Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2241: Lin Tianlong is back (not today)

Xuanling City, one of the frontier cities for the human race to resist foreign races.

Outside Xuanling City, there are a large number of corpses lying on the ground in a radius of 200,000 miles, including the corpses of immortals, as well as the corpses of aliens and monsters, blood flowing into rivers.

A large number of treasures are scattered on the ground, and the Terran monks are cleaning the battlefield.

A magnificent golden palace, with eaves and bucket arches, carved beams and painted buildings.

Zhenjun Lei Jiao and other more than 20 cultivators were talking. They had brown blood on their clothes, and they didn't know whether it was the enemy's or their own.

Zhenjun Lei Jiao sat on the main seat, his eyes solemn.

"I haven't seen you for many years, and Long Daoyou's supernatural power has greatly increased, beheading a Yasha clan in the fusion period, and severely injuring a Jinghuo clan in the fusion period."

A graceful golden-robed old woman complimented her.

"Mrs. Li has praised her badly. It is everyone's credit for achieving such a great victory, not me alone."

Zhenjun Lei Jiao said humbly. He turned his eyes and landed on a red-robed old man with a sturdy back. He said with a smile, "If it wasn't for Fellow Daoist Liu who entangled Ye Li, the leader of the Yasha clan, we wouldn't have been able to achieve such a big victory."

The red-robed old man has straight facial features, bright eyes, and carries a sheathed sword on his back, exuding a strong evil spirit.

Liu Qingfeng, who was born in Zhenhai Palace, is a member of the local faction in the later period of the fusion.

"Fellow Daoist Liu's Dharma is completely condensed. Even Ye Li is not an opponent of Fellow Daoist Liu. If he hadn't had the treasure for the robbery, he would have died in the hands of Fellow Daoist Liu."

The golden-robed old woman said in a regretful tone.

The Yasha clan led a team to attack Xuanling City. At first there were three cultivators, but later they increased to seven, which put a lot of pressure on them.

They slaughtered a Yasha clan in the fusion stage, and severely injured two integrated monks. Their own losses were not small. The two integrated monks were seriously injured and had to retreat to cultivate.

"Hey, Daoyou Liu's dharma image is condensed with silver ganglion crystals. This material condenses the magic image of swords and swords with great power. Daoyou Liu's chance is not small! You can get so many silver ganglion crystals."

Immortal Lei Jiao smiled and said in an envious tone.

"Our disciples of Zhenhai Palace found it in the wild land. If you are interested, you can send someone to look for it in the wild land."

Liu Qingfeng said with a light smile. With his cultivation in the late stage of the fusion, he urged the law to hurt the enemy, and the power was huge. Even the powerful Yaksha clan could not stop it, and only survived after using the treasure for the robbery.

At this moment, Liu Qingfeng seemed to notice something, took out a blue-light floating magic plate from his arms, and entered a magic formula, his face changed greatly.

"What happened? Fellow Daoist Liu?"

Zhenjun Lei Jiao wondered.

"The aliens attacked our Zhenhai Palace main altar during the integration period. The old man wants to go back. Long Daoyou, Mrs. Li, and Xuanling City will be handed over to you."

After Liu Qingfeng said this, he left in a hurry.


Golden Toad Island, the small half of the island was turned into ruins and there were a large number of corpses lying on the ground. There were a large number of corpses floating on the sea, including the corpses of human cultivators and the corpses of aliens.

The human monks are cleaning the battlefield, repairing the formation, and treating the wounded.

In a manor that covers an extremely wide area, two men and one woman are talking, and their faces are solemn.

"Finally repelled the attack of the alien race, it's a pity friend Yang."

A young woman in a purple skirt with dignified features sighed, her face full of regret.

"You need to inform Zhenhai Palace as soon as possible about the death of Fellow Daoist Yang."

A burly man in red said solemnly.

Three aliens led tens of millions of monsters to attack Jinchan Island. They asked for help from other sects. Zhenhai Palace sent a cultivator to come to support, but unfortunately died at the hands of aliens.

Two cultivators from the alien race were seriously injured and their vitality was severely damaged.

