Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2347: secret

"By the way, where did Ying Er go?"

Song Huizu remembered something and asked.

"She held a party to make friends with the elite children of other forces."

Xia Zhiwei explained with a smile.


A manor covering an area of ​​100 acres, pavilions, pavilions, waterside corridors, strange rocks and rocks.

In a stone pavilion built on a huge lake, more than 20 cultivators sat in the pavilion, sipping tea, chatting, and exchanging their experiences in dealing with alien races.

Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli, and Luo Tianbao were all there. Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli joined forces to kill a number of aliens at the God Transformation stage.

"Friend Wang Dao, I heard that Ling Zun killed four strong enemies in the refining stage with one enemy and four. If you have time another day, Ling Zun can visit our Song family. The ancestors must be very happy."

A slender blue-skirt girl said enthusiastically, the blue-skirt girl has peach blossom eyes, willow-leaf eyebrows, her skin is like snow, and her head is golden.

Song Yunying, the descendant of Song Huizu, her breath is weaker than Wang Qingfeng.

"I will tell my father that if I have time, I will definitely come to visit."

Wang Qingfeng agreed.

"With one enemy and four, killing four virtual cultivators is really powerful, and the Five Spirits and True Monarchs are not so powerful."

A fat-headed and big-eared young man in a golden shirt said yin and yang with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Daoyou Deng, what do you mean?"

Wang Qingfeng's face turned cold, with a look of displeasure on his face.

The young man in the golden shirt is none other than Deng Tianqi of the Deng family in Xuanyun Mountain.

More than a thousand years ago, Wang Qingfeng followed Wang Changsheng to participate in the Taiyang Real People's Fitting Ceremony. At a party, he met Deng Tianqi. Deng Tianqi insisted on discussing with Wang Qingfeng, but was injured by Wang Qingfeng.

After not seeing him for many years, Deng Tianqi has also entered the Divine Transformation stage, which is currently the middle stage of Divine Transformation.

"It doesn't make any sense, I just said casually, your father is more powerful than the Five Spirits True Monarch. The Five Spirits True Monarch was besieged by many aliens in the imaginary stage and was seriously injured. The enemy is really powerful."

Deng Tianqi smiled contemptuously, his face full of suspicion.

"Maybe Senior Wang's Taoist method is able to pass the Xuanxuan and kill four aliens in the refining stage. This is a good thing for our human race."

Luo Tianbao hurriedly made a round. Since Wang Qingfeng saw Deng Tianqi, Deng Tianqi has been targeting Wang Qingfeng with all kinds of yin and yang peculiarities.

"It's a good thing to kill the alien race in the Void Refinement Stage. I'm afraid that someone will lie about their military exploits, and I'm not afraid that the wind will flash their tongues."

Deng Tianqi sneered and said that when he and Wang Qingfeng learned from each other, he lost to Wang Qifeng under the watchful eyes of many cultivators, and was banned by his family for a hundred years. People who had a bad relationship with him often laughed at him, which made Deng Tianqi hate Wang Qingfeng even more.

"Don't worry about Daoist Deng, you should still care about yourself! I heard that your Deng family has lost four gods, and with this little strength, go to the front line to fight against aliens, seek death, go back if you don't have the strength, and don't be ashamed here. ."

Wang Qingfeng sneered that Deng Tianqi had repeatedly targeted him, so he would naturally not be polite to Deng Tianqi.

The Deng family has virtual cultivators, and the two are similar in strength, but the Wang family is backed by Zhenhai Palace, which is much stronger than the Deng family.

Hearing this, Deng Tianqi was even more angry. The Deng family died in battle, and two of them took care of him. Wang Qingfeng was rubbing salt on Deng Tianqi's wound.

"It is said that tiger fathers have no dogs. Since the venerable **** has passed through people, Daoyou Wang is not weak. It happens that so many Daoists are present. Let's discuss it, how about it?"

Deng Tianqi suppressed the anger in his heart and suggested.

"Not interested in."

Wang Qingfeng refused, he didn't want to discuss with Deng Tianqi.

"Wang Daoyou is only capable of this?"

Deng Tianqi smiled contemptuously and sneered.

"Two fellow Daoists, one of you is less than a word. The alien race has not retreated. If you want to compete, when you fight against the alien race, see who kills the most god-turning alien race."

Song Yunying hurriedly came forward to mediate the situation and stopped them from arguing.

The other monks spoke one after another to prevent them from continuing to quarrel.

Wang Qingfeng and Deng Tianqi did not continue to quarrel, but they both hated each other more and more.

An hour later, the monks left one after another, and Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli also left and returned to their residence.

When they returned to their residence, Wang Qingshan sent Song Huizu and Xia Zhiwei away.

"Qingfeng, Xueli, you come with me, I have something to ask you."

Wang Qingshan said hello and led Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli into a three-storey cyan attic.

"Do you know the sword cultivator who was in the Void Refinement Stage? It was the Void Refinement cultivator who rescued you that day and joined hands with me, Daoyou Wang and Daoyou Lan to deal with the alien race."

Wang Qingshan's tone was heavy.

Song Huizu and Xia Zhiwei came to visit and asked him about the situation of the sword cultivator at the refining stage.

Wang Qingshan didn't know this person at all, he only knew his surname was Lin, and he didn't know anything else.

Dong Xueli frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously, "Seventh brother, why did Senior Song and Senior Xia inquire about him? What does it have to do with our Wang family?"

"They said they wanted to make friends with this person, but I don't think it's that simple, Xue Li, do you know him?"

Wang Qingshan wondered. UU reading

Dong Xueli didn't answer, but asked, "Did he cause trouble? Will it affect our Wang family?"

"Then I don't know."

Wang Qingshan shook his head, he remembered something, and said, "I heard that Xia Xianzi is a descendant of the Xia family in Lihuogu, and I heard that the Xia family was a family of cultivators, and was destroyed by Master Mad Saber."

Wang Qingfeng raised his brows, and the Xia family came to the door, which was troublesome.

Dong Xueli's sleeves flicked, and she threw out a sparkling azure bead, and entered a magic trick. After the cyan bead rolled around, it released a cyan glow, covering the three of them.

"He may be my father, that is, Master Crazy Blade. He used martial arts to meet friends, and he learned from people everywhere. He learned from the children of the Xia family in the spirit of transformation, and injured the children of the Xia family. It was nothing at that time, and the Xia family did not pursue it. But hundreds of years later, the Xia family suddenly came to the door, saying that the clan members were seriously injured and killed by my father, and they wanted to take us back. My mother and eldest brother died at the hands of the Xia family cultivators in order to cover me. Later, when my father came back, It has entered the Void Refinement Stage and destroyed the Xia Family."

"After I escaped, I changed my name and changed my surname. I went to a different country and became my home. Later, I met my husband. Seventh brother knew what happened next. Many years ago, we searched for a panacea for my mother to heal her wounds, and we met him in a square market. , ask him for help."

Dong Xueli said slowly.

"Did he take the initiative to contact you? How many people in the clan know about this?"

Wang Qingshan asked with a solemn expression.

This matter is a lot of trouble. The Song family is a cultivator family supported by the local faction of Zhenhai Palace.

"My parents know of his existence, but I don't know what he has done. As for why the Xia family pursued it after hundreds of years, I don't know either."

Dong Xueli said truthfully.


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