Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2354: Ming Jin withdraws his troops

An emerald green mountain range that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, deep in the mountains.

Huang Yilong and Li Yan were standing high in the sky, their faces paled slightly and their eyes gloomy.

With them as the center, tens of thousands of miles in radius were razed to the ground, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

"She ran away, Jiuyan Fenling ** lives up to its reputation."

Huang Yilong frowned and said, "Jiuyan Distraction" is an escape technique mastered by the Jinghuo clan. Only the elites of the Jinghuo clan can master this secret technique. It is said that this secret technique was obtained by the Jinghuo clan. Virtual Jade Book.

Li Yan nodded and said, "Using Jiuyan Dispensing Spirit will lose a lot of vitality, otherwise she would have used this secret technique long ago. After this battle, even if there is a healing medicine, she will have to cultivate for two or three thousand years before she can recover. "

"Let's go! Let's go back to help fellow Daoist Feng, kill Bai Xuan, and don't let him run away."

Li Yan waved his sleeves and flew along the way he came, and Huang Yilong followed.

Above a vast and boundless grassland, tens of thousands of miles around were beaten into wasteland, and you could see a large number of huge craters with flames, as well as a large number of ice cones.

Feng Xiaoyao stood high in the sky, his face paled slightly, and Bai Xuan disappeared.

Two escaping lights flew from a distance, and not long after, the two escaping lights stopped, showing the figures of Huang Yilong and Liu Yilong.

"Feng Daoyou, where is Bai Xuan!"

Huang Yilong glanced at the ground and asked curiously.

"I wounded him, but unfortunately he used a secret technique to run away. How about you? Did you kill Yan Ji?"

Feng Xiaoyao asked.

"No, Yan Ji used the Jiu Yan split spirit to escape. She was seriously injured and used this secret technique to escape, her vitality suffered a serious loss. If there is no holy medicine for healing, she would have to cultivate for thousands of years to recover."

Huang Yilong replied.

"Escape? Forget it, let's go back first! Defending Xuanguang City is the most important thing."

Feng Xiaoyao turned into a streak of red light and walked away, Huang Yilong and Li Yan hurriedly followed.


A dense black forest, a large number of towering trees broke off, and a large number of huge pits can be clearly seen.

Wang Qingshan, Lan Fukong, and Wang Dafei were standing high in the sky. Their faces were slightly pale, and they looked like they were severely depleted of mana. There were many terrifying bloodstains on Wang Dafei's body.

There were a lot of white skeletons scattered on the ground, and it looked a bit infiltrating.

"I finally got rid of it. The Bone Clan is not easy to deal with. Thanks to Daoyou Wang, the defense of the Bone Clan was broken with a single sword. The spirit flames of Daoyou Wang were not afraid of the ghosts of the Bone Clan. Lan Mou opened his eyes."

Lan Fukong boasted, his face full of pride.

He turned his eyes, looked at Wang Dafei, and said with a smile: "Of course, Daoyou Wang's supernatural powers are not small, and one punch breaks the flesh of the spiritual clan. It is estimated that the orc clan in the late stage of refining can't stand a few punches from you."

Wang Qingshan and Wang Dafei looked at each other and smiled, Lan Fukong was worthy of being a true monarch, and he touted them whenever he had the chance.

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

As long as there is no blood feud, few people will hate Lan Fukong.

A loud horn sounded, resounding for millions of miles.

"The troops are withdrawn, it seems that the aliens are defeated."

Lan Fukong was overjoyed, he was eager to end the war immediately and return to the family to cultivate.

Wang Qingshan nodded, put away the corpses of the alien race, and the three left the place.

After a cup of tea, they appeared in a vast grassland, where tens of thousands of cultivators gathered.

They gathered together in twos and threes, or talked, or exchanged things, which was very lively.

Wang Qingshan's eyes quickly swept across the monks, and after a while, he found Wang Lihe and others.

Wang Qingshan flew over immediately, and Wang Lihe and others were all injured, but the injuries were not serious.

"Where are Lihe, Lihai and Qingfeng!"

Wang Qingshan asked with a frown, with a heavy heart.

"Li Hai's body was destroyed by the Jinghuo clan. The ancestors went to chase the alien race, and they didn't know where they were."

Wang Lihe answered honestly, at first they could see other members of the same clan, but later they were disrupted and fought each other.

Wang Qingshan frowned, he told Wang Qingfeng not to run too far.

If something happened to Wang Qingfeng, Wang Qingshan really didn't know how to explain to Wang Changsheng.

"The ancestors are back, and Liangpu is gone."

Wang Lijiao suddenly shouted.

Wang Qingshan looked in the direction Wang Lijiao was looking at, and saw Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli flying back, their expressions were sad.

"What's the matter? Where is Liangpu!"

Wang Qingshan asked, and there was a bad feeling in his heart that the Wang family had already killed a spiritual cultivator.

"He was killed by the alien race, and it's all Deng Tianqi's fault. He attracted three alien races from the God Transformation stage, and then left."

Wang Qingfeng's tone was heavy, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

If it wasn't for the arrival of the other cultivators, he would definitely have killed Deng Tianqi.

Wang Qingshan asked what happened, and Wang Qingfeng replied truthfully.

The father said that the public was reasonable, and the mother said that the mother was reasonable. This is really hard to say. At that time, everyone was chasing and killing aliens. It made sense for Deng Tianqi to help his relatives.

"Okay, you all stay here, don't run around."

Wang Qingshan instructed that two of the god-turning cultivators fell, one of them destroyed the body, and the Yuanying cultivator was killed and injured less than half. This was because of the many puppet beasts.

A large number of monks came back one after another and gathered in this grassland. UU Reading

A day later, most of the monks came back. Liu Yilong returned to Xuanguang City with a large army and sent people to find those monks who had not returned.

Wang Qingshan found Li Yan, reported the situation to him, and mentioned that Deng Tianqi had harmed Wang Qingfeng by the way.

Li Yan frowned and said, "The Deng family? I know, I will deal with it. You did a good job and beheaded many aliens in the refining period."

Whether it is public or private, he will come forward to deal with Deng Tianqi. Deng Tianqi's actions will not die, but he must be severely punished.

There is a faction dispute in Zhenhai Palace, and there are other sects or Xiuxian families.

When Deng Tianqi treated Wang Qingfeng like this, he did not take Zhenhai Palace in his eyes.

"Senior Li is wrong, thanks to friends Wang Daoyou and Lan Daoyou."

Wang Qingshan said modestly, he remembered something and asked, "Senior Li, do you know the situation in the rear? About Qinglian Island?"

"I don't know much, I only know that your uncle killed four powerful enemies in the virtual refining period. You don't have to worry too much. The senior brother in charge will send someone to support your Wang family. Anyway, the Wang family is supported by our Zhenhai Palace. The Immortal Cultivation Family."

Li Yan comforted that he didn't believe that Wang Changsheng could kill the four cultivators with one enemy and four. His first reaction was to help the Ascension faction and give the credit to Wang Changsheng.

The local faction also did this kind of thing back then. Li Yan was the executor, so he naturally knew the way inside.

"Go back and rest first! Report your losses and achievements, and I will ask for credit for you, return to the main forum, and discuss the merits and rewards."

Li Yan ordered.

"Yes, Senior Li."

Wang Qingshan agreed to come down and lead the way.

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