Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2348: reinforcements arrive

"If you can contact him, tell him that the Song family cultivator is investigating him, and let him be careful. The Song family has a lot of power. Don't spread the matter, and don't get too close to him."

Wang Qingshan reminded him what he thought, and added: "Xue Li, it's not that I'm not friendly, this matter is too much to do, and if the news is leaked, our family will be in trouble. Rumor has it that there are ten cultivators in the Song family."

"I understand that if I see him, I will let him hide away."

Dong Xueli agreed, she knew the seriousness of the problem.


Outside the Xuanqing faction, Xuan Qingzi stood on the huge canopy of a big tree, his face was slightly pale, the Xuanling Huatian flag floated in front of him, with the big tree as the center, a radius of millions of miles was razed to the ground.

"Let you run away, you are lucky."

Xuan Qingzi said to himself, his expression indifferent.

He borrowed the incomplete treasure of Xuantian to cast Xuantian Spirit Realm, fought with Yanfang, injured Yanfang, and destroyed the treasure of Fentian Gourd.

Qin Yufeng flew over, looking nervous, and said, "Master Lin, many forces were attacked by aliens, and the loss was not small. Zhenhai Palace damaged two integrated monks, and the guardian spirit beast died in battle."

"Yangang has already been injured by me. Take this opportunity to organize a counterattack, show some color to those small races, kill as many high-level aliens as possible, and send people to investigate carefully. The purpose of the aliens' move."

Xuan Qingzi commanded in a stern tone.

He always felt that the war between the Jinghuo clan and the Yasha clan was a bit strange, but he couldn't figure out the purpose of the two clans, so he simply organized a counterattack, which might be able to see the intention of the alien race.

The Jinghuo clan may not necessarily come for the things of Xuantian, maybe to see if he died under the great catastrophe. If the human race dies a Mahayana monk, the scale of the race will be even bigger.

In this race war, there were not many casualties among the integrated cultivators, and a lot of casualties among the cultivating cultivators.

"Yes, Master Lin."

Qin Yufeng agreed and went away.


Qinglian Island, Qinglian Peak.

In a certain secret room, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on a blue futon, his eyes were closed, his hands were sealed, and a layer of blue rays of light shrouded his body.

After a while, Wang Changsheng seemed to notice something, the glow on his body dissipated, and he opened his eyes.

He took out a blue-light floating magic plate and entered a magic formula. Wang Ruyan's voice sounded: "Husband, the reinforcements from Zhenhai Palace have arrived. Senior Sister Liu is leading the team."

"You actually sent Senior Sister Liu here."

Wang Changsheng was full of surprises. Liu Yumei was a sixth-order alchemist, and he sent Liu Yumei over. He could ask for some sixth-order healing pills to recover faster.

He thought that Zhenhai Palace would send at most two cultivators to come to support, but he didn't expect to send four cultivators over. It seemed that Chen Yueying attached great importance to the Wang family.

Wang Changsheng walked out, Wang Ruyan was standing outside the door.

She refined the group of sixth-order spiritual flames, so that both of them had a group of sixth-order spiritual flames, one cold and one hot.

"How is the Liu family?"

Wang Changsheng opened his mouth and asked, the foreign races have made a big move, and naturally they are not specially here for the Wang family.

"Most of the Liu family was killed and injured. If it wasn't for Leng Yan's support of several cultivators, the Liu family would have been wiped out."

Wang Ruyan explained that this war weakened the Liu family's strength. If it wasn't for the support of the Leng Yan faction, the Liu family would have been exterminated.

"Except for the Liu family, the losses of the Liu family's affiliated forces are not small, and many casualties are Lianxu."

Wang Changsheng nodded with a happy expression on his face. As a result, it would be difficult for the Liu family to threaten the Wang family.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left Qinglian Peak and came to the reception room.

Liu Yumei, Chen Yihang, Lu Guangpeng and Cai Yunfeng were sitting on chairs, drinking tea and chatting.

They were instructed to lead the team to support the Wang family, mainly for the counterattack. In addition to the four cultivators, there were also fifty cultivators of the transformation of the gods. This force was already very powerful.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew in, and they said at the same time, "I've seen Senior Sister Liu, Senior Brother Chen, Senior Brother Lu, Senior Brother Cai, thank you for coming to support."

"Junior Brother Wang, your injury is not light! Are the aliens very powerful? Tell us about the situation of the aliens!"

Liu Yumei looked at Wang Changsheng up and down and asked.

Wang Changsheng told the truth, he focused on the supernatural powers of alien races, and his own supernatural powers passed directly.

"The aliens are prepared, it is inevitable that you will be injured. This box of snow lotus jade ointment will heal your wounds and apply it to the wounds to heal the injuries caused by lightning strikes."

Liu Yumei took out a pale golden jade box and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Liu, this is a little bit of our heart, please don't dislike it."

Wang Changsheng took the golden jade box, took out four storage rings of different colors, and handed them to Liu Yumei, one for each.

He obtained a lot of refining materials from the three Jinpeng clan, took out some belongings, and distributed it to the four Liu Yumei, so that they would be more attentive.

Even a faction needs interests to maintain a relationship. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

Liu Yumei and the four took the storage ring, swept away their consciousness, and admired Wang Changsheng more and more.

They came all the way to the Wang family, so naturally they can't be busy working in Junior Brother Wang is polite, don't worry, when we counterattack, the aliens we kill are counted as yours. "

Chen Yihang's tone was warm. They came to support Qinglian Island this time. Fang Ming asked them to help Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan become famous, which would help the development of the Wang family.


Wang Changsheng was stunned, he counterattacked so quickly?

"Senior Sister Liu, why did the aliens invade us? We are going to counterattack so soon?"

Wang Ruyan wondered.

Liu Yumei shook her head and said, "The purpose of the alien race is unclear. Before we set off, we received news that several forces were attacked by the alien race and suffered heavy losses. I don't know what medicine was sold in the alien gourd, and the main altar of Zhenhai Palace was also attacked. ."

"Every tens of thousands of years, a racial war will break out. The issue of scale is a kind of contest between big clans, and it is also a kind of temptation. It's not surprising. After this war, there will be tens of thousands of years of peace."

Chen Yihang explained.

"The main altar was attacked? How about the loss? How about Uncle Chen?"

Wang Changsheng asked nervously, there are people in the court who are good officials, there is a big difference between someone who is covered and no one is covered, just look at Liu Yumei's four refining virtual support Wang family.

"Master Li died in battle, Master Chen, Master Uncle Yang, and Uncle Yang were all injured, the guardian spirit beast was killed by the alien race, and the uncle Yang who supported Jinchan Island was also killed by the alien race. Bo single-handedly killed the alien race in the three-in-one period."

Liu Yumei said truthfully.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned, killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred.

The Ascension Faction lost two integrated monks and two were injured, which was a heavy blow to the Ascension Faction.

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