Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2329: self exposure, enemy retreat

A deafening man shouted loudly, and a red light suddenly lit up in the void thousands of miles away, revealing the figure of the red-robed old man.

As soon as he appeared, the sea below rolled violently, and a thick blue water column shot up into the sky, heading straight for the red-robed old man.

The red-robed old man responded quickly, and a dazzling red flame emerged from his right hand, shooting towards the blue water column.

After the loud rumbling sound, the blue water column exploded and the sea water splashed.

A cloud of sea water suddenly brightened, and it turned into the appearance of Wang Changsheng, holding the glass axe in his right hand, and his eyes were cold.

The alien race did come prepared, but the alien race did not know how much Wang Changsheng's Dharma was condensed, did not know that Wang Changsheng had mastered the magical power of Zhenshen Roar, and did not know how many treasures Wang Changsheng possessed.

The most important point is that Wang Changsheng has entered the middle stage of virtual refining, and his mana and consciousness have improved a lot. Last time in the wild land, he beheaded three aliens in the refining stage, and there was not much mana left, so he could only flee in the wild. .

Dead people can't speak, so killing all incoming enemies is naturally no problem.

Wang Changsheng waved the glazed chopping axe and slashed at the red-robed old man. The red-robed old man waved his golden trident and went up to meet him.

With the muffled sound of "keng keng", the golden trident collided with the glass axe, and sparks flew everywhere.

A red light flew out from the red-robed old man and turned into a red giant phantom. Almost at the same time, Wang Changsheng's dharma also appeared in the void above his head.

If the dharma aspect is 10%, the dharma aspect of the red-robed old man condenses four-tenths, and Wang Changsheng's dharma aspect is more than four-tenths, less than five-tenths, and higher than the red-robed old man.

Before losing the match, it was because there was a cultivator of imaginary cultivating the Tongtian Lingbao of the thunder attribute to cooperate, but now it is different.

The Red Burning Man spewed out a red flame, which landed on Wang Changsheng's dharma, and the flame quickly dissipated.

Both of them were physical practitioners, the red-robed old man's cultivation base was higher than Wang Changsheng's, but Wang Changsheng's dharma was more condensed than the red-robed old man, and the outcome was unpredictable.

A loud rumbling sound, the air waves billowing.

The red-robed old man and Wang Changsheng fought back and forth, no distinction was made.

The red-robed old man's eyes filled with cold light, and a golden rocket spewed out from his mouth, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

The golden rocket was transformed by the spiritual fire he cultivated for many years, and no matter how strong his physical body was, he could not stop it.

The golden rocket hit Wang Changsheng's body, and a burst of blue smoke suddenly appeared, and a burning smell came out, but soon, a snow-blue flame emerged from Wang Changsheng's body, wrapping the golden rocket.

"Sixth-order spirit flame!"

The red-robed old man's face became ugly.

There was a deafening sound of thunder from high in the sky, and hundreds of blue thunder spears more than a hundred feet long fell from the sky and slashed at the red-robed old man.

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The red-robed old man's sleeves flicked, and a red shield flew out, which instantly swelled and blocked in front of him.

The dense blue thunder spears landed on the red shield, and there was a muffled sound, which turned into a dazzling blue thunder light and penetrated the red shield.

After countless blue water vapors emerged, it turned into the appearance of a tortoise. As soon as it appeared, a huge basalt phantom appeared in the void above its head.

As soon as the Xuanwu phantom appeared, it immediately made a deafening roar, and slapped the red-robed old man with its right paw.

The void vibrated and twisted, and a huge blue beast claw appeared out of nowhere. The red-robed old man was about to avoid it. After a loud shout from a man who shook the sky, the red-robed old man's head was dizzy and he was slapped by the huge beast's claw. middle.

The red-robed old man flew out backwards, and there were several terrifying bloodstains on his body.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a nine-color thunder arrow shot out, hitting the left shoulder of the red-robed old man. Countless nine-color electric arcs surged out, drowning the red-robed old man's body, and a miserable sound came out. Call.

After a dazzling red fire light lit up, the body of the red-robed old man burst open, and hundreds of red fireballs flew out, flying in different directions at a particularly fast speed.

