Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2343: Ascendants suffered heavy losses

The surface of the golden seal lit up with a dazzling red light, and its body soared to a height of ten thousand feet, like a giant peak.

The golden giant seal lowered a large golden glow, covering Lin Tianlong and smashing it down.

A blue light flew from Lin Tianlong's body, turning into a phantom of a giant more than a hundred feet tall, and the part above the knees flashed like a real body.

His dharma has been condensed nine-tenths of the time, which is already very powerful.

As soon as the giant phantom appeared, his arms patted the golden giant seal, and a puff of white smoke rose.

The golden giant seal was blocked by the arms of the giant phantom, but soon, the golden giant print spurted a golden flame, hitting the giant phantom, and most of the giant phantom was submerged by the golden flame.

After a dazzling blue light emerged from the phantom of the giant, the golden flame suddenly dissipated.

Lin Tianlong's dharma is condensed with Xuanming True Water, which is from yin to cold, and can control water with water.

Compared with the water of Ming River, Xuanming True Water is still far behind, but the characteristics of the two are different.

After a sound of breaking the air, dense golden fist shadows shot out. Wherever they passed, the air waves were like waves, the fist wind was like thunder, and the void was torn apart.

The giant phantom spewed out a blue light, which turned into a thick blue water curtain, blocking Lin Tianlong's face.

After the dense golden fist shadow smashed in front of the blue water curtain, the blue water curtain twisted and deformed, and finally burst.

A stench swept through, and the ape-headed orcs suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tianlong, and the spiritual boots on their feet flickered non-stop.

Shi Haotian told the aliens about the supernatural powers and treasures of the high-level Zhenhai Palace, and they came prepared, which led to Li Jingjing being killed, otherwise they would really not be opponents.

Lin Tianlong is a seventh-order artifact refiner, but he is not a physical practitioner.

As soon as the orcs appeared, they immediately let out a loud roar, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

A golden light soared into the sky, turning into a huge orc phantom, and the upper body of the orc phantom flickered with spiritual light.

The orc phantom's arms were bright, and with a piercing sound of breaking the air, he smashed at Lin Tianlong.

At the same time, the orcs swung a giant axe with golden light and slashed at Lin Tianlong.

With his powerful physical body, it is no problem to indulge the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, but Lin Tianlong may not be able to take a punch from him.

Lin Tianlong was hit by the golden giant axe and disappeared into a little blue light, apparently it was a fake.

The orcs sensed that something was wrong, the sea suddenly burst open, and more than a dozen blue water dragons with a length of more than 100 meters flew out from the bottom of the sea, with millions of pounds of force, pounced on the orcs.

After a scream, the orc phantom was torn apart, and the orcs flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Mrs. Jin, hurry up..."

Before the orcs had finished speaking, they were surprised to find that the five Jin Hao didn't care about him at all, turning into five rays of light, flying in different directions, and escaping extremely fast.

He cursed in his heart. Jin Hao sent him a voice transmission just now and asked him to deal with Lin Tianlong. Jin Hao and others came to assist him. At the critical moment, Jin Hao didn't care about his life or death. Obviously, Jin Hao regarded him as an abandoned child.

The orcs were very annoyed, and before they had time to escape, the sea below rippled, and the blue light flickered non-stop, creating a strong gravity.

His body weighed hundreds of millions of kilograms, and strong pressure came oncoming, a muffled sound of "crackling" came from his body, and his face flushed red.

The giant phantom spurted out a blue light, hitting the left shoulder of the orcs, and there was a muffled sound, blood dripping, and a blood hole the size of a fist could be seen.

With a flash of white light, a flickering mountain peak suddenly appeared above his head, Xuanyu Town Spirit Peak, the treasure of the seven major town palaces of Zhenhai Palace.

Profound strength, more trump cards.

Lingfeng of Xuanyu Town is a top-grade Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure, which has been refined into a large number of Ice Soul Divine Crystals.

Lingfeng of Xuanyu Town lit up with a dazzling white light, a white cold air emerged, and his body soared.

The orcs turned pale in shock, and hurriedly spurted out a golden sound wave, which slowed down the falling speed of Lingfeng in Xuanyu Town.

A huge orc phantom appeared high in the sky, and the orc phantom had bright arms and smashed towards Lingfeng in Xuanyu Town.

The golden giant axe smashed on top of Lingfeng in Xuanyu Town, and there was a muffled sound.

Lingfeng of Xuanyu Town spun around, and a white glow fell down, the golden giant axe froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Lingfeng of Xuanyu Town fell head-on.

The orc phantom was instantly shattered, and the orc race was covered by the white glow, which instantly froze and turned into a huge ice sculpture.

A mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body, and a blue talisman fell from the sky, sticking to the body of the mini Nascent Soul, and the mini Nascent Soul suddenly stopped high in the air.

The silver dragon plate kept hitting the red giant tower, and there was a muffled sound from the red giant tower, and small cracks appeared, and the cracks became more and more.

Song Yiming urged the guardian formation to attack the giant red tower, hoping to rescue Yang Qinglong.

After a loud bang, the giant red tower burst and Yang Qinglong escaped.

There was a terrifying blood hole in his chest, the blood flowed nonstop, and there was a burning smell coming from his body.

On the other side, the five Jin Hao were already thousands of miles away.

Lin Tianlong took out a longbow with a silver light, and flipped his right hand. Three silver-lighted arrows appeared in his hand. The surface of the arrows was filled with countless silver arcs.

"Whoosh whoosh" three arrow whistles sounded, and three silver arrows flew out, UU reading www. went straight to the three aliens, and a woman's scream came from the horizon.

"Senior brother, guard the main altar, I will go back when I go, and don't show them any color, I really think Zhenhai Palace is easy to bully."

After Lin Tianlong said these words, the beast car beneath him released a great deal of spiritual light, turning into a blue light that broke through the air and walked away.

Yang Qinglong was about to chase after him, but was stopped by Song Yiming: "Junior Brother Yang, stop chasing, wait for you to recover from your injuries, and then seek revenge from the alien race, leaving the Qingshan in fear of running out of firewood, if you die now, Junior Sister Li will be in vain. died."

Hearing this, Yang Qinglong suppressed the anger in his heart and flew back to Piaoyun Island to heal his wounds.

Song Yiming pinched the magic trick, Xuanyu Town Lingfeng quickly returned to its original size and flew back to his hand.

He grabbed it with one hand, and the Nascent Soul of the Orcs flew towards him and landed on his hand.

"Strengthen your defenses and use a large-scale communication array to inform other forces that seven aliens have fallen."

Song Yiming commanded with a heavy tone.

If it wasn't for Shi Haotian's tipping off, and the aliens prepared treasures to restrain them, they wouldn't have suffered heavy casualties.

He guessed that the alien race might attack Piaoyun Island, and this made Yang Qinglong and Li Jingjing stay at the main altar and send others to support the front line, but he did not expect Shi Haotian to join the alien race.

Fang Ming flew over with a solemn expression.

"Master Uncle Yang, who went to Golden Toad Island for support, the soul card of his life has been extinguished."

Fang Ming said softly, this Uncle Yang belongs to the Ascension faction. In this battle, the Ascension faction lost two integrated cultivators, seriously injuring both of them and their vitality.

The natal soul card has the same function as the natal soul lamp, but the natal soul lamp may make mistakes, and the natal soul card is relatively more reliable.


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