Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2330: The Liu family is loyal and loyal

Half an hour later, a blue light flew over, it was Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's face was slightly pale, and his body was covered in scars. The enemy came prepared, and he suffered a small loss.

"Ma'am, what about the aliens!"

Wang Changsheng asked nervously.

"They retreated suddenly, husband, have you dealt with the enemy?"

Wang Ruyan was surprised and said, if it is an ordinary cultivator, it is not Wang Changsheng's opponent, and the enemy is prepared, then it is hard to say.

"Three people were killed, and one exposed himself."

Wang Changsheng briefly explained what happened. The three cultivators in the early stage of virtual refining were not his opponents at all, and the Jinghuo clan in the late stage of virtual refining was not easy to deal with.

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Wang Qingcheng flew over and said with joy: "Father, mother, the monsters have retreated, and the sixth-order monsters have retreated. Our losses are not small. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 57,000 casualties, 90% of which are affiliated forces. Our clan lost less than 10%."

The affiliated forces did not have a sixth-order defense formation, so they could not stop the large beast tide at all, and suffered heavy losses. If it weren't for the help of the Wang family, the affiliated forces would have suffered even greater losses.

The Wang family members used puppet beasts to fight against monster beasts, which greatly reduced casualties, otherwise the losses would have been even greater.

"Abandon the outer islands, withdraw the affiliated forces to the seven sub-islands, leave 18 islands to monitor the movements of the aliens, send more patrols, and send people to Zhenhai Palace for help, yes, let the news out, I will kill it alone With four cultivators, they have vast supernatural powers."

Wang Changsheng instructed, the more the propaganda of Wang Changsheng's supernatural powers is made, the less others will believe it. If Wang Changsheng is secretive, the enemy will be more vigilant, and will send more experts to deal with the Wang family.

Of course, the enemy may believe that no matter what the Wang family does, the Wang family cannot stay out of the racial war.

Wang Qingcheng responded and led the way.

"Husband, you go back to heal first!"

Wang Ruyan persuaded.

Wang Changsheng took out an Immortal Destruction Orb, handed it to Wang Ruyan, and said, "This is an Immortal Destruction Orb used by foreign races to deal with physical cultivation. It contains some Gengjin Divine Lightning, which is very destructive."

After exhorting a few words, Wang Changsheng returned to Qinglian Peak.

He walked into the basement, took out three flashing storage rings, flicked his wrist lightly, and after a ray of light passed by, there were a lot of things on the ground.

There are seventeen low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, most of which are attack-type Tongtian Lingbao, there are two defense-type Tongtian Lingbao, there are no flying or auxiliary ones, more than 20 million Lingshi, and there are two top-quality Lingshi.

A box of Fengyao Sand, this is the normal phase material of the wind property.

There are also a bunch of miscellaneous materials, including alchemy and refining talismans.

There is no sixth-order medicinal pill, and no sixth-order formation, which is what Wang Changsheng expected.

There are alchemy masters, formation masters, artifact masters, and talisman masters among the alien races, but there are not many and most of them are not high-level.

The three cultivators of the Jinpeng family died in battle, recovered their bodies, and turned into Pengbirds. They just brought them for refining, and together with the corpse of the sixth-order demon beast, Wang Changsheng should be able to refine a sixth-order puppet beast.

In this war, Ling Gui helped a lot, otherwise Wang Changsheng would be more fortunate.

Wang Changsheng collected the materials on the ground according to the classification, and used the power to heal the wounds.

After a while, a bluish glow appeared on Wang Changsheng's body, and a giant phantom with misty water appeared in the void above his head, with a flash of aura.


Thousands of Bamboo Island, the island is full of fire, most of the Thousand Bamboo Island has been razed to the ground, and there are a large number of corpses lying on the ground, most of them are children of the Liu family. Red, there are a large number of corpses of monsters and monsters floating on the sea, like a purgatory on earth.