Wang Changsheng put the Zhenling horn to his mouth and blew lightly, a loud horn sounded, hundreds of red fireballs suddenly stopped, and hundreds of blue lightnings fell from the sky, accurately hitting hundreds of red fireballs. .

A miserable man screamed, and a red fireball suddenly lit up, turning into the figure of the red-robed old man.

The eyes of the red-robed old man were frightened, a golden light lit up above his head, and a small tower with golden light appeared out of thin air.

The size of the golden pagoda has skyrocketed, and you can see the four characters of "Golden Yansuo Monster", spewing out a golden glow, covering the red-robed old man, and taking it into the golden giant pagoda.

The red-robed old man was too difficult to kill, so Wang Changsheng had no choice but to use the treasure to capture the opponent first, and then find an opportunity to kill him later.

Speaking of which, this Golden Yansuo Demon Pagoda and Zhenling Horn are both treasures of the Jinghuo clan, and after the death of its owner, it fell into the hands of Wang Changsheng.

Since Wang Changsheng entered the Void Refinement Stage, the red-robed old man was definitely the most powerful alien he had ever encountered. The last time he met a female cultivator in the Void Refinement Stage, his body was not strong, and he injured Wang Changsheng with the treasure.

Compared with the two, the red-robed old man’s advantage is that he has a higher cultivation base, a strong physical body, and has a sixth-order spiritual flame. Wang Changsheng’s advantage is that his physical body is strong, he can use the God’s Roar, and there are 18 sets of Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasures. Sixth-order spirit flame.

The time and place are right for people. If they are fighting in the volcano, Wang Changsheng may not be the opponent of the old man in red. In the fighting in the sea, he occupies the geographical advantage, coupled with the cooperation of the tortoise.

The Golden Yansuo Demon Pagoda is a heavenly treasure, and it is not so easy for a cultivator to get out of trouble.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, he carefully probed the situation in a radius of 3,000 miles, and urged the Zhenling Corner, but found nothing.

Only then did he feel relieved and flew into the Golden Yansuo Demon Pagoda with the tortoise.

In a spacious and bright hall, the old man in red robe stood in the center of the hall, a golden flame drowned the old man in red robe, UU read www. Hundreds of thick golden chains entangled the red-robed old man.

The red-robed old man kept urging Dharma to attack the golden chains, but it was useless.

As soon as Wang Changsheng and Lin Gui appeared, the body of the red-robed old man swelled rapidly.

With a loud noise, the Jin Yansuo Demon Tower shook violently, and several small cracks appeared on the surface.

In the main hall, Wang Changsheng and Lin turtle were covered by a **** blue water curtain, and a lot of cracks appeared on the ground.

The power of a late stage cultivator's exposure is indeed not small, but the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao is not so easily destroyed. If it is a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, it is estimated that it will not be damaged.

The red-robed old man was captured, knowing that he would die, so he simply blew himself up, not giving Wang Changsheng a chance to torture him.

"Come on, let's go back to support Madam!"

Wang Changsheng said hello and flew out with the turtle. He put away the treasures scattered on the ground, turned into a blue rainbow and walked away, followed by the turtle.

On Qinglian Island, Wang Ruyan urged Fa Xiang to attack two alien races in the Void Refinement Stage, sweating profusely.

If it was an alien in the refining stage, there would be no problem, but two aliens in the refining stage, Wang Ruyan would be very tired.

Fortunately, there is a large formation to protect the island, and the enemy cannot invade Qinglian Island.

The young woman in the red dress seemed to sense something, and took out a broken jade pendant from her arms, and her appearance changed greatly.

"No, the fifth uncle's spiritual jade is broken. He has an accident. The reinforcements have arrived? Quickly withdraw."

The young woman in the red dress hurriedly sent a voice transmission to the golden-robed old man with a stern tone.

The golden-robed old man did not hesitate in the slightest, the two put away the dharma, turned into two rays of light, and disappeared into the sky.

The monsters also retreated, as if they had never appeared.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't dare to be careless and let people strengthen their defenses. (To be continued)

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