Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2344: Yan??/a>

Song Yiming frowned, no matter which cultivator fell, it would be a great loss to Zhenhai Palace.

Two integrated cultivators have fallen and two integrated cultivators have been seriously injured. Zhenhai Palace is broken this time. If this is replaced by a sect such as the Leng Yan sect, it is estimated that the sect has already been wiped out.

Song Yiming felt a little strange. What was the purpose of the alien race against Zhenhai Palace? For Xuantian things?

It is really for Xuantian things, and it is not too much for a Mahayana cultivator to do it himself. It is impossible to just send twelve aliens in the fusion stage.

Of the twelve alien races in the fusion stage, there were only two of the Jinghuo tribe, and the casualties were also fusion monks of other races.

He didn't understand, so he didn't want to think about it. His face sank and he asked, "What happened to that traitor?"

"Junior Brother Chen came back from the wild land. Junior Brother Wang suspected that there was something wrong with him, but there was no evidence. However, Senior Brother Su from the Law Enforcement Hall has been keeping an eye on him in secret, so it didn't cause a catastrophe."

Fang Ming cautiously said that he was not in his position and did not seek his own political affairs. It was the duty of the Law Enforcement Hall to examine the traitors and deal with traitors, and it was not within the scope of his duties.

Song Yiming motivated the guardian formation with his mid-fusion cultivation base, and there were a number of imaginary cultivators casting spells to interfere with alien races. If not, he might not be able to hold back for too long.

Song Yiming snorted coldly and instructed: "All disciples who have returned from the barren land will be strictly investigated, including Senior Nephew Wang."

"Yes, Sect Master, I will inform Senior Brother Su immediately."

Fang Ming agreed, he remembered something, and added: "By the way, Junior Brother Wang and the others were also attacked by alien races, six alien races in the refining stage attacked their family, and there were many sixth-order monsters, Junior Brother Wang With fewer enemies and more enemies, they killed the four Lianxu, and Sister Wang used the formation to block the two alien races and many sixth-order monsters in the refining stage. The alien race has retreated, and they asked us for help."

Qinglian Island has a sixth-order formation. With Wang Ruyan's cultivation in the early stage of virtual refining, it is very good to be able to block two refining virtuals and multiple sixth-order monsters, and it is not comparable to Zhenhai Palace.

"Send four cultivators to lead the team, bring people over to support them, and tell them to prepare for a counterattack."

Song Yiming commanded in a stern tone.

Zhenhai Palace has suffered such a huge loss, and it will never be forgotten. Zhenhai Palace can't help the Jinghuo clan, and there is no problem with dealing with the Jinpeng clan and other accomplices.

Killing for life, blood for blood.

If you don't teach those little clans a heavy lesson, this kind of thing will happen in the future.

"Yes, Sect Master, I will arrange it right away."

Fang Ming agreed with all his mouth and took the order to leave.


In the Xuanqing faction, a group of disciples was patrolling, and the leader was an old man in green robes, who was a god-turning cultivator.

After Xuanqingzi entered the Mahayana period, the Xuanqing faction became the largest faction of the human race in the Xuanling Continent, and was unparalleled in the limelight.

Their patrol is just a short walk. The main altar of the Xuanqing faction is in the mainland, and it is tens of trillions of miles away from the territory of the alien race.

"I heard that the battle on the front line was fierce. Many border cities were attacked, and dozens of cultivators lost their lives."

"Yeah! I heard that the nests of many forces have been attacked by aliens, with heavy casualties."

"Hey, we're still comfortable. There's no danger in patrolling the mountain at the Zongtan, but there is less oil and water."


Golden Leaf Island, Li family.

The small half of the Golden Leaf Island was turned into ruins, and a large number of corpses could be seen, including the corpses of human monks and monsters.

With Jinye Island as the center, there are a large number of corpses floating on the sea surface with a radius of 200,000 miles. The sea water is dyed red with blood, like purgatory.

In a spacious hall, the head of the Li family, Li Yuezhen, was reporting the situation to a pale golden-robed old man. The golden-robed old man's left arm was missing.

The three alien races in the fusion period led tens of millions of monsters to attack the Li family. The Li family suffered heavy losses, the guardian spirit beast was killed, one integrated cultivator was seriously injured, two aliens were seriously injured, and one was slightly injured.

"Old Ancestor, I just received the news that the Long Family, Leng Yan Sect, and Jiu Yan Sect were all attacked, and all of them were led by aliens in the integration period. The specific losses are not clear."

Li Yuezhen's voice was heavy.

"The Jinghuo Clan actually mobilized so many cultivators in the integration period, and they are attacking the east and west? Which force is the real target of the Jinghuo clan?"

The golden-robed old man frowned and said in a weak tone.

"Forget it, don't care about him, that's not something we worry about, send someone to Wanlingmen for help and strengthen the alert."

The golden-robed old man ordered.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Li Yueji responded and took the order to leave.


The disciples of the Xuanqing faction were chatting, talking and laughing.

"One less sentence, let's talk after the patrol."

The old man in green robe reprimanded, in a stern tone.

"Uncle Li, look, what is that?"

A disciple pointed to the sky, and saw a large amount of red fire suddenly appear in the void. After a blur, it turned into red fireballs with a diameter of 100 meters. A huge red fire cloud appeared in the sky, the ground suddenly caught fire, and the fire expanded rapidly.

The ground with a radius of ten thousand miles suddenly ignited a raging fire. The flames shot into the sky, and more than 100,000 huge fireballs floated high in the sky, like a red meteor shower, piercing the sky and smashing into the Xuanqing faction.

Seeing this scene, the old man in green robe and the others turned pale in shock, and sacrificed treasures to resist.

The vegetation on the ground suddenly burst into a dazzling azure light, and towering trees and giant vines rose up from the ground, blocking the old man in green robes and others to protect them.

After a deafening roar sounded, fires blazed into the sky within a radius of 100,000 miles, and the heat wave was amazing.

The radius of 100,000 miles turned into a sea of ​​red fire, and the void was distorted and deformed.

The alarm sounded loudly, and a large number of Xuanqing Sect disciples flew out of the main altar.

"Old ghost Yan, you really dare to come to our Xuanqing faction to make trouble. It seems that the lesson you taught you last time was not enough."

A majestic man's voice came from the horizon and spread over a million miles.

A sky-high giant vine lit up with a dazzling azure light, and Xuan Qingzi appeared with a cold expression.

The scarlet fire cloud tumbled violently like boiling water, and suddenly turned into a red-robed old man with a belly.

Yangang, the high priest of Jinghuo clan, the early Mahayana period.

"Hehe, Old Monster Lin, I thought you died under the great catastrophe, but I didn't expect you to be alive. I heard that your Xuanqing faction got a Xuantian item?"

Yan Gang laughed and asked without a smile.

"I heard that you Jinghuo tribe got a fairy weapon?"

Xuan Qingzi sneered and said, who can't brag, hearing is false, seeing is believing.

"Hey, I won't talk nonsense with you. I haven't seen you for many years. I don't know how much your strength has improved."

Yan Gang smiled, his face full of murderous intent. (To be continued)

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