Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2353: gap

The latest website: In a vast and boundless green mountain range, there were bursts of huge explosions from the depths of the mountain range, the ground shook violently, and the ground shook.

In a huge yellow sand curtain, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli were standing next to each other.

Originally, they had some advantages in the battle with the three orcs. After the three spirits joined, they lost the advantage, but they had a lot of treasures, and they joined forces to kill a god-turning orc.

They stood above an endless yellow desert, the wind whistled past, and a yellow giant hundreds of feet tall stood on the desert, his eyes turning.

With a wave of the yellow giant's arms, countless yellow gravels flew up and turned into two yellow sand dragons more than a thousand feet long, heading straight for Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli reacted very quickly, and they quickly activated the magic weapon of their destiny, respectively releasing a red sky-high sword energy and a white sky-high sword light, smashing the two yellow sand dragons, turning them into gravel and smoke billowing.

Two yellow lights flew out of the smoke without warning, and went straight to Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli. They didn't dare to take it hard.

The Spirit Race mastered the petrochemical supernatural power and destroyed a fifth-order puppet beast.

Almost at the same time, a dark sound wave came from behind them, and at the same time, there was a ripple on the top of their heads, and a huge black bear's paw appeared out of nowhere and slapped them.

The yellow desert shook violently, and countless yellow gravels flew up, turning into thick yellow sand spears, heading straight for them.

The wind was gusting, and countless yellow gravels were blown up by the wind and turned into two huge yellow salons, rushing from the left and right sides.

Flanking from all sides, blocking all their escape routes.

After the burning sky knife in Wang Qingfeng's hand burst into a dazzling red light, a red flame gushed out, emitting an amazingly high temperature.

In a piercing sound of swords, thousands of red swords swept out and slashed in all directions.

After the loud bang, the air waves rolled, and hundreds of white sword qi shot out, slashing at the yellow giant's body one after another. However, soon after a dazzling yellow light appeared on the yellow giant's body, all the knife marks disappeared.

Countless thick cyan thorns suddenly emerged from the bottom of the desert, entangling the yellow giant's body. The yellow giant opened his mouth and spewed out a yellow mist, hitting the cyan thorns.

The cyan thorns turned petrified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the yellow giant's arms were gently pulled, tearing off the petrified cyan thorns.

A white glow descended from the sky and fell on the yellow giant's body. The yellow giant's body froze at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a huge ice sculpture.

A red sword energy and a white sword light lased, smashing the huge ice sculpture.

Dong Xueli was holding a small mirror with sparkling white light in her hand, with an amazing aura, obviously a low-grade heavenly treasure.

As soon as the Spirit Race died, a bear-headed orc race no longer had the will to fight, turning into a black light and flying towards the distance.

Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli were about to pursue, when a miserable male voice suddenly sounded.

"Not good, Liangpu."

Wang Qingfeng's expression changed, and the Spirit Clan separated them and annihilated them.

He looked along the source of the sound and saw an orc with the head of an eagle standing in front of Wang Liangpu.

The right hand of the orc race pierced through Wang Liangpu's chest, and Wang Liangpu's left hand held a jade ruler that was flickering with azure light, his face full of inconceivable expressions.

The blue light flashed, and a mini Nascent Soul flew out from the corpse. Before it flew far, the orcs spewed a golden light and hit the mini Nascent Soul.

After a scream, the mini Nascent Soul evaporated, and Wang Liangpu fell.

A red sky-high sword qi and a white sky-high sword light descended from the sky and slashed at the orcs.

The ground shook violently, generating a strong gravity, and at the same time drilled out countless cyan thorns, heading straight for the orcs.

The orcs felt that their body was as heavy as hundreds of millions of catties, and it was difficult to move an inch. He opened his mouth and spurted a golden sound wave, defeating Qingtian Daoqi and Qingtian Jianguang, waving a golden short knife, smashing the attacking cyan thorns.

A red light and a white light lasing came, and the orcs' body surfaced aura, and they moved their arms to greet them.

With a scream, the red light and the white light penetrated the body of the orcs, and turned into a rain of blood pouring down from the sky.