The young woman in the purple skirt suddenly took out a glittering dharma plate from her bosom and entered a tactic, and her appearance changed.

"No, the main altar of Zhenhai Palace was attacked, and twelve aliens in the fusion period led the team."

The young woman in the purple skirt exclaimed, her face full of shock.


At the main altar of Zhenhai Palace, Jin Hao and other eight people stood on a huge wave that was more than 10,000 feet high, and their eyes were solemn.

A giant tower flickering with red light floated high in the sky, and the runes on the tower body flashed, exuding amazing aura fluctuations.

The giant tower shook violently, and it seemed that someone was attacking the red giant tower from within.

The sea surface with a radius of 10,000 miles was dyed red with blood, like a sea of ​​blood.

A light blue water curtain covered the entire Piaoyun Island, Song Yiming's face was pale, and he held a steamy array in his hand, and entered a series of magic tricks.

The sea water tumbled violently, and water tornadoes with a diameter of 100,000 zhang rose into the sky, resisting the attacks of Jin Hao and the others.

Because Shi Haotian tipped off the news, the aliens knew their supernatural powers and came prepared to kill the guardian spirit beast of Zhenhai Palace, killed Li Jingjing, severely injured Chen Yueying, and captured Yang Qinglong with the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

The loss of the alien race was not small. Yang Qinglong joined forces with Li Jingjing to kill four alien races in the fusion stage, severely inflicted damage on two aliens in the fusion stage, killed a thousand enemies and lost 800.

There was a traitor in Zhenhai Palace. A cultivator named Chen Lang wanted to destroy the guardian formation. Fortunately, Su Chen from the Law Enforcement Hall found out in time, so it didn't cause a catastrophe.

Song Yiming was also injured, and now he is relying on the guardian formation to resist the enemy.

With his cultivation base in the middle of the fusion to drive the guardian formation, even if eight integrated monks attacked the guardian formation, it is not so easy to break.

If it wasn't for Chen Yueying who just survived the catastrophe not long ago and lost a lot of vitality, coupled with Shi Haotian, a traitor, they wouldn't be in such a situation.

A gleaming sharp cone wrapped in seven-color flames hit the blue water curtain, causing bursts of white mist, which were quickly bounced out.

"Fellow Daoist Shi, didn't you say that you can use fire treasures to break the guardian formation of Zhenhai Palace? I used the seven flames to break the formation, but I couldn't shake the guardian formation of Zhenhai Palace!"

Jin Hao frowned, a look of displeasure on his face. UU reading

"I only know some of the bans of the Protector's Array, and only the Sect Master knows all the bans. Mrs. Jin, if you can't capture the main altar of Zhenhai Palace for so long, let's give up! The reinforcements are coming soon, let's retreat! Senior Brother Liu and Senior Brother Lin will be in trouble when he comes back."

Shi Haotian urged, looking anxious.

Listening to his words, he was very afraid of Senior Brother Liu and Senior Brother Lin.

"Give up? Our companions just died in vain? If you work harder, I don't believe how long the Protector Array of Zhenhai Palace can resist us."

An ape-headed orc clan shouted angrily, his face full of murderous intent.

"How long can the guardian formation of Zhenhai Palace stop you, how long can you stop me?"

A cold and ruthless male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a silver dragon with a length of several hundred meters flew from a distance and came straight towards them.

There are countless silver arcs on the surface of the silver dragon, emitting a powerful spiritual pressure.

"Seventh-order Jiaolong!"

Jin Yuyu's face changed greatly and exclaimed.

"It's not the seventh-order Jiaolong, it's the transformation of the artifact spirit, and it's Senior Brother Lin who has returned. He is the most powerful artifact refiner in Zhenhai Palace."

Shi Haotian thought of something and looked nervous.

A blue escaping light appeared in the distant sky, and it didn't take long for the blue escaping light to stop.

The beast car is more than ten feet long, and the body is made of some kind of spiritual jade. A giant lion with blue scales is pulling the beast car.

A tall and thin blue-robed old man sat in the animal carriage, with a high nose bridge, a wrinkled face, and eyes like electricity. It was Lin Tianlong, the head of the local faction of Zhenhai Palace.

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