Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2342: Lin Tianlong shows his power

The latest website: When Wang Changsheng first arrived in Xuanyang Realm, he was already in the middle stage of integration.

Lin Tianlong went out for more than 2,000 years and got a big opportunity. Not only did he survive the big catastrophe safely, but he also successfully entered the late stage of integration.

He did not expect that as soon as he returned to the Xuanling Continent, he learned the news of the race war.

Lin Tianlong didn't think too much, and rushed back to Piaoyun Island as quickly as possible. He was not in Zhenhai Palace. Maybe Chen Yueying would arbitrarily dispatch the local monks to fight against the aliens, and the Ascension faction would enjoy the success.

He did not expect that after returning to Piaoyun Island, he would encounter an alien attacking Piaoyun Island.

"Junior Brother Lin, Junior Sister Li were killed by them, and the guardian spirit beast was also killed. Junior Sister Chen was seriously injured, and Junior Brother Yang was trapped by their treasures."

Song Yiming hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Lin Tianlong, his voice was sad.

"Shi Haotian, you are still alive. I hate traitors who eat inside and out."

Lin Tianlong's tone was stern, with a chilling look on his face.

It is normal for a sect to have factional disputes. They can quarrel no matter how they make a noise behind closed doors. When outsiders come in, the guns are unanimous.

Shi Haotian's face tightened. Lin Tianlong was able to become the head of the local faction. His strength was no small matter. He was the highest level refiner in Zhenhai Palace, and he had a lot of treasures in his hands.

Jin Hao waved the Golden Crow Fan and released a golden flame, the void twisted and deformed, the golden flame suddenly condensed, turned into a golden crow more than a thousand feet in size, and greeted it with a shocking heat wave.

The silver Flood Dragon spewed out a silver light and hit the Golden Crow.

After an earth-shattering loud noise, the Golden Crow exploded, turning into golden flames that filled the sky, scattered on the sea, and blasted out one after another huge waves.

The silver Flood Dragon disappeared in a burst of dazzling silver lightning, the Thunder Escape Technique.

A golden skeleton with a height of more than 30 feet. There are a lot of golden spiritual patterns on the body. The left bone hand has disappeared, and small cracks can be seen in many places on the body, which looks like a serious injury to the vitality.

A silver light lit up above his head, and a silver dragon appeared.

The silver dragon spewed out a silver light, hitting the huge skeleton, and the dazzling thunder light drowned the huge skeleton.

With its tail swept away, the ape-headed orcs were swept away by the silver dragon's tail, and flew out backwards, spitting out a large mouthful of blood, and their faces paled slightly.

The golden black fan in Jin Hao's hand suddenly brightened, and with a light fan, countless golden flames swept out, hitting the silver dragon, and the golden flames and silver arcs flickered.

A burst of cyan flame erupted from the right fist of the cyan giant above Qing Hao's head, and one punch hit the silver Flood Dragon.

After the silver Flood Dragon let out a shrill roar, it turned into a short sword that flickered incessantly with silver light. A miniature Flood Dragon was engraved on the body of the sword.

The silver short knife sank into the silver lightning, and there was a muffled sound.

The silver thunder light dissipated, revealing a huge skeleton with more and more cracks on its surface.

Its right bone hand grabbed the silver short knife, and countless slender black silks wrapped around the silver short knife, and the cracks on the surface of the bone hand became bigger and bigger.

The silver dagger's aura soared, and countless silver thunders gushed out. The bone hand was like a piece of paper, and it broke in an instant. The silver dagger cut the huge skeleton in half, and the spirit could not escape.

Jin Hao's face became more and more ugly. A high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, which had been refined into the seventh-order flood dragon spirit, had such great power, which was beyond her expectations.

The aura of the silver short knife skyrocketed, turning into a huge silver dragon again.

They didn't dare to be careless and sacrificed their treasures to attack the silver dragon.

The void fluctuated together, and a golden cloth bag appeared high in the sky. There was a pattern of Pixiu on the surface of the golden cloth bag, and the aura was amazing.

The size of the golden cloth bag suddenly skyrocketed, covering the area for thousands of miles.

The golden cloth bag suddenly hung down with a large golden glow, covering the treasures that attacked the silver dragon.

"Liantian bag? No, it should be an imitation."

Jin Hao's face was full of disbelief. She looked at Shi Haotian and planned to ask Shi Haotian why.

