Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2324: interracial appearance

It is also a sixth-order monster, and the golden dolphin has no resistance at all in front of the tortoise.

In fighting in the sea, the tortoise has a natural advantage. Coupled with the hard shell, other monsters can't help the tortoise.

Soul Eater Jin Chan flew over, spewing out a golden glow, covering the body of the golden dolphin.

A miniature dolphin flew out from the corpse, which was the soul of the golden dolphin.

The mini dolphin was swept into the mouth of Soul Eater Jin Chan by the golden glow and disappeared. It let out a cheerful hissing sound, and Wang Changsheng felt that his consciousness had increased.

The tortoise spewed out a blue glow, covering the body of the golden dolphin. The body of the golden dolphin shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and flew into the tortoise's mouth and disappeared.

Soul Eater Jin Chan's wings turned into a burst of golden light and disappeared.

With five sixth-order monsters, Lin Turtle easily eliminated one sixth-order monster.

There was a deafening sound of thunder from high in the sky, and hundreds of thick golden lightnings cut through the sky, hitting the turtle shells one after another, and all of them disappeared.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Tens of thousands of giant wind blades hit the turtle shell one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "ding ding", and there was no scar on the surface of the turtle shell.

The right claw of Xuanwu phantom patted the void lightly, the sea surface surging violently, and the sky-high giant waves appeared on the sea surface. The demon beast exploded.

With the tortoise as the center, a huge vortex with a diameter of 10,000 li emerged out of thin air, generating a strong suction force, and the void began to distort and deform. The huge vortex suddenly turned into a cloud of blood.

After the blue thundercloud rolled violently, thousands of blue lightnings flew out and slashed at the cyan seagull.

The seagull phantom opened its mouth and spewed out a blue light, which turned into a green hurricane, blocking the incoming blue lightning.


Xuanwu phantom let out an angry roar, the sea surface swelled violently, and one after another thick water tornado rose into the sky, turned into a blue long spear, and went straight to the cyan seagull high in the sky.

The cyan seagull flapped its wings gently, and the cyan light on the body was released, and it disappeared into a gust of breeze.

A gust of wind blew hundreds of miles away, and the cyan seagull appeared.

As soon as it appeared, thousands of blue spears came straight towards it, with a posture of tying it into a sieve.

The wings of the cyan seagull flicked gently, and tens of thousands of green giant wind blades flew out, defeating the incoming blue spear, and the water vapor splashed everywhere.

Countless blue water vapor suddenly emerged, turned into a blue animal claw more than a thousand feet large, and patted the cyan seagull.

The blue animal claws were smashed by the blue light and turned into a large piece of blue sea water.

The blue sea water suddenly condensed and turned into blue water arrows, which hit the blue seagull one after another. A large number of feathers fell off, and blood was dripping.

After a loud thunder sounded, thousands of blue lightnings struck, and the cyan seagull flapped its wings and disappeared into a breeze. The dense blue lightning struck the low-level demon bird, and the low-level demon bird instantly disappeared. Ashes.

There was a breeze blowing hundreds of miles away, and the figure of the blue seagull appeared.

As soon as the cyan seagull appeared, a blue glow fell from the sky, covering the cyan seagull.

The cyan seagull flew towards the illusory shadow of the Xuanwu, its body surface was full of blue light, its wings were lightly fanned, and countless blue feathers flew out, like a sharp sword, smashing the blue light.

At this moment, a blue lightning bolt with a diameter of 100 feet shot out and smashed into the cyan seagull, and a huge blue scorching sun lit up high in the sky.

After a shrill bird chirping sounded, a large number of charred feathers fell from the blue scorching sun.

Countless blue water vapor emerged, turning into blue animal claws, shooting the blue scorching sun.

A **** cyan seagull flew out, its body was charred black, white bones could be seen on its wings, and its breath was sluggish.

One after another thick water tornado rose into the sky and went straight to the blue seagull.

The cyan seagull quickly spewed out a blue light, turning into a blue hurricane, blocking the incoming water wave tornado, and at the same time a seagull phantom appeared high in the sky.

Almost at the same time, a huge basalt phantom appeared near the seagull phantom. In terms of body size, the basalt phantom was several times larger than the seagull phantom.

The Xuanwu phantom opened its mouth and spewed thousands of thick blue lightning bolts, which struck the phantom of the seagull.

A blue lightning ball with a diameter of 100 feet hit the cyan seagull, and the cyan seagull was submerged by the blue lightning again.

The right claw of the Xuanwu phantom shot towards the blue thunder light, and the cyan seagull fell from the sky like a broken kite. Before it landed, the tortoise spewed a thick golden and blue two-color thunder spear, piercing the hole. the belly of the cyan seagull.

This time, the cyan seagull quickly fell from the sky, the tortoise opened its **** mouth, UU read www. uukanshu. com spewed out a blue glow, covering the cyan seagull, pulling it into its mouth and disappearing.

From the time it took action to the killing of two sixth-order monsters, within half a quarter of an hour, the attacks of other monsters were like tickling, unable to hurt the tortoise at all.

The red light flashed, and a small red tower suddenly appeared above the scale turtle. After the red small tower lit up with a dazzling aura, its size skyrocketed and turned into a huge red tower.

The whole body of the red giant pagoda is flickering constantly, and it is obviously a treasure that can reach the sky.

The red giant tower spewed out a red glow, covering the tortoise. The tortoise's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and flew towards the red giant tower.

The tortoise's body turned into a little blue light and disappeared, obviously it was a fake.

Wang Changsheng stood in the sky out of thin air, his expression indifferent.

"Sure enough, someone manipulated it. I said how can the sixth-order demon bird react so quickly."

Wang Changsheng's tone was icy cold. His consciousness was stronger than Lianxu's Great Perfection. As soon as the other party showed up, he was discovered by Wang Changsheng, otherwise the scale turtle would be taken away by the other party's treasure.

Countless blue water vapor suddenly emerged from below Wang Changsheng, and it turned into the appearance of a tortoise.

The tortoise let out a smug roar, staring into the distance.

The sea rolled violently, setting off a giant wave that was more than ten thousand feet high. Three men and one woman stood on the giant wave, headed by a fat red-robed old man. The red-robed old man had some red spiritual patterns on his face. , round face and small eyes.

Looking at the fluctuations of his mana, he was a cultivator in the late stage of virtual refining. The other three had a pair of huge bird wings on their backs, high nose and long ears, all of which were in the early stage of virtual refining.

Wang Changsheng's face sank, there are actually four aliens in the refining stage, and the aliens really look down on the Wang family.

Seeing this scene, Wang Qiushui's face changed greatly, and he quickly sent someone to report, asking Wang Ruyan for support. (To be continued)

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