Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2334: The power of the law

A huge explosion sounded, and the attacking cyan sword qi was smashed by the golden sound wave, the air waves rolled, and the void oscillated and distorted.

A blue-colored Changhong spurted out, heading straight for the golden-robed man.

The man in the golden robe was not afraid at all, his right fist lit up with a dazzling golden light and greeted him.


There was a muffled sound of metal colliding, and the cyan Changhong flew out backwards. It was a flying sword with cyan light shining, and there was a pattern of cyan lotus flowers on the hilt, which was the cyan lotus sword.

After the Qinglianjian made a clear and loud chirping sound, one hundred, one hundred thousand, ten thousand flying swords slashed at the golden-robed man, with the posture of slicing him into pieces.

The golden-robed man moved his arms, and countless fist shadows flew out, defeating the attacking cyan flying sword. The cyan flying sword slashed on the golden-robed man's body, and there was a muffled sound, as if it had slashed on the copper wall and the iron wall. .

The orcs in the refining stage, the fleshly body can resist and form the next-level heavenly treasure.

Wang Qingshan was just a test, and he didn't expect that a Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure would be able to kill an orc race in the Void Refinement Stage.

The golden-robed man moved his arms, and with a piercing sound of breaking through the air, dense golden fist shadows flew out, heading straight for Wang Qingshan.

The dense golden fist shadow is not yet close, the fist wind is like thunder, and the void is twisted and deformed.

Wang Qingshan was about to block, when a deafening tiger roar came to his ears, his head buzzed, and he was dizzy.

The Orcs are divided into multiple tribes. Even within the same tribe, the magical powers are very different. Some Orcs have sonic magical powers, some Orcs have Thunder, and some Orcs have Escape Speed, but the Orcs have one thing in common. Point, their physical bodies are very powerful.

Wang Qingshan ran the "Taixu Forging Divine Art" and quickly returned to normal. With a shrug of his shoulders, nine blue glass swords flew out from the sword box and turned into nine blue lotus flowers with a diameter of one hundred meters. The misty sword qi shattered the golden fist shadow, and the air was billowing.

The void fluctuated together, and a huge golden tiger claw suddenly appeared on top of Wang Qingshan's head.

A golden gust of wind roared, and instantly came to Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan was not afraid at all, when the sword art was pinched, the nine cyan lotus flowers lit up one after another, merged into one, turned into a cyan giant sword with a length of more than 100 feet, and slashed towards the golden wind.

There was a loud noise, and there was a faint sound of metal colliding, and the golden wind burst, revealing the figure of the golden-robed man.

The golden-robed man's left hand was holding the Sky-high Sword, and his eyes were fierce.

A golden light flew out from him and turned into a huge orc phantom with a tiger's head and a human body, like a magnified golden-robed man.

The right arm of the orc phantom shone with golden light, like a real body, and his dharma was condensed by one-eighth.

He used the golden glass jade to condense the magic, this material can improve the toughness of the treasure, it is especially suitable for the body to condense the magic, it can improve the power of the magic, if the head of the sixth-order monster is hit by his magic, it will be difficult to die.

Most of the cultivators of the orc race use Jinliyu to condense the dharma and enhance their power.

Before that, he had urged Fa Xiang to kill two virtual cultivators.

He can already imagine the picture of Wang Qingshan's head bursting, killing a cultivator, which can be converted into good deeds in exchange for immortal cultivation resources.

With his powerful physical body, how about resisting a few low-grade Tongtian Lingbao?

The right fist of the orc phantom burst into a dazzling golden light, and with a burst of air, it smashed towards Wang Qingshan.

The man in the golden robe flipped his right hand, a golden light flashed, and a golden iron rod appeared on his right hand.

He suddenly waved the golden iron stick, the stick shadow like the wind, and the heavy stick shadow swept out, like a golden mountain, smashing towards Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's reaction was very fast. When the sword was pinched, ripples appeared in the void above his head. A giant sword phantom appeared in the void above his head, and the tip of the sword flickered with silver light.

