Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2323: 6th-order Linzun's Prestige

The scale turtle's move annoyed the five sixth-order monsters headed by them, and they all cast spells to attack the scale turtle.

After the blue whale made a strange roar, a giant whale phantom appeared high in the sky, flashing blue light.

As soon as the whale phantom appeared, the sea surface tumbled violently, setting off huge waves thousands of feet high, with a deafening whistling sound, slapped the tortoise.

After a red sea lion with a height of more than ten feet and a length of several hundred feet spewed out a red sound wave, a huge sea lion phantom appeared in the sky with aura.

As soon as the sea lion phantom appeared, it let out an earth-shattering roar that reverberated for millions of miles around.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Countless red firelights suddenly appeared in the void, and after a blur, they turned into red fireballs with a diameter of ten feet, with as many as tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of giant fireballs, like meteors, smashed through the sky and smashed into Wang Changsheng and the scale turtle.

A huge golden dolphin made a sharp and ear-piercing roar, and the golden light on the body was shining brightly.

As soon as the golden dolphin appeared, it immediately spewed a golden sound wave, and went straight to the opposite side. Wherever it passed, the void was torn apart, and thick and long cracks appeared. From a distance, the void seemed to collapse. generally.

After a cyan seagull with wings spread out a thousand feet long made a clear and loud bird call, a huge seagull phantom appeared in the sky above. The cyan tornado appeared out of thin air and went straight to the turtle.

A golden giant heron flapped its wings gently, and countless golden arcs rushed out. A huge golden heron phantom appeared high in the sky, and the golden heron phantom spurted a golden light that turned into a mass hundreds of miles away. Big golden thundercloud.

After the golden thundercloud tumbled violently, thick golden lightning struck down one after another, heading straight for the scale turtle.

The tortoise made a loud roar, and the sea water was like boiling, violently tumbling and surging, setting off a huge wave of sky-high waves, blocking the attacking attack.

A huge Xuanwu phantom appeared high in the sky, with blue light flashing, and as soon as the basalt phantom appeared, a loud roar sounded, resounding millions of miles around.

As soon as Xuanwu phantom appeared, a large number of low-level sea beasts stopped, shivered, and what was more, passed out directly.

This is the suppression of blood, just like Tianfeng, the head of all birds, suppresses those spirit birds.

The sea surface tumbled violently, and huge vortexes appeared, there were thousands of them, and each vortex had a diameter of 100,000 feet. A large number of low-level monsters were pushed into the huge vortex by the powerful air waves, and they were crushed into pieces. The blood fog, even the soul could not escape.

After the loud bang, thousands of thick water wave tornadoes rose into the sky, connecting the sky to the ground, and the momentum was huge. The low-level monsters or low-level monster birds were pushed into the water wave tornado by the powerful air waves, and they instantly turned into waves. For a blood fog, disappeared.

"After Lin Zun advanced, he is so powerful!"

"If I read it right, it's Xuanwu! Lin Zun has the bloodline of Xuanwu? No wonder it's so powerful."

"Hey, if Lin Zun is promoted to the seventh rank, no matter how big the beast tide is, it won't be a problem."


The cultivator of the Wang family saw this scene, and his morale soared.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. The performance of the lin turtle was beyond his expectations. It was indeed a spirit beast with Xuanwu blood.

Thousands of water wave tornadoes are like thousands of death nets. Once the monsters are involved, they will lose their lives, even the fifth-order monsters are no exception.

Five sixth-rank monsters, three sixth-rank low-rank, two sixth-rank middle-rank, Sea Swallowing Whale and Golden Thunder Heron are the strongest.

Thousands of water wave tornadoes blocked the way forward of the monsters, and a large number of monsters were strangled by the water wave tornadoes.

One after another thick blue lightning struck down, and the low-level monsters vanished into ashes.

Five sixth-order monsters have urged the Dharma to attack the water wave tornado.

A loud bang sounded, and most of the water wave tornado burst open and disappeared.

Hundreds of water wave tornadoes seemed to come alive as they swept toward the golden dolphins. Wherever they passed, a large number of monsters were strangled.

The monsters scattered and attacked from all directions, and they all released spells to attack Wang Changsheng.

Without the need for Wang Changsheng to take action, the sea water near the Lin Turtle burst, and one after another giant waves appeared on the sea, blocking the incoming spell.

Wang Qiushui and others controlled puppet beasts or magic weapons one after another, attacking monster beasts and reducing the pressure on Wang Changsheng.

The dolphin phantom opened its mouth and spewed out golden sound waves. Hundreds of water wave tornadoes came into contact with the golden sound waves and burst open one after another, turning into countless blue sea water. At the same time, powerful air waves erupted. Wherever they passed, a large number of low-level monsters burst open and turned into blood mist.

Countless blue water vapors emerged near the golden dolphin, turning into the appearance of a tortoise, and a huge basalt phantom appeared in the void above its head.

As soon as the tortoise appeared, it opened its **** mouth, and a golden and blue lightning spear with a diameter of 100 meters flew out, hitting the golden dolphin. At the same time, a thick blue lightning pierced the sky. smashed on the body of the dolphin phantom.

The dolphin phantom let out a painful roar, distorted and deformed, and the right claw of the basalt phantom shone brightly, slapped the dolphin phantom, and at the same time spurted a thick blue lightning.

After a loud noise, the dolphin phantom suddenly collapsed.

The golden dolphin let out a miserable roar, the huge body twisted non-stop, and the sea water remained motionless, as if frozen.

With the tortoise as the center, the sea surface with a radius of 100,000 miles seemed to freeze, and the monster beast was imprisoned in the sea, motionless.

A deafening thunder sound came from overhead, and a blue lightning with a diameter of hundreds of meters cut through the sky and struck the golden dolphin.

A miserable roar sounded, and the golden dolphin was drowned by the blue thunder.

Xuanwu phantom's right claw sank into the blue lightning, and a painful cry came out.

A golden sound wave swept out, and the blue thunder light suddenly collapsed.

Five terrifying bloodstains can be seen on the surface of the golden dolphin, and bones are faintly visible.

The tortoise opened its **** mouth and spewed out a thicker golden and blue two-color thunder spear, hitting the golden dolphin's wound. The golden dolphin struggled violently, but it was useless, and the surrounding sea water seemed to freeze.

The tortoise bit on the body of the golden dolphin, forcibly secreting a large piece of flesh and blood, the blood flowed non-stop, and the sky kept slashing blue lightning, and the phantom of the basalt kept attacking the golden dolphin.

Naturally, the other monsters would not stand by and attack the tortoises one after another.

One after another giant waves soared into the sky, blocking these attacks. Occasionally, spells fell on the tortoise, just like tickling.

It didn't take long for the water waves to dissipate, and there was a huge blood hole in the golden dolphin's head. (To be continued)

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