Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2328: destroy the enemy

A tragic dragon roar sounded, and a huge white Flood Dragon fell from the sky, a large number of scales fell off, and the blood flowed continuously, and the bones could be clearly seen.

Even though Wang Qingying is the body of a dragon, the huge gap between the cultivator of the void and the cultivator of the gods cannot be made up by a strong body.

The young woman in the white dress had an indifferent expression, and there was a huge cyan Peng Bird phantom in the void above her head, and the right paw of the Peng Bird phantom was dripping with blood.

"I don't know whether to live or die, but a mere God of Transformation dares to be my enemy."

As soon as the cold light in the eyes of the young woman in the white skirt became bright, she was about to take action and result in Wang Qingying.

If it were an ordinary deity cultivator or a fifth-order monster, it would have died a long time ago, and the fifth-order Jiaolong would be more resistant.

At this moment, the sea surface rolled violently, and thousands of thick water tornadoes rose into the sky, heading straight for the young woman in the white skirt.

Above Wang Changsheng's head, a giant phantom with water vapor appeared, and the giant phantom raised his arms high in an embrace.

The sea suddenly set off a huge wave of sky-high waves, and the sky-high waves turned into big hands and slapped the three old men in red robes.

The red-robed old man snorted coldly, and with a flick of his wrist, the trident hit Qingtian's big hand with an aura of annihilation.

After the loud bang, Qingtian's big hand was smashed by the golden trident, and the water splashed.

The giant phantom lit up with a dazzling red light, opened his mouth and spewed out a thick red flame, hitting Wang Changsheng away.

Wang Changsheng's body suddenly burst out with a large blue glow, and a round bowl with blue light suddenly appeared, covering Wang Changsheng.

The red flame hit Wang Changsheng's body, and immediately drowned Wang Changsheng's figure.

The golden trident descended from the sky, piercing Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng turned into a little blue light and disappeared.

"No, be careful!"

The red-robed old man realized that something was wrong and quickly reminded loudly.

The nearby sea water surged violently, and nine blue water columns with a diameter of 100 zhang rose into the sky, turning into a huge blue water curtain, trapping him inside.

The young woman in the white skirt urged the Dharma image to defeat the waves and tornadoes that came, and waved a green flag with both hands, releasing a gust of wind.

With a loud noise, a water wave tornado burst open, revealing the figure of Wang Changsheng, and a giant phantom floating above his head.

As soon as Wang Changsheng appeared, the sleeves of the young woman in the white dress flicked, and a golden ball flew out. The runes on the surface of the ball flashed, exuding a violent aura.

Destroying the Immortal Orb has been refined into three Gengjin Divine Thunders. Even if it is in the virtual stage of physical cultivation, it does not dare to indulge. This treasure is specially used to deal with Wang Changsheng, which is to prevent Wang Changsheng from injuring the enemy at close range.

At the same time that the white-skirted young woman sacrificed the Immortal Extinguishing Orb, a pair of white wings grew on her back, and with a slight blow, a gust of cold wind blew, and the white-skirted young woman disappeared from the spot.

With a flash of golden light, the Immortal Destruction Orb burst open, turning into a golden sun with a diameter of ten thousand feet, drowning Wang Changsheng's figure.

"He's making noises, what just happened was an illusion!"

The red-robed old man shouted loudly, looking anxious.

He urged Dharma to attack the blue light curtain, but the trapped formation under the nine Dinghai beads was so easy to break.

After the man in the golden robe urged Fa Xiang to defeat a huge wave, Wang Changsheng appeared, a giant phantom with water vapor floating above his head.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

As soon as Wang Changsheng appeared, the man in the golden robe reacted quickly, and he was about to sacrifice the Immortal Destruction Pearl to deal with Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, and let out a loud roar.

The golden-robed man's facial features were twisted, and he let out a scream, feeling that his head was about to explode.

Taking this opportunity, the phantom of the giant lit up with a dazzling blue light, and smashed the phantom of the bird with both fists.

After a loud noise, the phantom of the Peng Bird suddenly shattered, and the man in the golden robe spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The giant's phantom's right fist smashed the golden-robed man's head, blood flowed everywhere, and a miniature Peng bird flew out of the body. The Mini Peng Bird was caught in the mouth of Soul Eater Jin Chan and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng grabbed the Immortal Killing Orb, which was a big killer.

A shrill scream of a woman sounded, the young woman in the white dress was pierced by several thick blue thunder spears, and the phantom of the Pengbird was shattered by the phantom of Xuanwu.

The body of the young woman in the white dress burst out with thousands of white lights, covering the tortoise's body. She turned into a huge white Peng bird and flew towards the sky at a very fast speed.

At this time, the fool will stay and fight to the death.

Before it flew far, a golden hurricane hit the face, blocking the way of the white Pengbird.

"Get out of here."

The white Peng Bird roared angrily, spewing out a white light, hitting the golden hurricane.

From the golden hurricane, a miserable man's cry rang out and turned into the figure of Wang Xiao. There was a huge blood hole on his left shoulder, and his breath was sluggish.

Wang Xiao has already cultivated to the late stage of God Transformation, and this time, he also came to help.

With a piercing sound of breaking through the air, a blue Changhong went straight to the white Pengbird.

The white Pengbird flapped its wings gently and disappeared from the spot.

A cold wind suddenly blew through the void thousands of miles away, and a huge white Peng bird appeared out of nowhere. UU reading

With a loud bang, a blue water column with a diameter of 100,000 zhang rose into the sky and went straight to the white Pengbird.

The white Pengbird is unavoidable, its wings are lightly flapped, and with a sound of breaking through the air, countless white feathers fly out and hit the blue water column.

After a loud noise, the blue water column suddenly froze and turned into a white icicle, lying on the sea.

Countless blue water vapor emerged out of thin air, turned into a big blue hand, and patted the white Peng Bird. After the white Peng Bird let out a scream, it fell from the sky.

Before it landed, countless blue water vapors emerged, turning into the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng urged Dharma to smash his fists at the white Pengbird.

With a scream, the head of the white Pengbird burst open like a watermelon, and the blood mist splattered everywhere.

A white mini-peng bird flew out, and before it flew far, a golden glow flew out. After covering the mini-peng bird, it rolled back into Soul Eater Jin Chan's body and disappeared.

After a loud bang, the red-robed old man got out of trouble, and his eyes were full of fear.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, countless red spiritual patterns appeared on his body, turning into a huge crimson flame.

At this moment, a loud horn sounded, resounding for a hundred thousand miles.

With a flash of red light, the red flames turned into the figure of the red-robed old man.

"Zhenlingjiao! This treasure actually fell into your hands."

The red-robed old man exclaimed, his face full of incredible color.

He couldn't use the slightest mana now, and a blue long rainbow shot out, piercing the head of the red-robed old man, and his head exploded.

The corpse turned into a sparkling red stone with mysterious runes all over its surface.

With a muffled sound, the red stone suddenly shattered, torn apart, and it was a treasure for robbery. (To be continued)

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