He used the silver ganglion crystal to condense the dharma phase, and condensed one-sixth.

As soon as the giant sword phantom appeared, it immediately slashed at the orc phantom.

Wang Qingshan's escaping boots were shining brightly, he turned into a phantom and quickly retreated. At the same time, the sky-high sword burst out with dazzling blue light, and suddenly dispersed, one turned into nine, nine blue glass swords one after another. Slashing on the golden-robed man, there was a muffled sound of "kengkang".

The golden-robed man's attack failed, and the heavy sticks hit the ground, causing the ground to burst open.

The giant sword phantom collided with the right arm of the orc phantom, and a series of "clanging" sounds came out. It didn't take long for the orc phantom's right arm to shatter, and the orc phantom was also cut in half by the giant sword phantom. It turned into a little bit of aura and disappeared.

The golden-robed man spat out a large mouthful of blood and was stunned. He could naturally see that the other party's materials for condensing the dharma were extraordinary. Ordinary virtual cultivators did not have this kind of treatment. Could the other party be an elite disciple of a large human race or a large family?

He hurriedly waved the golden iron rod, transformed into heavy stick figures, and greeted him.

The sound of "kengkeng" metal colliding was incessant, and the man in the golden robe felt a huge force strike, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

Before he could stand firm, a huge lotus with a diameter of one hundred meters fell from the sky, and the huge lotus shone with blue light.

The cyan lotus turned quickly and slashed towards the golden-robed man. The golden-robed man hurriedly waved the golden iron rod and greeted him.

Only listening to the muffled sound of "keng keng", a large number of small cracks appeared on the golden iron rod in the golden robe man's hand.

A golden lightning ball with a diameter of 100 meters fell from the sky and smashed onto the golden-robed man.

A miserable man's cry sounded, and the dazzling golden thunder light drowned the golden-robed man.

A giant sword phantom lashed out and sank into the golden thunder light. The man in the golden robe was divided into two and fell from the sky. Even Nascent Soul couldn't escape.

"Wang Daoyou be careful. UU reading"

Lan Fukong's hurried voice entered Wang Qingshan's ears, and just after the words fell, a white bone knife suddenly appeared in front of Wang Qingshan.

The hilt of the white bone knife is engraved with a skull pattern, exuding amazing aura fluctuations.

As soon as the white bone knife appeared, it immediately made a "woohoo" devil cry and slashed at Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan's reaction was quick, his sleeves flicked, and a large piece of green sword energy swept out, blocking the white bone knife.

Almost at the same time, the sky above his head fluctuated together, and a giant tower of white light suddenly appeared on top of Wang Qingshan's head, and a large number of skulls could be seen on the surface of the giant tower.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

As soon as the giant white pagoda appeared, it immediately spewed out a vast white glow, covering Wang Qingshan and rolling it towards the interior of the giant white pagoda.

The dense blue silk flew over, pierced through the white glow, the white glow instantly shattered, and the white giant tower was slapped out by a big blue hand.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Lan."

Wang Qingshan thanked him and his face became solemn.

If it wasn't for Lan Fukong's timely action, he might have been plotted against by aliens.

He looked towards the opposite side, and a huge skeleton more than 30 feet tall stared straight at him.

The surface of the huge skull is covered with golden spiritual patterns, as well as some small blood vessels, and there are two white flames in the hollow eye sockets.

According to the conclusion of other monks, the Bone Race is invulnerable to swords and guns, invincible by water and fire, and has mastered the magical powers of filthy heavenly treasures, which is very difficult to deal with.

The aura of the Bone Race is stronger than that of Wang Qingshan, and it is in the middle stage of Void Refinement.

Wang Qingshan killed an orc who was in the virtual refining stage so quickly, which attracted the attention of the master of the bone race. (To be continued)

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