In a flash, the red light and the white light turned into the appearance of Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli, and their faces were full of murderous intent.

At this time, the aliens have fled far away.

"Chase, can't let them run away."

With a murderous look on his face, Wang Qingfeng put away Wang Liangpu's body and relics, along with the belongings of the alien race, and chased after him.

In a flat open area, Deng Hongbin, Deng Tianqi and Liu Yuehong were besieging two orcs, one with a tiger head and one with a carved head.

The ground was full of potholes, and there were two corpses of Deng's children lying on the ground, with a huge blood hole in their chests.

"Friend Deng, stop them quickly."

A hurried male voice came from the distant sky, and two escaping lights flew from a distance.

Deng Hongbin's consciousness sensed that two god-turning cultivators were flying towards here, and their breath was relatively weakened.

It didn't take long for them to see the true face of the alien race, a bear-headed orc and a golden-skinned, golden-shirted youth. Their breath was a little weak, and their bodies were injured.

The orcs saw Deng Hongbin and the three of them with murderous expressions on their faces. If they didn't kill the human monks, it would be very difficult for them to escape.

He opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar, spewing out a dark sound wave, and went straight to Deng Hongbin and the three of them.

Deng Hongbin pinched the magic trick, and a ring of red light suddenly swelled and greeted him.

After a loud bang, the black sound wave collapsed.

There was a ripple on the top of Deng Hongbin's head, and a huge black bear's paw emerged out of nowhere and patted Deng Hongbin's head.

Deng Hongbin hurriedly brought out a shiny red banana fan, and with a light blow, a red flame swept out, greeted it, and defeated the black bear's paw.

Countless cyan thorns drilled out from the ground and woven into a large cyan net, covering Deng Hongbin.

The big blue net shrank rapidly, and the dense thorns came straight to Deng Hongbin.

Deng Hongbin kept fanning the red banana fan, releasing a stream of red flames, and the large blue net burned to ashes.

A fishy wind blew, and the orcs had already appeared in front of Deng Hongbin.

Deng Hongbin was so frightened that his soul flew out of the sky. While fanning the red banana fan, a red flame was released. A dazzling five-color aura lit up on the surface of the body, and a thick five-color light curtain emerged out of thin air, protecting the whole body.

The body of the orc race was black, and their arms smashed at Deng Hongbin.

After a muffled sound, Deng Hongbin's aura of body protection shattered instantly like a piece of paper.

With a scream, Deng Hongbin's head was smashed by a punch from the orcs and turned into a cloud of blood.

In a flash of inspiration, a mini Nascent Soul just flew out of the body, and was defeated by a black fist shadow. Since then, there will be no Deng Hongbin in the world.

"Second Uncle!"

Deng Tianqi was full of grief.

At this moment, a hurried female voice sounded: "Be careful, husband."

Deng Tianqi thought of something, and hurriedly waved the blue flag in his hand, and released a green gale to protect himself.

Intensive fist shadows flew in, defeating the cyan wind, and Deng Tianqi disappeared.

With a flash of blue light, Deng Tianqi appeared a hundred miles away.

A miserable scream of a woman sounded, Deng Tianqi was shocked, and looked at the source of the sound, Liu Yuehong was pierced through the chest by an orc with a carved head, and the orc held a mini Nascent Soul~www ~ pinch hard.

The mini Nascent Soul suddenly disintegrated into a little bit of aura, and Liu Yuehong died.

In a short time, two of Deng Tianqi's closest relatives were killed by aliens.

The aliens ignored Deng Tianqi and flew away in the distance.

At this time, Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli also chased after them, and more than a dozen clan gods flew from a distance.

Wang Qingfeng didn't say anything, and chased after Dong Xueli.

Deng Tianqi looked at the back of Wang Qingfeng leaving, his face full of killing intent. If Wang Qingfeng hadn't attracted aliens, Deng Hongbin and Liu Yuehong would not have been killed, but he forgot that he himself attracted aliens first and indirectly killed Wang Liangpu.

He already had a prejudice against Wang Qingfeng. After this time, his hatred for Wang Qingfeng deepened. Wang Qingfeng also hated Deng Tianqi more and more.


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