Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2351: The coalition of the Jinghuo tribe was defeated (not today)

In a flash of inspiration, a huge net pocket appeared out of thin air. The surface of the net pocket was covered with five runes of different colors, and the aura was amazing.

The Five Flames Extinguishing Spirit Pocket, the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao, is one of the treasures of the five town gates of Jiuyanmen.

The orc phantom noticed something and wanted to block it.

A shocking gong sounded, spreading hundreds of thousands of miles around.

Hu Ke's facial features were distorted, and he felt that his body was about to burst open, and his body was weak. When he came back to his senses, the five-flame annihilation pocket had already covered Hu Ke and the law, and quickly shrank.

The five-color runes were bright, and the five flames of red, yellow, blue, blue and gold appeared out of thin air, drowning Hu Ke's body.

Hu Kui endured the excruciating pain and tried his best to tear off the Five Flames Extinguishing Spirit Pocket, urging the orcs to act, but it was of no use.

The red giant seal suddenly released a red light, and a red flame gushed out, hitting Hu Ke, who flew out and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

At the same time, a miserable woman's cry sounded, and Yan Ji flew out backwards, her left arm was missing, she vomited blood, her breath was sluggish, and her vitality was severely damaged.

Thousands of red tornadoes swept in, with a posture of strangling Yan Ji.


A man's voice full of energy suddenly sounded, and a huge white giant phantom burst into a dazzling white glow, covering a radius of 100 miles.

The red tornado was covered by the white glow and stopped abruptly.

The white giant was surrounded by a white flame, and a large amount of white ice debris appeared in the nearby void. It opened its mouth and spewed out a white flame, hitting the opposite side.

Heavy snow fell in the sky, and the snowflakes fluttered in the wind, turning into white ice swords, as many as 100,000, and went straight to Li Yan and the others.

Mu Heng urges the tree man above his head, the weeds on the ground grow wildly, one after another big tree breaks out of the ground, the big tree shakes gently, and countless cyan leaves fly out, like sharp blades, hitting Xiang Li Yan and others.

Li Yan and the others did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly cast spells to resist.

The rumbling sound of rumbling sounded, and the white ice swords and cyan leaves were all defeated.

Bai Xuan picked up Yan Ji, turned into a flash of light, and walked away, followed by Mu Heng and the others. As for Hu Kuang, no one cared about his life or death.

"Chase, absolutely can't let them escape."

Feng Xiaoyao turned into a red long rainbow and walked away, chasing after him.

Hu Ke's body smelled of burning, and he struggled hard, but it was useless.

The red giant seal smashed over again, and if it was hit by the red giant seal, it would not die or be disabled.

Hu Ke was a little flustered, and quickly urged the Dharma image, the orc phantom opened his mouth and spewed out a green sound wave, blocking the red giant seal.

At this moment, a golden sound wave swept in, and wherever it passed, the void was torn apart, and thick and long cracks appeared.

The golden sound wave swept across Hu Ke's body, and Hu Ke let out a scream of extreme pain, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The flesh of the orcs is strong, but the internal organs are not strong enough to ignore the attack of the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

The aura on the surface of the Five Flames Extinguishing Pocket dimmed, and the five-color flames disappeared.

The white light flashed, and a giant hammer that was flickering incessantly appeared out of nowhere and smashed onto Hu Ke.

Hu Ke quickly fell towards the ground. He wanted to avoid it, but a white chill gushed out from the white giant hammer. His body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into an ice sculpture, and was smashed to the ground by the white giant hammer.

The ground shook, and after the white giant hammer flew up, there was a huge pit on the ground, and inside the pit was a pile of minced meat.

Huang Yilong used Tianluo, the treasure of the town, and several cultivators joined forces to kill Hu Ke.

A mini Nascent Soul flew out of the corpse, and just after it flew out of the giant pit, a big red hand appeared out of thin air.

The mini Nascent Soul's face was ferocious, and it suddenly swelled up.

After a loud bang, the ground lit up with a dazzling blue light.

After the blue light passed, a huge pit with a diameter of 100,000 zhang appeared on the ground.