In the conference hall, Liu Tianyan was sitting on the main seat. His face was pale, his body was covered with scars, and there was a blood hole the size of a fist on his right chest. More than 20 Liu family cultivators were sitting on both sides, and they all had injuries on their bodies. .

The Liu family is the key support object of the Leng Yan faction in this sea area, and it is also the key target of the alien race.

The bark of the shadow tree of human beings, people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, and the Liu family's power is huge. If the Liu family is destroyed, the impact will be huge, and it can damage the morale of the human race.

Fifteen cultivators from the alien race were dispatched to deal with the Liu family. There were four in the late stage of phantom refining, and the rest were all in the middle stage of phantom refining, and there were thirty sixth-order monsters.

The Liu family requested the support of the Leng Yan faction, and paid a heavy price to repel the alien race. Liu Tianxiao and Liu Chuanzhi were killed on the spot, the guardian spirit beasts were killed, thirty-five spiritual monks fell, and the cold flame faction killed two Lianxu.

They killed a total of eight aliens in the imaginary stage, and Liu Tianyan killed five cultivators by himself, and he was very powerful.

The Liu family lost a lot of vitality in the large beast swarm more than a thousand years ago, and it has not recovered yet.

"Old Ancestor, according to incomplete statistics, nearly 300,000 immortal cultivators were killed or injured, 80% of which were affiliated forces, 20% were children of our Liu family, the Lei family was exterminated, and most of the Wu and Zhong families were killed or injured."

Liu Chuande said in a sad tone, more than 2,000 years ago, how beautiful the Liu family was. There were three cultivators, and there were 100,000 immortal cultivators in the clan, and more than 500,000 monks with foreign surnames could be mobilized.

At present, there are more than 30,000 immortal cultivators left in the Liu family, and only one cultivator is left.

"It's not easy for alien races. A total of ten imaginary alien races were killed, as well as twenty-two sixth-order monsters and more than 200 fifth-order monsters."

In addition to the eight imaginary stage aliens killed by the Liu family, the five in-laws of the Liu family had illusory cultivators in charge, killing two aliens in the imaginary stage in total.

"Where is Xueyanfang City! How is the situation in Xueyanfang City?"

Liu Tianyan asked As long as the Leng Yan faction is still around, the Liu family will not be able to collapse.

"Most of the city was in ruins, and the aliens dispatched two fusions and a seventh-order monster. Fortunately, the law-enhancing elders of the Leng Yan faction arrived in time, severely injuring one of the fusions and injuring the seventh-order monster."

Liu Chuande said truthfully, his face full of worry.

"Okay, I understand, you all go down! Treat the wounded as soon as possible, increase group defenses, and strictly prevent alien attacks."

Liu Tianyan commanded in a stern tone.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Liu Chuande and others agreed and got up and left.

Liu Tianyan walked into a secret room. A large number of mysterious spirit patterns were engraved on the stone wall, emitting a strong wave of restraint.

"In this way, no one will doubt me anymore. The Liu family belongs to me, but unfortunately, the chance of entering the fusion period is extremely low."

Liu Tianyan said to himself with a smile on his face.

The Liu family suffered this great disaster, and the older generation was killed and injured, so he could take charge of the Liu family smoothly.

Half a month later, the news spread that the Liu family had suffered heavy casualties in order to resist the alien race. The two cultivators were killed on the spot. Tens of thousands of people were killed and injured, and none of them surrendered. The majority of the cultivators praised the Liu family for their loyalty.

The Liu family claimed to have killed twelve aliens in the refining stage, and Liu Tianyan alone killed seven refining virtuals.

In contrast, Wang Changsheng's victory in killing the four cultivators was less conspicuous.

Almost at the same time, under the command of the Jinghuo Clan, more than a dozen small clans, including the Jinpeng Clan and the Duomu Clan, attacked the Human Race from the sea. With a huge number of monsters, the Human Race suffered heavy casualties, but the alien race also lost many masters. .

In this war, a number of masters of the imaginary stage emerged from both the human race and the alien race. They stepped on the bones of the enemy to become famous. (To be continued)

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