Shi Haotian didn't mention this treasure. He could take away their treasure. How could they fight the enemy?

Shi Haotian didn't care about them at all, the green robe on his body burst into a dazzling green light, and disappeared into a cloud of green mist.

Dead Daoist friends don't die poor Daoists, how can Shi Haotian care about them.

The silver Jiaolong rushed towards Jin Yu and the others, and before it got close, it released countless silver thunder lights and hit them.

The sea tumbled violently, and there was a piercing tsunami sound. The huge waves were huge, and the waves were more violent than the waves. The quaking void made a "humming" sound, and the void distorted and deformed.

Thousands of miles away, the sea water burst open, and a golden glow flew out from the bottom of the sea, hitting a certain void.

There was a ripple in the void, and a green light fell from the void. It was Shi Haotian. There was a silver talisman on his body. There was a mysterious pattern on the surface of the talisman, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

A huge alien beast emerged from the bottom of the sea, with golden scales all over its body, its head, fish scales, ox tail, tiger claws, antlers, golden eyes, and a burst of blue light on its limbs.

"The seventh-order golden-eyed beast!"

Shi Haotian exclaimed, his eyes full of fear.

"Xutian Huaying Talisman, this is the secret talisman of the Void family. It seems that you have a good chance, but if you want to escape from my hands, it is a fool's dream."

Lin Tianlong's cold and ruthless voice suddenly sounded, resounding for a hundred thousand miles.

Shi Haotian's magic art was pinched, and a **** light shot up into the sky, turning into a phantom shadow of a monster more than a hundred feet tall.

As soon as the monster phantom appeared, he opened his mouth and spat out a **** light, hitting the golden-eyed beast.

Shi Haotian sacrificed a green gourd the size of a slap and released a pungent green poisonous mist, hitting the golden-eyed beast. At the same time, he opened his mouth and spewed eighteen flying knives flashing with blood, circling around him uncertainly.

The golden-eyed beast turned into a little blue light and disappeared, obviously it was a phantom.

The sea water tumbled violently, and the sky-high giant waves rushing from all directions, escaping very fast.

Where the sky-high waves passed, the void was torn apart directly, as if this piece of heaven and earth were about to collapse, and the momentum was astonishing.

Shi Haotian's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to cast a spell to avoid it. He was horrified to find that his body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move. It didn't stop there. A strong pressure was coming, and it seemed to crush his body.

He felt that it was becoming difficult to breathe, and his face was flushed.

Shi Haotian's magic art was pinched, and the monster phantom spewed a blood-colored sound wave and greeted him.

After the loud rumbling sound, waves of sky-high waves smashed the blood-colored sound waves and drowned Shi Haotian.

A blood-colored giant blade pierced through the sky-high waves and flew towards the void in the distance.


A loud shout of a man resounded through the heavens and the earth, the sea water rippled, the blue light was released, and the void was twisted and deformed.

The blood-colored giant blade suddenly stopped, shaking violently, but it couldn't move a bit.

The red light flashed, and a small cauldron with a continuous flow of red light appeared above the blood-colored giant blade. There was a vermilion bird pattern on the surface of the red cauldron, exuding amazing fire aura fluctuations.

The Suzaku incinerator is a top-grade heavenly treasure.

Lin Tianlong is Zhenhai Palace's highest level crafting is also the head of the local faction, and he has a lot of treasures in his hands.

The vermilion bird burning furnace spewed out a red glow, covering the blood-colored giant blade and taking it in.

The Suzaku on the surface of the Suzaku Burning Furnace seemed to come alive, flapping its wings, a red flame gushed out, the lid of the cauldron kept shaking, and there was a faint sound of "clanging" metal collision, mixed with a man's scream.

A red flame drowned the Vermilion Bird Burning Stove. From a distance, it was like a red scorching sun with a diameter of hundreds of feet hanging in the sky, which was very conspicuous.

Within ten breaths, the Suzaku Fire Stove stopped shaking, and the flames disappeared.

As soon as Lin Tianlong appeared, he beheaded two integrated monks. Although Shi Haotian and the giant skeleton were injured, it also proved Lin Tianlong's strength.

There was a ripple on Lin Tianlong's head, and a golden light flickering seal suddenly appeared. Judging from the fluctuation of its mana, it was just a mid-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. (To be continued)

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