"Chase, you can't let Yan Ji escape, she was seriously injured, this is a perfect opportunity to kill her."

Huang Yilong shouted, put away the treasure, and chased after him.

After Yan Ji and others retreated, Gu Xin also retreated and did not dare to stay for long.

The aliens in the fusion period retreated, and the Jinghuo coalition collapsed without a fight and fled in different directions.

Naturally, the Human Race Allied Forces will not miss the opportunity to beat the Reserved Dogs, and they have chased and killed the Jinghuo Allied Forces. This is a great opportunity to make contributions.

Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli, Wang Lihe, Wang Lihe, Wang Lijiao, Wang Lihai, Wang Qiupu, Wang Qiuju, and Wang Liangpu formed three groups of three to hunt down the alien gods.

Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli, and Wang Liangpu teamed up to hunt down three orcs.

At this time, Wang Qingshan, Lan Fukong, and Wang Dafei were busy dealing with the two Spirit Races in the Void Refinement Stage, and they had no time to clone themselves.

The Shui Ling family is too difficult to deal with. You can use the water magic power to avoid their attacks, and sometimes you can take the opportunity to attack them. They finally hurt the Shui Ling family, and the young woman in the blue skirt motivates the magic sign to heal the Shui Ling family.

"Deal with the Wood Spirit Clan first, and then deal with the Water Spirit Clan. If she doesn't die, she can continue to heal her companions. It is very difficult for us to kill them."

Wang Qingshan said with a sound transmission, his expression dignified.

As soon as his sword tactic was pinched, the nine azure glass swords suddenly burst into azure light, transforming into tens of thousands of identical azure flying swords, which shot towards the man in blue shirt.

The man in the blue shirt has a giant phantom with water vapor on his head. His dharma form is condensed with water glass crystals. This material can improve the flexibility of the dharma image and make it easier to restore.

The common dharma is defeated by a powerful attack, and his dharma can be restored immediately after being defeated.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the giant phantom raised his hands together, and countless blue water vapors emerged from the void. After a blur, they turned into blue water arrows and greeted them.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the air was like a tidal wave.

All the blue water arrows disintegrated, and the blue flying swords suddenly merged into one, turning into a blue sky-high sword, slashing at the giant phantom.

With a muffled sound, the phantom of the giant was cut in half by the giant sword, and a blue light The phantom of the giant was restored to its original state.

A cyan giant sword wrapped in cyan flames slashed, emitting an amazingly high temperature.

The giant phantom was cut in half by the cyan giant sword, and bursts of white smoke rose, filling the mist.

The cyan giant sword slashed the blue shirt man in half, and the blue shirt man disappeared into a little blue light.

After a shrill scream of a woman sounded, Wang Dafei waved a giant stick and smashed the young woman in the blue skirt to pieces. This time, the young woman in the blue skirt could no longer recover.

"Great, finally killed her."

Lan Fukong was overjoyed. At this moment, Wang Qingshan's urgent voice sounded in his ear: "Fellow Daoist Lan, be careful."

Among the three, Lan Fukong was the weakest.

A little blue light appeared in the void behind Lan Fukong, and a man in a blue shirt appeared, his eyes were gloomy, he waved a blue short sword and slashed at Lan Fukong.

Lan Fukong was startled, and hurriedly waved the cyan whisk in his hand, and the dense blue silk flew out, half hitting the blue shirt man, and half weaving it into a cyan dome to protect him.

The blue dagger slashed on the blue dome, and there was a muffled sound.

The dense blue filaments pierced the blue shirt man's body, and the blue shirt man disappeared into a little water vapor.

The void a hundred miles away lit up with blue light and turned into the figure of a man in a blue shirt. His eyes were full of resentment.

The coalition of the Jinghuo tribe was defeated, and he continued to fight to the death, only to die.

A giant fist descended from the sky, smashing the man in the blue shirt into countless blue water vapors.

Wang Qingshan's consciousness was wide open, but he did not find the man in the blue shirt.

At this time, the Human Race allied forces were also scattered, chasing and killing the Jinghuo Allied Forces, and the scene was chaotic.

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