Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2360: Bing Vulcan Thunder

The latest website: "Misunderstanding? Do you think the old man will believe it? If it weren't for the fact that you are a human cultivator, the old man would kill you now."

Liu Qingfeng's face was full of murderous aura. Zhenhai Palace suffered heavy casualties. He contributed a lot in the racial war. His disciples were also made trouble by the disciples of the Leng Yan faction. He was not angry.

He held back the fire, and Yang Xuemei hit the muzzle of the gun.

A powerful spiritual pressure rushed out of Liu Qingfeng and went straight to Yang Xuemei.

Yang Xuemei felt that it was becoming difficult to breathe, her face flushed red, spouting a mouthful of blood, and flew out, and the other Leng Yan disciples flew out one after another.

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded: "Fellow Daoist Liu, I haven't seen you for many years, your temper is still so hot, why bother with a junior."

A white escaping light and a cyan escaping light flew out from the Golden Eagle Island, and the escaping light converged, revealing a white-robed youth with handsome features and a graceful young woman in a green skirt.

The young man in white robe is called Bai Ruohan. In the middle stage of the fusion, the young woman in the blue skirt is his Taoist companion Li Qingyue, in the early stage of the fusion.

"I've been very restrained. If it wasn't for your Leng Yan faction's face, I would have slashed her with a knife. Our Zhenhai Palace people won't be awarded for meritorious deeds, and they will be made difficult. You have done a good deed."

Liu Qingfeng said unceremoniously, not giving any respect to Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were stunned. It was the first time they saw Liu Qingfeng. It seemed that Liu Qingfeng was very protective.

"Junior Nephew Yang, who asked you to do this? Why don't you take Wang Xiaoyou and the others down, and exchange the merits for good deeds."

Bai Ruohan made a round, and ordered.

"You have been attacking for so long, and you still can't take Tianpeng Island. I will command, and you can cooperate with me."

Liu Qingfeng ordered.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, your request is too much."

Li Qingyue frowned and said.

"Excessive? Our people from Zhenhai Palace supported me everywhere. I severely injured Ye Li of the Yasha clan, and Senior Brother Lin killed four aliens in the fusion period and severely injured two of them. What have you done? What's wrong with commanding?"

Liu Qingfeng sneered and said that command power is related to the distribution of credit and benefits, and he must fight for command power.

Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue frowned, not knowing how to refute.

Liu Qingfeng snorted and said, "I won't talk nonsense with you, find a place to learn from each other, you can go together and defeat me, I will follow your orders, otherwise I will follow my words. After I finish speaking, do you have any opinions?"

In front of the disciples, Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue naturally wouldn't admit it, they agreed, and the three flew towards the distant sky.

Yang Xuemei brought Wang Changsheng and the others to a magnificent palace, and after checking the corpse and spirit handed in by Wang Changsheng repeatedly, he gave them a large sum of good deeds and exchanged them for five heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures.

Killing three Void Refining Stages and Thirty God-Transforming Aliens was a big credit.

Liu Tianyan was also present, he looked at Wang Changsheng up and down, and said with a smile, "I have heard the names of Daoyou Wang and Madam Wang for a long time, and finally I have met a real person, old man Liu Tianyan."

"Fellow Daoist Liu has praised it. Compared with Fellow Daoist Liu, Wang is far behind."

Wang Changsheng said modestly.

"Friend Wang Daoyou and Daoyou Liu, this is a spiritual exchange plate. All the treasures listed on it can be exchanged for good deeds."

Yang Xuemei handed Wang Changsheng and each of the four a gleaming magic plate, motioning them to check it.

The Leng Yan faction has controlled Xueyanfang City for many years, and has accumulated a lot of property. In order to deal with the aliens, they have come up with a lot of good things, otherwise those high-level monks will not work hard at all.

Wang Changsheng checked it carefully. After a while, his eyes lit up, and there was a pattern of red lightning on the Dui Ling disk.

"Binghuo Shenlei, how many paths are there?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

It stands to reason that Wang Mengbin can refine a Binghuoshenlei, but the more Binghuoshenlei, the stronger Wang Mengbin's strength.

"Just two."

Yang Xuemei did not dare to hide it and answered truthfully.

Wang Changsheng checked carefully and saw a lot of things that made him tempted. After a while, Wang Changsheng's expression became strange.

"Mrs Yang, is there the water of the Ming River?"

Wang Changsheng did not expect that the Leng Yan faction actually had the water of the Styx.

"It's just over ten kilograms, seized from the treasure house on Golden Eagle Island. The exact source is unclear."

Yang Xuemei explained.

More than ten kilograms of Styx water was of no use, Wang Changsheng hesitated a little, and exchanged two Binghuo Shenlei and two boxes of Tianyin sand.

Wang Ruyan exchanged a Tongtian Lingbao Tianyin Pendant, which can weaken the power of the rhythm attack. When Wang Changsheng wears this treasure, she can confidently drive the rhythm to attack the enemy.

Yang Xuemei personally arranged accommodation for Wang Changsheng and others. She suffered a small loss just now, so she naturally did not dare to embarrass Wang Changsheng and others.

"Senior Sister Liu, Senior Brother Chen, what is Uncle Liu like?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, he didn't know much about Liu Qingfeng.

"Uncle Liu is just right, he can't rub the sand, so he's right."

Liu Yumei explained that she could not speak ill of Liu Qingfeng, so she could only vaguely remind Wang Changsheng.

"That's it, thank you."

Wang Changsheng thanked him. Judging from Liu Qingfeng's reaction just now, he was quite fond of Liu Qingfeng.

After chatting, Liu Yumei and Chen Yihang left and went back to their residence to rest.

Wang Changsheng called Wang Mengbin, took out a jade bottle with red light, handed it to Wang Mengbin, and said, "Meng Bin, these are two C-fire gods, you can refine them!"

"Bing Huo Shenlei? Many thanks to the ancestors."

Wang Mengbin was full of surprises, even claiming his thanks and accepting the red jade bottle.

Wang Changsheng told him a few words and let him go down to rest. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked into a three-story blue attic to meditate and adjust their breath.

One day passed quickly.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Liu Yumei and Chen Yihang were sitting in a green bamboo pavilion chatting and discussing the war.

Liu Yumei took out a dazzling magic plate and entered a magic formula. A pleasant female voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Sister Liu, Master Liu asked you to go to the council hall. If you have a task, Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang will also go there."

"Okay, let's go right away."

Liu Yumei agreed.

When he came to the council hall, Wang Changsheng saw more than forty cultivators gathered in the council hall.

"Senior Sister Ma, long time no see."

Wang Changsheng narrowed his eyes and landed on a young woman in a red dress, it was Ma Qianqian.

Ma Qianqian has entered the stage of virtual refining, and it is currently the initial stage of refining virtual.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Junior Brother Wang's supernatural powers have soared, congratulations!"

Ma Qianqian said with a smile, people who didn't know they thought they were in a good relationship.

"Uncle Liu is here."

Liu Yumei shouted.

Liu Qingfeng, Bai Ruohan, and Li Qingyue walked in one after another, with Liu Qingfeng walking in the front.

He sat down in the main seat, Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue sat beside him, looking like they respected Liu Qingfeng.

With his powerful strength, Liu Qingfeng successfully persuaded them to gain command. (To be continued)

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