Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2361: Counterattack, Taiyangzong support

The latest website: "Now I am commanding the war. Everyone obeys the order. Those who disobey will be killed without mercy, and those who have made meritorious deeds will be rewarded."

Liu Qingfeng's voice was full of chills, and his majestic eyes passed over Wang Changsheng and the others.

After hearing this, there was a commotion among the cultivators present. They did not expect that in just one day, Liu Qingfeng would become the leader.

Most of the cultivators present were from the Leng Yan faction, and Liu Tianyan and others all looked at Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue.

Bai Ruohan nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Liu has just been transferred back from the front line. He severely injured a cultivator of the Yasha clan. Everyone must obey the orders of Fellow Daoist Liu. The counterattack is the order of Senior Lin of the Xuanqing faction, and everyone must not disobey."

They couldn't beat Liu Qingfeng together, so they could only give up command.

"Let me assign tasks. The Jinpeng family has seven important towns, Yang Xiaoyou, Li Xiaoyou, Sun Xiaoyou, Chen Xiaoyou, Song Shinephew, Ma Shinephew, Ye Shinephew, each of you bring a team to attack these seven important towns, we will directly Kill to Tianpeng Island."

Liu Qingfeng ordered.

Yang Xuemei frowned, Liu Qingfeng actually sent her to attack an important town of the Jinpeng clan, she gave Liu Tianyan a wink.

Liu Tianyan understood and asked cautiously, "Senior Liu, where are Daoyou Wang and the others!"

"Nephew Wang and the others have other arrangements. Anyone who dares to perfunctory and fight passively will be punished severely."

Liu Qingfeng was murderous. He dispatched Zhenhai Palace disciples in every team. It was considered to be a supervisor of the battle. It was impossible to perfunctory.

Yang Xuemei and the others looked at Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue, Bai Ruohan said, "A battle will decide the world, you are not allowed to perfunctory things, you know?"

The Jinpeng family has operated Tianpeng Island for many years, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. They simply cannot take Tianpeng Island. They just want to increase their momentum and kill more members of the Jinpeng family.

Just the two of them want to destroy the Jinpeng family? Not very realistic.

After Liu Qingfeng joined, he naturally disliked their behavior.

Bai Ruohan spoke, Yang Xuemei and the others did not dare to refuse any more, and they all agreed.

Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, he thought he was going to the battlefield again.

Liu Qingfeng arranged detailed tasks for everyone. Yang Xuemei and three cultivators went to attack Jinxiaodao. According to the information, the Jinpeng family sent three cultivators to sit in town, accompanied by two disciples of Zhenhai Palace.

Ma Qianqian took three virtual cultivators to attack Zifalcon Island, where there were only two alien cultivators, and as long as Ma Qianqian was willing to contribute, it would be no problem to take down Zifalcon Island.

After finishing the task, the teams left one after another.

"Nephew Wang and Nephew Liu, if you follow me, there will be tasks for you."

Liu Qingfeng looked at the four of Liu Yumei and instructed.

He brought thirty virtual cultivators, plus the cultivators summoned by the Leng Yan faction, there was no shortage of four Wang Changsheng.

The disciples he brought were all local cultivators, so he naturally wanted to give them big credit. Wang Changsheng and the four could just take some small credits, and they also protected them in disguise.

In this way, Zhenhai Palace can not only benefit, but also the local faction can take the lead.

Bai Ruohan kept Liu Tianxiao by his side, which was also a form of protection.

"Let's go, let's meet Jin Chu for a while."

Liu Qingfeng waved his sleeves and took everyone out of the council hall to Tianpeng Island.

Tianpeng Island, a secret room.

Jin Shuo was talking to Jin Shuo, and their faces were solemn.

"This time, our Jinpeng clan will probably be more vicious than good. If we lose, you should retreat with Elder Qing, and it is important to save your life. If I can't survive, run as far as you can, and don't come back."

Jin Shuo warned that Jin Shuo was his most promising descendant, and he hoped that Jin Shuo would grow up.

"Ancestor, the Jinpeng family cannot live without you."

Jin Shuo said sadly, without Jin Hu, the Jin Peng family would collapse.

"Don't worry! The old man didn't die so easily, he just left behind."

Jin Yu said softly, his eyes full of sadness.

He took out a golden glittering magic plate from his arms and entered a magic formula, and a panicked man's voice suddenly sounded: "No, Great Elder, the human race coalition forces have come, and many islands have been attacked."

"Understood, I'll go out immediately."

Jin Chu gave an order and left with Jin Shuo.

Outside Tianpeng Island, Liu Qingfeng and other hundreds of monks stood on the back of a huge blue shark.

There are some golden spiritual patterns on the back of the blue shark, and the eyeballs are golden.

A golden-eyed sawtooth shark of the sixth-rank top grade, a spirit beast raised by Liu Qingfeng.

Wang Changsheng looked towards the island ahead, his eyes solemn.

Thousands of miles away, a huge island covering an extremely wide area appeared in his eyes, and a cyan light curtain must have covered the entire island.

On Tianpeng Island, Jin Zhu, Peng Zhai and Yanxuan were floating high in the sky. They looked into the distance with solemn eyes.

The human race monks have attacked many times. With the great formation of protecting the clan, the human race did not get any advantage.

"The human monks have been reinforced, and there is another integrated monk."

Peng Zhai said with a frown, his eyes full of sadness.

Three to three, with the great formation of protecting the clan, the Jinpeng clan can block the human race cultivator, but if the human race can send a combined monk over, they can send two combined monks, or even more.

The Jinpeng clan is the guardian formation and the seventh-order formation, but if there is no reinforcements, it will only be a matter of time before Tianpeng Island will be captured.

"Break out the formation!"

Liu Qingfeng instructed, and with a flick of his sleeve, a green long knife appeared in his hand.

He held the cyan long sword tightly in both hands, and the cyan long sword burst into a dazzling blue light.

I saw him slashing towards the void, and a blue sky-high saber air flew out. Wherever he passed, the void was torn apart, and thick and long cracks appeared, and the sea water was cut in half and divided into two. , the sound is appalling.

A hurricane suddenly appeared near Tianpeng Island, facing the sky-high sword.

After a loud noise, more than a dozen cyan hurricanes collapsed, and the sky-high saber slashed on the golden light curtain, and a muffled sound came out.

Tianpeng Island shook slightly, and Jin Yu's face sank.

Wang Changsheng and others cast spells to attack Tianpeng Island one after another, and spells and treasures smashed to Tianpeng Island one after another.

While urging the guardian formation to resist, Jin Chu urged the ban to attack Liu Qingfeng and others.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, the wind was gusting, and the blue winds appeared on the sea, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and others.

The sea surged violently, setting off huge waves that lifted the sky one after another, turning into big hands that lifted the sky and slapped at Wang Changsheng and the others.

For a time, various magic spells lit up in the sky, and the sea set off one after another huge waves, and the roar continued. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A red escaping light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

It didn't take long for the red escaping light to stop. It was a huge Lihuo Falcon. Hundreds of cultivators stood on Lihuo Falcon's back, and the leader was Taiyang Zhenren.

At the beginning of the race war, Taiyang Zhenren was in retreat and practiced. When he came out, the human race had already started to counterattack. Many border cities such as Xuanguang City and Xuanling City defeated the enemy one after another. In this way, he could only lead the team. Go to the beach for support.

"Hey, it's Senior Zhao of Taiyang Sect."

"Taiyang Zhenren personally led the team, haha, the Jinpeng family won't last long."

"Another reinforcement has arrived, which is great."


The human monks were greatly encouraged and their morale soared.


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