Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2337: Join hands to destroy the enemy (not today)

After a burst of "woohoo" Devil May Cry sounded, each of the three huge skulls spewed out a large amount of black silk threads, woven into a large black net with a diameter of thousands of feet, covering Wang Qingshan.

These silk threads are not ordinary silk threads, but condensed evil spirits into silk, not only extremely sharp, but also specializing in contaminating treasures. Ordinary treasures are entangled in evil threads, and their spirituality will be lost and their power will be greatly reduced.

The cyan sword qi hit the black net, and there was a muffled sound of "keng keng", as if it was chopped on a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Friend Wang Dao, let's join forces to kill this person."

A deep male voice came into Wang Qingshan's ear, and just after the voice fell, a green tornado swept over and hit the black net.

After a muffled sound, the **** net shattered instantly.

The cyan tornado went straight to the huge skull and appeared in front of it instantly.

The gigantic skeleton did not dare to be careless, opened its mouth and spurted a thick white light, while waving the white bone whip, it went straight to the cyan tornado, and a white light shot up into the sky, turning into a huge phantom of the skull, one-fifth of the skeleton. The head glowed with white light, like an entity.

Unlike other races, the Bone Race has a skull with different magical powers. Some skulls can spew sound waves, some can spew ghost fires, and some can defend. One common feature is that it is more resistant to beating.

It's best to use the lightning method or the most yang to just flame, which is easier to break the dharma of the bone race.

The white light hit the cyan tornado, and the cyan tornado exploded suddenly, revealing a tall and thin old man in green robe.

A giant blade phantom appeared above his head, exuding a terrifying aura.

The phantom of the giant blade slashed towards the phantom of the skull, and there was a muffled sound, as if it had slashed on the copper wall.

The blue-robed old man waved the cyan sword and slashed at the huge skeleton. There was a muffled sound, and sparks flew everywhere.

A black gas emerged from the body of the huge skeleton, which suddenly turned into strands of black silk, entangling the cyan Mo Knife.

The aura of the cyan Mo Dao flickered, and the cyan blade light gushed out several meters long, but it was unable to cut off the black silk.

The right bone hand of the huge skeleton grabbed the cyan Modao, opened his mouth and spewed out a white ghost fire, which landed on the cyan Modao, and the aura of the cyan Modao dimmed.

The eyes of the phantom of the skull were bright, and each shot out a white light, heading straight for the old man in the green robe.

The complexion of the old man in green robe changed, and his figure went backwards. Before he could fly far, a large black net attacked from behind and covered him, and the large black net flew towards the huge skeleton quickly.

An ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a giant sword wrapped in cyan flames shot out, and instantly came to the front of the huge skull.

The huge skull replayed the old trick, and his arms moved forward.

With a muffled sound of "keng", the cyan giant sword was blocked by the bone hand of the huge skull, and black air gushed out from the surface of the huge skull, turning into black threads, wrapping around the cyan giant sword.

As soon as the black shackle touched the cyan flame, it instantly collapsed.

The blue flames spread, drowning the huge skull and half of the body.

The huge skeleton let out a shrill Devil May cry, and bursts of white smoke rose from its body.

The phantom of the skull spewed out a white glow that fell on the huge skull, but it was useless.

A golden thunderball with a diameter of 100 meters fell from the sky and hit the huge skeleton.

A golden sun suddenly appeared high in the sky, very conspicuous.

A cyan Moblade with dim aura flew out from the golden sun, and the azure-robed old man's body surfaced brightly, submerging into the cyan Modao, the cyan Moblade escaping and rising, turning into a cyan rainbow, heading straight for the golden sun. go.

A dazzling white light lit up in the golden sun, and the thunder light dissipated, revealing a huge skeleton wrapped in cyan flame. crack.

The cyan Changhong lashed out, and the huge skeleton quickly spewed out a white flame, facing the cyan Changhong.

A sky-high sword shadow lashed out and slashed at the phantom of the skull.

The phantom of the giant blade rose sharply, slashing towards the phantom of the skull.

After a loud bang, the phantom of the skull was torn apart, the phantom of the giant sword and the phantom of the giant blade slashed on the huge skeleton one after another, and there was a muffled sound of "kengkeng", and more and more cracks appeared on the surface of the huge skeleton. .

The cyan Changhong shattered the white flames and hit the huge skeleton, like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

The cyan giant sword suddenly turned into nine flying swords with sparkling cyan light, and went straight to the white bone, smashing it to pieces.

A group of green light flew into the distance, and before it flew far, a huge golden thunderball fell, and the green light instantly disappeared.

Wang Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, the Bone Race was really difficult to deal with, if it weren't for the Qinglian Karmic Fire, and the help of a mid-stage cultivator, it would be really difficult to kill this Bone Race.

The old man in green robe made a single move, and a flashing white storage ring flew into his sleeve and disappeared.

Wang Qingshan didn't care either, as long as he could kill aliens, that would be fine.

His eyes looked at a tall, thin middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's complexion was green, with some green spiritual patterns on his arms and face, and his hair resembled tree roots.

With a pinch of his sword tactic, the nine azure glass swords turned into nine azure long rainbows, heading straight for the middle-aged man.

In a piercing sound of sword sounds, the nine cyan long rainbows turned into a hundred, a hundred thousand, and tens of thousands of flying swords with sparkling blue light went straight to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was startled, and hurriedly threw out a gleaming azure shield to block the attacking azure flying sword.

After a muffled sound, there were some faint sword marks on the surface of the cyan shield.

A blue-green tornado swept in, and the middle-aged man urged the magic trick. The giant phantom above his head spewed out a blue light, defeating the blue-colored tornado. man.

The middle-aged man's right hand lit up with a dazzling azure light, and countless azure tree roots grew out, weaving them into a long sword with a azure blueness, and greeted him.

With a muffled sound, the cyan Mo Dao smashed the cyan long sword, but there was a burst of blue light at the break, and the broken sword healed, and countless cyan tree roots came out, entangling the cyan Mo Dao.

Taking this opportunity, Lan Fukong sacrificed a lustrous seal, which instantly swelled.

Looking at the fluctuation of the spiritual energy of the blue seal, it is only a spiritual treasure, the Lan family is only a small clan, and Lan Fukong is not so arrogant, and there are not many heavenly spiritual treasures on his body.

The cyan seal smashed at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man's hair fluttered in the wind, turning into countless thick cyan tree roots, woven into a big cyan hand, and holding the cyan seal.

A giant blade phantom slashed head-on, and the middle-aged man's dharma was instantly broken, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The dense blue flying swords suddenly merged into one, turning into a blue sky-high giant sword, slashing at the middle-aged man.

After a scream, the middle-aged man split into two, turning into a piece of wood with dim light, and a cyan spar rolled out from it.

Wang Qingshan, Lan Fukong and the old man in Qingpao joined forces to kill three enemies in the Void Refinement Stage, and their confidence was greatly increased.

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