Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2350: Zhentian Gong

The human race dispatched more than 300,000 monks, the alien race has more than 400,000, and there are more than 100,000. However, the human race has puppet beasts and spirit beasts.

Wang Qingshan's opponent was a green-skinned young woman in a green skirt. The young woman in a green skirt had a graceful figure and had some blue spiritual lines on her face, so she was a spiritual clan.

The aura of the young woman in the green skirt was stronger than that of Wang Qingshan, and she was obviously a mid-stage cultivator.

The young woman in the blue skirt has a huge tree man phantom on top of her head, condensing her head and arms, and the aura flashes continuously.

The treant's phantom's arms moved, and the weeds on the ground grew wildly. The weeds were woven into big blue hands and patted at Wang Qingshan.

Countless blue vines burst out of the ground, swayed gently, and countless golden thorns flew out, hitting Wang Qingshan like steel needles.

The Spirit Race is divided into five elements. Different Spirit Races have very different magical powers. The Water Spirit Race is the least common. They are proficient in concealment and are difficult to guard against.

Wang Qingshan waved the Qinglian sword and released countless cyan sword energy, blocking the golden thorns and the big cyan hand.

With a flash of his sword technique, nine azure glass swords flew out of the sword box, and after one blurred, they turned into tens of thousands of identical azure flying swords, and they smashed the young woman in the blue skirt mightily.

The young woman in the blue skirt offered out a jade ruler with a bright blue light, and with a slight wave, countless blue ruler shadows swept out and greeted her.

After the loud rumbling sound, a large number of cyan flying swords were smashed into pieces, turned into little cyan lights and disappeared.

A big green hand appeared out of thin air and patted the young woman in the blue skirt Tianling Gai.

The treant phantom's arms moved, crushing the big blue hand.

The dense cyan silk threads lashed out, and the phantom of the tree man opened his mouth and spurted a blue light, protecting the young woman in the blue skirt, the blue silk threads hit the blue light, and there was a muffled sound.

A blue sky-high giant sword fell from the sky, slashed on the blue light, and the blue light shattered instantly.

Countless cyan thorns grew out of the hands of the young woman in the blue skirt, entangling the Sky-high Sword, preventing it from falling.

After a piercing sound of sword cries rang out, the Sky-high Sword released countless cyan sword qi and slashed at the young woman in the blue skirt.

Countless cyan runes lit up on the body of the young woman in the blue skirt, and countless cyan vines burst out, weaving them into a thick cyan armor to protect the whole body.

The dense cyan sword qi slashed on the cyan armor, the cyan armor shattered, and the young woman in the blue skirt was covered in scars and blood flowed non-stop.

The phantom of the tree man opened his mouth and spewed out a blue glow, which fell on the wound of the young woman in the green skirt. The wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye and disappeared.

The young woman in the blue skirt healed instantly. This is a major characteristic of the wood spirit clan's dharma. As long as she is not fatally injured, she can recover quickly, but the loss of vitality is relatively large.

The face of the young woman in the green skirt was slightly pale, and it was obvious that she had lost a lot of vitality.

Wang Qingshan was a little surprised. He had long heard that the Wood Spirit Clan's recovery ability was relatively strong. When he saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

Hundreds of blue water spears shot from a distance, and instantly arrived in front of Wang Qingshan. Wang Qingshan waved the Qinglian sword and released a cyan sword energy to smash the incoming blue water spear. Turned into countless blue water vapor.

The blue water vapor suddenly condensed and turned into a giant blue fist, hitting Wang Qingshan.

Wang Qingshan frowned, took out the green lotus sword, and punched a magic trick. The green lotus sword turned into a cyan lotus flower that was more than a hundred feet in size, floating on top of his head. , smashed the big blue fist.

A cloud of blue water vapor appeared around the young woman in the green skirt, and turned into a burly man in a blue shirt. The blue shirt man's eyes were blue, and there were some blue spiritual patterns on his arms and face. The young woman is almost the same, and his eyes are full of concern.

The water spirit clan in the virtual refining period, it seems that the two are husband and wife.

"I'm here to help you, Daoyou Wang."

Lan Fukong flew over with a solemn expression.

"And I."

Wang Dafei flew over, his face full of fighting intent.

Wang Qingshan nodded, and with a pinch of the sword, the nine azure glass swords suddenly rose in azure light, releasing countless azure sword qi towards the young woman in the blue skirt and the man in the blue shirt.

Wang Dafei moved his arms, and dense fist shadows flew out, heading straight for the opposite side.

Lan Fukong sacrificed a sparkling blue gourd and released a blue flame.

The blue gourd is just a piece of spiritual treasure, the Lan family is just a small family, far less than those big families, Lan Fukong has only two pieces of heavenly treasures, one for attack and one for defense, which is also what he and Wang Qingshan teamed up with. reason.

His dharma is not condensed, only two low-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, encountering a stronger virtual cultivator is not an opponent at all, it is better to join hands with Wang Qingshan, assist from the side, even if he can't kill the enemy, he will not die.

Powerful cultivators rarely join forces with others, and kill the enemy alone. Such people are often besieged by multiple powerful enemies, such as the True Monarch of the Five Spirits.

Lan Fukong has self-knowledge, and it is not ashamed to join forces with others to fight against the enemy.

On the other hand, the cultivator also made his move.

Liu Yilong commanded the human race coalition to kill the enemy, Gu Xin stayed behind to command the alien coalition, and the other integrated monks fought thousands of miles away to avoid affecting the low-level monks.

Li Yan waved a folding fan with a gleaming azure light, and released thousands of huge azure fireballs, smashing towards the opposite side with an astonishing heat wave.

Yan Ji and the others were not afraid at all, and they all attacked the enemy.

One by one huge dharma forms appeared high in the sky. The dharma forms of the integrated cultivators were not only more condensed than those in the Void Refinement Stage, but also larger in size. The fighting skills spread to a wider range, and low-level cultivators did not dare to approach them at all.

Nearly a million cultivators were fighting in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. All kinds of magic spells lit up in the sky, shouting and killing, and the air was rolling. From time to time, immortal cultivators fell, and aliens were killed.

Huang Yilong of Shenbingmen sacrificed a golden gong with aura, with runes flashing on the surface, exuding terrifying fluctuations of spiritual energy.

Zhentian Gong, one of the treasures of Shenbingmen, is a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

He entered a magic formula, a gong resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a golden sound wave swept out. Wherever he passed, the void was torn apart, the sky and the earth changed color, and the ground burst open and turned into oblivion. pink.

When Yan Ji and other aliens heard this sound, their faces showed pain, and they felt that their internal organs were about to be torn apart, their qi and blood were surging, and their limbs were weak.

Li Yan and the others lit up with a pale silver aura in their chests, and they looked slightly uncomfortable, but it didn't affect them much.

A huge red fire palm slammed into the face, and Hu Ke was unavoidable. He was hit by the red fire palm, and the billowing flames drowned Hu Ke's figure.

A huge red seal smashed over, and after submerging into the sea of ​​​​fire, there was a muffled sound, a powerful air wave swept out, and the flame suddenly went out.

Hu Ke's body was covered with a layer of dazzling aura, and there was an orc phantom above his head. Hu Ke and the orc phantom's hands clenched into fists, blocking the red giant seal.

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