Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2352: Chase and kill aliens

In a vast and boundless green mountain range, Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli, and Wang Liangpu were besieging three tall orcs, one with the head of an ape, one with the head of an eagle, one with the head of a lion, and the three orcs were all in the late stage of God Transformation.

Wang Qingfeng clenched the Burning Heaven Sabre tightly, and each time he slashed towards the void, he released one after another of red saber aura, with an astonishing heat wave, slashing at the orcs.

Dong Xueli's sword art was pinched, and Xuan Yujian released a white sword energy, and went straight to the orcs with a chill.

Wang Liangpu was Lingzhi's husband. He sacrificed a cyan jade ruler and turned it into a huge tree that was more than a thousand feet high. The branches were luxuriant, and thick roots grew out of the ground, shooting at the orcs.

In addition, he also controlled a yellow giant ape puppet that was more than 100 meters high. The theater puppet was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns, and it was a fifth-order puppet beast.

When the giant ape puppet moved its arms, yellow fist shadows flew out, or a thick yellow light spewed out from its mouth, creating a strong gravity on the ground, severely restricting the movements of the three orcs.

On the ground not far away lay the corpses of four immortal cultivators, with a blood hole in their chests, terrifying.

The Jinghuo coalition was defeated, and the human monks chased and killed the aliens, but the strength of the aliens was not weak, and sometimes they were killed when the pursuit failed.

There were many tiny bloodstains on the body of the three orcs, but for a while, Wang Qingfeng and the others could not help them.

Several escaping lights flew from a distance, and the speed was very fast.

Wang Qingfeng frowned and turned his head to see that three Spirit Races were flying towards them, two men and one woman, headed by a short and stout yellow-robed old man, the yellow-robed old man had a cultivator in the late stage of God Transformation. Because, the other two are only in the early stage of God Transformation.

If three Spirit Races were to join the battle group, the pressure on Wang Qingfeng and the three would be even greater.

Behind the three spirit clan, there are four escaping lights, and the speed is very fast.

It didn't take long for the four escapes to stop, and the leader was Deng Tianqi, the four cultivators of the transformation of the gods, all the children of the Deng family, and Liu Yuehong was also there.

Liu Yuehong didn't say anything, and was ready to take action against the aliens.

"Young Daoyou Wang is very powerful, they can handle it, let's help Er Bo."

Deng Tianqi stopped Liu Yuehong and left with the three of them.

Using a knife to kill, he wished that an alien would kill Wang Qingfeng.

Seeing this scene, a killing intent flashed in Wang Qingfeng's eyes, and he could naturally see Deng Tianqi's intentions.

"Fellow Daoist Shi, help us kill them."

An orc shouted loudly, in a hurried tone.

The old man in yellow robe turned his eyes, his hands lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and he patted the ground lightly, and two yellow lights flew out and disappeared into the ground.

The ground shook violently, suddenly turning into soft sand, gusty winds, and yellow sand filling the sky.

In a burst of sound, thousands of yellow sand blades flew towards them and slashed at them.

Wang Qingfeng and the three did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly cast a spell to resist.

For a time, the roaring sound continued, the air waves were like waves, and the various spiritual lights were blazing.


In a vast and boundless plain, Bai Xuan and Yan Ji turned into two rays of light and walked away in a blink of an eye, at a very fast speed.

Yan Ji's face was pale, her breath was sluggish, and her current condition was very bad.

"Since you dare to attack Xuanguang City, then stay!"

A cold and ruthless male voice suddenly came from the sky.

As soon as the voice fell, the sky suddenly turned dark red, and a huge red fire cloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, reflecting the ground tens of thousands of miles in red.

After the red fire cloud violently rolled, red raindrops the size of beans poured down, turning into red flying swords, slashing at Bai Xuan and Yan Ji.

Bai Xuan's sleeves flicked, and a white cold wind swept out, defeating the red flying sword that hit.

The roar continued, and the air was like a wave.

The red flying swords suddenly condensed together and turned into a red sword light with a length of ten thousand feet, slashing at Bai Xuan and Yan Ji with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Bai Xuan frowned, and a white flame emerged from his right hand, hitting the red sword light.

With a loud noise, the red sword light was smashed by him and turned into billowing flames, drowning their figures.

A white flame emerged from the flames, and the flames collapsed suddenly.

A flash of light flew from a distance, it was Feng Xiaoyao, looking at Bai Xuan and Yan Ji with murderous expressions.

"It's easy to come, but it's not easy to leave, just leave your life behind!"

Feng Xiaoyao is murderous.

"Yan Ji, you go first, I will block him."

Bai Xuan's voice transmission urged, a white light flew out from him and turned into a white giant phantom. A large number of white snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky, and the temperature suddenly dropped.

The ground froze at an alarming rate, and the ice spread rapidly.

The three couldn't breathe, and they were frozen in a radius of 100 miles.

Yan Ji nodded, and a red flame gushed out from her body, turning into a huge red fireball.

With a muffled sound, the red fireball burst open, turning into countless red lights and disappearing.

At this time, Huang Yilong and Li Yan chased after him.

"He gave it to me, you go after Yan Ji, don't let her run away, now is the best time to kill her."

Feng Xiaoyao urged, his face full of confidence.

If it were other cultivators, Huang Yilong and Li Yan would not necessarily believe it.

Feng Xiaoyao was a disciple of the Mahayana monks, and his strength was not trivial. He finally injured Yan Ji, and this was a great opportunity to kill Yan Ji.

After solving Yan Ji, it would not be too late for them to come back to help Feng Xiaoyao.

With Feng Xiaoyao's supernatural power, even if he couldn't kill Bai Xuan, he wouldn't be killed by Bai Xuan.

They turned into two rays of light and flew into the distance, chasing and killing Yan Ji.

Bai Xuan and Feng Xiaoyao looked at each other and smiled, unknowingly thinking they were friends they hadn't seen for many years.

When the Wind Xiaoyao Dharma was pinched, the gust of wind blew up, the void vibrated and distorted, and countless red firelights emerged. After one blurred, they turned into red flying swords, there were as many as tens of thousands.

When Bai Xuan's magic trick was pinched, the white snowflakes blurred and turned into white ice picks several feet long, facing the red flying sword.

The red flying sword collided with the white ice pick, and a large white mist erupted, and the air wave was like a tide.

They urged the treasures and the law to face the enemy. If you observe closely, you can find that their lips move slightly, and they seem to be communicating through sound transmission.

Even if a cultivator passed by, they would not think that they were communicating through voice transmission. They really fought each other.

A red light flew out from Feng Xiaoyao and turned into a huge red sword shadow.

His dharma is condensed with Scarlet Flame Crystals, and comes with a raging flame attack, which can't be blocked by ordinary shields.

The red sword shadow poured out a red flame, with a monstrous heat wave, and slashed towards the opposite side.

A white flame burst out from the arms of the giant phantom, facing the red sword shadow, and there was a "kengkeng" metal collision.

Powerful air waves swept out, and wherever they passed, the ground burst open, the void tore apart, and this void seemed to collapse.

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