Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2322: middle stage

Body 2322 Mid-Term Refinement (Seeking Monthly Pass)

Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

The door of a certain secret room suddenly opened, and Wang Changsheng came out, his breath was much stronger than before, and he was in the middle stage of virtual refining.

This is also thanks to those five water glass fruits, otherwise Wang Changsheng would need thousands of years to get to this point.

After Jin entered the middle stage of virtual refining, Wang Changsheng's mana and spiritual consciousness had improved.

Just as Wang Changsheng walked out of his residence, a small dirt bulge swelled up on the ground, and the double-eyed mouse emerged from the ground.

The double-eyed mouse quickly climbed onto Wang Changsheng's shoulder, making a screeching sound, as if chatting with Wang Changsheng.

"I thought you were promoted to the sixth-order! It seems that there is no special chance. With a few sixth-order demon pills, you will not be able to advance to the sixth-order so easily."

Wang Changsheng touched its small head. It is not easy for a spirit beast to advance to the sixth rank. This is a hurdle, just like the immortal cultivator entering the imaginary period. Some monks successfully enter the imaginary period, and some monks cannot. The virtual period depends on the person.

If you take a few sixth-order demon pills, you can advance to sixth-order, and other cultivators have long cultivated a group of sixth-order spirit beasts.

Wang Changsheng took out a pale yellow fruit and fed it to the double-eyed mouse.

The double-eyed mouse quickly ate the fruit and let out a cheerful cry.

Wang Changsheng frowned. He couldn't sense the existence of the Gold Swallowing Ant Queen. Could it be that there was an accident?

"Husband, you are out!"

A surprised female voice came from behind.

Wang Ruyan came out, and after Wang Qingshan led the expedition, Wang Ruyan was in charge of taking charge of Qinglian Island.

"Ma'am, did an accident happen to the Queen of Gold Swallowing Ants?"

Wang Changsheng asked with a frown.

Wang Ruyan nodded and said: "It failed to advance to the sixth rank, and failed, but the ling turtle has advanced to the sixth rank. By the way, the aliens attacked the border town, Zhenhai Palace issued a summoning order, and Qingshan took more than one hundred tribesmen to the front line. After joining the war, Qing Feng and Xue Li have gone."

"Aliens attack the border city? Recruit?"

Wang Changsheng frowned, this is not a good thing.

"The alien race may attack from the sea, and the large beast tide has not erupted..."

Before Wang Ruyan finished speaking, he took out a dazzling magic plate from his arms and punched a magic formula. Wang Qingcheng's terrified voice sounded: "Mother, the big thing is bad, the beast swarm broke out, which is bigger than the last time. bigger."

"Large beast tide! Hmph, I want to see how it is stronger than the last time."

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, his face full of confidence, as long as he didn't encounter the seventh-order monster, he was confident to retreat.

Ordinary sixth-order monsters are not his opponents, not to mention Ling Turtle and Wang Ruyan to help.

The double-eyed mouse seemed to understand Wang Qingcheng's words, and got back into Wang Changsheng's arms.

"Madam, you are sitting on Qinglian Island, and I will go out and take a look at the situation."

Wang Changsheng said hello and turned into a blue light and flew out of Qinglian Peak.

Not long after, Wang Changsheng appeared above a huge lake.

He blew a whistle, and the tortoise suddenly floated out of the lake, making a roar of excitement, and countless blue arcs appeared on its body.

"Come on, it's time for lunch."

Wang Changsheng greeted and flew out of Qinglian Island. The blue light on the tortoise's body surfaced, turning into a blue long rainbow and chasing it out.

At the same time, the alarm sounded on Qinglian Island, and a large number of clansmen rushed out of the residence.

"A large beast swarm broke out, and the clansmen who were not in retreat immediately went to the council hall, ready to support other islands at any time, and free up some space for the returning monks."

Wang Ruyan's voice resounded throughout Qinglian Island.

After hearing this, all the clansmen acted in an orderly manner and performed their respective duties.

Tianshu Island, one of the seven sub-islands of the Wang family, Wang Qiushui is responsible for sitting on this island, he is already in the middle stage of God Transformation.

A light blue water curtain covered the entire island. There was a huge city on the island. The city wall was more than 500 feet high, and it was made of blue boulders.

There are thousands of puppet beasts on the city wall, most of them are third-order puppet beasts, and there are as many as five fifth-order puppet beasts.

Compared with the last large beast tide, the defense of Tianshu Island has been enhanced several times. However, according to reliable information, the scale of this beast tide is even larger than the last time. More than 200 islands have been breached. The array was teleported back to the rear, and Qingzhuang was buying time on the front line.

Wang Qiushui stood on the city wall, looking at the distant sky.

"Ancestor, here we come, the monster is here."

I don't know who yelled.

A large number of black spots appeared on the horizon, and the number was so large that it made people's scalp tingle, and huge waves were set off on the sea, and a large number of monsters, whales, sharks, rays and so on could be seen.

"Five sixth-order monsters!"

Wang Qiushui gasped, and his expression became tense.

After a blue whale with a body length of 1000 feet made a strange roar, a huge wave more than 1000 feet high was set off on the sea surface.

When the Yuanying cultivator heard this, his body became weak, and the cultivator Jiedan passed out.

The sky-high waves slammed into Tianshu Island with the power of billions.

Seeing that the sky-high waves were about to hit the island protection formation on Tianshu Island, a majestic man's voice suddenly sounded: "Sure!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sky-high waves stopped suddenly, unable to move.

The next moment, the giant waves burst into the sky and turned into countless waves.

A roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, the sea rolled violently, and a blue giant tortoise with a size of 150,000 meters suddenly emerged from the sea. Wang Changsheng stood on the back of the blue giant tortoise with his hands on his back.

From a distance, Wang Changsheng seemed to be standing on a piece of land.

The wind whistled past, and Wang Changsheng's hair swayed in the wind.

"It's Lin Zun and the old ancestor! That's great."

"The ancestors have arrived, and we will definitely be able to stop this monster."

"Lord Lin Zun, kill more monsters, and I'll feed you something delicious later."


Wang Qiushui and others were overjoyed when they saw Wang Changsheng and Lin turtle, and their confidence increased greatly.

The size of the tortoise is larger than that of any incoming monster, and in front of the tortoise, they are similar to ants.

The tortoise let out an angry roar, opened its mouth and spewed out a dazzling blue light, and flew towards the sky.

When the blue light reached high altitude, it burst and turned into a blue thundercloud thousands of miles in size. You could see countless blue electric arcs, and the momentum was amazing.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, the blue thundercloud rolled violently, and thousands of blue lightning bolts as thick as a millstone pierced the sky and slashed towards the monster below.

The monsters below the fifth rank were struck by blue lightning, and immediately vanished without a trace.

Even if a fifth-order monster is struck by blue lightning, it will scream, and a terrifying bloodstain will appear on its body instantly.

What the tortoise released was not the ordinary power of thunder and lightning, but the water gangster thunder.

The thunder continued, and one after another thick blue lightning struck down, and the low-level monsters vanished into ashes.

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