, go out with me and have a look, and report it immediately. A large beast swarm broke out, and no aliens have been found for the time being."

Yang Xuefeng flew out of the conference hall while giving instructions.

When he flew out of the conference hall, he was surprised to find that a huge wave tens of thousands of meters high was lying on the sea, and a snow-white light curtain covered the entire Xuefeng Island.

The sky-high waves were blurred, and turned into a blue sky-high hand, with an aura of ruining the sky and destroying the earth, and shot towards Xuefeng Island.

After the loud rumbling sound the white light curtain was twisted and deformed, the entire Xuefeng Island shook violently, and the alarm sounded continuously.

The sky suddenly dimmed, and a huge golden thundercloud suddenly appeared high in the sky. Countless golden thunder snakes roamed non-stop, with lightning and thunder, and the sound was terrifying.

The sea tumbled violently, and a huge ray appeared on the sea, with a golden back and countless golden arcs all over its body.

"The seventh-order golden-backed thunder ray!"

Yang Xuefeng exclaimed, his eyes filled with fear.

There will be seventh-order monsters in the large beast tide, and they can't stop it.

At the same time that the golden-backed thunder ray appeared, a large number of monsters appeared on the sea surface, such as sea lions, seals, sea crabs, whales, sharks, etc., and hundreds of thousands of monster birds appeared in the sky, and the number was still increasing.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the golden thunderclouds rolled violently, and golden thunderballs the size of grinding discs fell, hitting Xuefeng Island.

In a burst of beast roars one after another, intensive spells smashed over.

After a huge roar sounded, Xuefeng Island's formation was instantly broken, and the intensive spell aura slammed into the face, and a large number of Leng Yan disciples were killed by the intensive spell.

Yang Xuefeng's body revealed that the white light was released, and it turned into a white escaping light and walked away.

Before he flew out of the thousands of miles, a golden bird's claw appeared out of thin air and slapped on him. Yang Xuefeng's protective aura instantly shattered, he fell from the sky, and before it landed in the sea, dense golden lightning struck down.

After a scream, Yang Xuefeng was drowned by the golden lightning.

The golden-backed thunder ray spewed out a golden glow, covering Yang Xuefeng, tucked him into his mouth and disappeared.

The monks on Xuefeng Island couldn't stop the monsters at all, and they were all killed. Almost at the same time, many islands occupied by the human race were attacked by a large number of monsters. This time, the large-scale beast wave was even bigger than the last time.

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