Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2335: fierce battle

The supernatural powers of the Bone Race restrained the sword cultivators. Before that, the flying swords of several sword cultivators had been tainted by the Bone Race, and their spirituality was greatly lost. Several famous sword cultivators were broken in the hands of the Bone Race.

Wang Qingshan didn't dare to be careless, when the sword art was pinch, the Qinglian sword flew back and turned into a blue lotus flower more than a hundred feet long, floating on the top of his head, protecting himself.

The nine blue glass swords also flew back, circling Wang Qingshan uncertainly.

The huge skeleton sacrificed a bone whip entwined with black energy, and went straight to Wang Qingshan.

The skeleton head on the surface of the bone whip kept making bursts of shrill devil cry, which made people feel disturbed.

Wang Qingshan's sword art was pinched, and the blue lotus flower spun rapidly, and the green sword qi swept out, slashing at the bone whip.

There was a muffled sound of "keng keng", and the blue sword qi hit the bone whip, as if it was chopped on a copper wall and an iron wall.

[First release on this site, fastest update]

The front end of the bone whip lit up with a dazzling white light, and it suddenly turned into a huge white skull. There were two white flames in the hollow eye sockets. .

A huge golden thunderball fell from the sky and hit the huge skeleton.

After the rumbling explosion sounded, the dazzling golden thunder light drowned the huge skeleton.

After a loud noise, the huge skeleton shook his wrist gently, and the bone whip flew back, breaking several pieces, and the aura dimmed.

The white flames in the eye sockets of the huge skeleton flickered, and three huge skulls were sacrificed. All of them had black flames in their sockets, exuding amazing Yin Qi fluctuations.

Each of the three skulls let out a "woohoo" devil cry and rushed towards Wang Qingshan.

The golden-horned Leilin Beast continuously released golden lightning bolts, slashing at the three skulls. Wang Qingshan urged the flying sword, releasing one after another of cyan sword energy, attacking the huge skulls.

He has Qinglian Karma, which is a trump card and will not be used easily.

On the other side, Lan Fukong urged Dharma to fight with a tall, thin middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's skin is green, there are some green spirit patterns on his arms and face, and his hair flutters in the wind, exactly like the roots of a tree. He is a spirit race.

A phantom figure of a Taoist figure with immortal style appeared in the sky above Lan Fukong. The figure of the Taoist figure slapped towards the void, and two big green hands appeared out of thin air and slapped the middle-aged man.

There is a huge human-shaped phantom on the top of the middle-aged man's head. There are some green spiritual patterns on the surface of the human-shaped phantom. Countless weeds and thorns grow on the ground, blocking Lan Fukong's attack.

They were evenly matched, and it was hard to tell the winner.

The roar was constant, the air waves were rolling, and tens of thousands of monks were fighting outside Xuanguang City. From time to time, some people were killed and fell from the sky. Magical treasures and secrets collided with each other, and various dazzling auras erupted.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli cooperated with each other to attack an orc with a bear head and a human body. The orcs have thick black manes on their arms.

They all have the cultivation of the late stage of the gods, and the orcs are also in the gods.

The orcs have thick skin and thick flesh, which can resist the attack of the Heavenly Soul Treasure, but under the siege of Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli, the orcs have more and more scars on their bodies, and they gradually feel overwhelmed.

In a piercing sound of breaking through the air, a long sword with a red light and a flying sword with a white light flashed straight towards the orcs.

The red long sword is Wang Qingfeng's natal magic weapon, the Burning Heaven Sword, and the white flying sword is Dong Xueli's natal flying sword Xuanyu Sword, which is made of Wannian Xuanyu as the main material.

The orcs didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly waved a pair of golden axes on their hands and went up to them.

After the muffled sound of "kengkeng", the Xuanyu Sword and the Burning Heaven Sword flew out backwards, and the golden axe in the hands of the orcs had many finger-sized gaps.

The Burning Heaven Sabre burst into a dazzling red light, and a red flame emerged. After one blurred, it turned into a red fire dragon with a length of more than 100 meters, and went straight to the orcs.

This is the magical form, not the magical form.

After a piercing screeching sound came from the Xuan Yujian, a white chill gushed out, turning into a white ice dragon that was more than a hundred feet long, and rushed towards the orcs.

The orcs hurriedly took out two axes, turned into two huge golden pythons, and went up to them.

The white ice scorpion and the red fire scorpion cooperated skillfully. Before long, the two golden pythons flew out and turned into two golden axes with dim light.

The white ice scorpion and the red fire swarm came straight to the orcs, and the speed was very fast.

After a loud bang, the golden sound wave shattered.

The orcs moved their fists and smashed the two dragons.

With a muffled sound of "bang bang", his fists blocked the two dragons, his left arm began to freeze, and his right arm was submerged in flames.

The aura of the two dragons soared, the arms of the orcs suddenly broke, and the two dragons pierced through his body, turning into a mist of blood in the sky.

Wang Qingfeng had a look of joy on his face. In recent years, he and Dong Xueli often went out to sea to hunt monsters and had rich fighting skills.

Two thousand-meter-long red fire pythons flew towards them, and before they could get close, an astonishing heat wave approached.

Dong Xueli and Wang Qingfeng's palms each slashed forward, and a white sword qi and a red sword qi swept out and greeted them.

The booming sound rang out, and the two red fire pythons burst apart, turning into a red flame, drowning Dong Xueli and Wang Qingfeng.

Dong Xueli and Wang Qingfeng were covered by a thick white light curtain. Even though they were separated by the white light curtain, they could still feel an unbearable heat wave. UU reading

The red flame suddenly condensed and turned into a big red hand that lifted the sky and patted the white light curtain.

The white light curtain shattered instantly like paper.

"Be careful ma'am!"

Wang Qingfeng instinctively moved forward, turned his right hand into a saber, and slashed towards the void. A red sword energy swept out, but it was useless. The big red hand instantly defeated the red sword energy.

Wang Qingfeng was slapped by the big red hand, and flew out instantly, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and his body was submerged in a red flame.

Countless red flames suddenly appeared in the void, turning into a big red hand again, and slapped Dong Xueli.

At this moment, a green tornado swept in, defeated the big red hand, and went straight to a short and plump red-robed old man.

The eyes of the red-robed old man were crimson red, and there were some flame-like spiritual patterns on his face. He was of the Fire-Fine Clan. Judging from the fluctuation of his mana, he was a cultivator in the early stage of virtual refining.

On top of his head, there is a human-shaped phantom more than a hundred feet tall, like a magnified version of himself.

The red light of the giant's phantom's right fist flickered non-stop, as if it were a real entity, and the dharma was condensed by one-tenth.

His dharma is condensed using Tianyan Jade, which is produced from Wannian Volcano and is a material for refining fire-type heaven-penetrating treasures. Using Tianyan jade to condense the Dharma, the Dharma can use the fire-type Dao method to be more powerful.

Seeing the cyan tornado coming, the red-robed old man was not afraid at all, and took out a long bow that flickered with red light, which was a heavenly treasure.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a mass of red flames, which turned into a red arrow several feet long.

This is the transformation of the fifth-order spiritual flame, and the power is huge.

The Jinghuo people are good at controlling fire, but it does not mean that the cultivator has a sixth-order spiritual flame, it depends on the person.

Even if it is a fifth-order spiritual flame, the cultivator of the virtual world does not dare to resist it. (To be continued)

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