Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2363: 9 python drum

The latest website: Three sets of seventh-order formations, two sets of defense, and one set of attack, Jin Ju does not believe that the combination of four can break the formation in a short period of time.

After more than two hours, Jin Chu's mana was seriously drained, and his face was slightly pale.

An incomparably huge white seal landed on the golden light curtain. The golden scorpion method changed. The pattern of the Pengbird on the golden light curtain seemed to come to life. The wings kept flapping, and a golden gust of wind emerged out of thin air. The white seal appeared. Immediately flew out.

"Liu Daoyou, Bai Daoyou, Li Xianzi, just think of a safe way, and the forbidden spirit lock talisman can last for more than three hours."

Taiyang Zhenren said through voice transmission, in an anxious tone.

Liu Qingfeng looked at Bai Ruohan and said through a voice transmission, "Fellow Daoist Bai, I heard that you have raised a snow-winged long-legged elephant. This worm ranks fifty-fifth on the list of ten thousand insects. Li, why don't you release this worm to break the formation?"

The Ten Thousand Insects List lists tens of thousands of spiritual insects in the Xuanyang Realm, each of which has unique magical powers. The higher the ranking, the greater the magical powers.

Bai Ruohan frowned and said, "My spirit worm has not been through the great catastrophe for a long time, and it is very weak, not to mention that it is only a sixth-rank mid-rank, so it can't play a big role."

Liu Qingfeng's sleeves flicked, and a cyan jade box flew out and landed in front of Bai Ruohan.

Bai Ruohan took the jade box and opened it to see that there was a blood-red pill inside, emitting a strange aroma.

"This is the unique elixir of Wanlingmen, the blood spirit transforming Yuandan, which can stimulate the potential of the spirit beasts and worms below the seventh rank. You let it take this pill, help us break through the formation, and let the integrated monks of the Jinpeng clan go. In the future, the Jinpeng clan will attack again, and the unlucky ones are your Leng Yan faction, this time, the loss of Xueyanfang City is not small!"

Liu Qingfeng said through voice transmission.

Bai Ruohan pondered for a moment, flicked his sleeves, and a white light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, turning into a white beetle the size of a hill, with its head elongated into a tube shape, with tentacles born on both sides of the head tube, resembling a giant elephant.

The snow-winged long-legged elephant, the fifty-fifth place on the Ten Thousand Insects List, has the innate supernatural ability to break the spirit and forbidden light, which can weaken the power of the formation, which is equivalent to a growth-type formation-breaking treasure.

When the Xueyi Changzue Elephant appeared, it let out a loud roar, Bai Ruohan shook his wrist lightly, and the blood spirit transforming Yuandan from the jade box flew out, flying towards the Xueyi Changzue Elephant.

It opened its **** mouth and let the blood spirit transforming Yuandan fly into its mouth and swallow it.

After a while, the long-legged snow wing elephant made a loud roar, and the breath skyrocketed, infinitely approaching the seventh order.

The blood spirit transforming Yuandan can stimulate the potential of the spirit beasts and worms below the seventh rank, but there is a period of weakness after the event, and it takes a long time to recuperate. Now, in order to break the formation, Bai Ruohan can't care about these.

Xueyanfang City was the biggest source of income for the Lengyan faction. The Jinpeng clan attacked Xueyanfang City, which seriously damaged the interests of the Lengyan faction.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the eyes of the snow-winged long-legged elephant lit up with dazzling white light, and each shot out a white light, hitting the golden light curtain.

Taking this opportunity, an aura flew out from Liu Qingfeng's body and turned into a phantom of a giant blade that flickered with silver light.

The silver giant blade went straight to the golden light curtain. Wherever it passed, the void was torn apart, as if the heaven and the earth were about to be smashed, and the sea water was divided into two.

At the same time, Taiyang's real man's magic tactic was reminded, and the five red mirrors shot up a lot of aura, each shooting a thick red light, which merged into one, like a red fire spear, followed by the silver giant blade.

Wang Changsheng and others attacked the area hit by the white light one after another. After the rumbling sound of the rumbling sound, several cracks appeared on the formation plate in Jin Zhu's hand.

He kept breaking into a Taoist art, and the golden light curtain burst out with dazzling aura, but Xueyi's long-legged elephant continued to release the spirit-breaking light, attacking the formation, and Liu Qingfeng and others stepped up their attacks.

More and more cracks appeared on the formation plate in Jin Yu's hand, but the golden light curtain had not broken.

Li Qingyue took out a token with a flashing white light, and a white python pattern was engraved on the surface of the token.

After she injected mana, the white token suddenly burst into a dazzling white light, turning into a white giant python hundreds of meters long, and the white giant python had two pairs of white fleshy wings on its back. It exudes terrifying spiritual pressure fluctuations, and it is a seventh-order spiritual beast.

It is not the body, but a spiritual form, and it is also very good to be able to exert some magical powers during his lifetime.

As soon as the white giant python appeared, it opened its **** mouth, spewed out a white flame, and went straight to Tianpeng Island. At the same time, its wings kept flapping, and a large number of white snowflakes suddenly appeared in the sky, and the temperature suddenly increased. The sea surface froze at an alarming speed, and the sea surface in a radius of hundreds of miles was frozen, and the ice layer was zhangxu thick.

After the white flame hit the golden light curtain, the golden light curtain froze at an astonishing speed, and the ice layer continued to expand.

A huge white seal fell from the sky and hit the frozen area.

With a muffled sound, the formation plate in Jin Yu's hand shattered. Fortunately, there is still a seventh-order defense formation, which can withstand it for a while.

After the golden light curtain shattered, a cyan light curtain emerged, covering the entire Tianpeng Island.

Tianpeng Island was shaking violently, and the faces of Jin Yu and others were gloomy. Everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before the guardian formation was broken.

Jin Chu was still waiting, he didn't believe how long the forbidden spirit lock talisman could last.

Taiyang Zhenren frowned, and said to Wang Changsheng: "Wang Xiaoyou, this old man has a treasure, which can only be driven by physical training. You first sacrifice and train it, and then you can drive this treasure to break the formation."

Wang Changsheng was stunned, looked at Liu Qingfeng, and Liu Qingfeng nodded.

Taiyang Zhenren's sleeves flicked, and a small drum with an indeterminate red light flew out and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

There are three red python patterns on the surface of the red snare drum, which exudes amazing aura fluctuations. It is a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

After careful observation, there are many small cracks on the surface of the red giant drum, which are obviously damaged.

Wang Changsheng looked at the Jiujiao Drum in his hand with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He put away the Jiujiao drum, retreated to the rear, and sacrificed and refined the treasures with peace of mind, and Wang Ruyan protected him.

More than two hours have passed, and the formation has not been broken.

Jin Chu held a gleaming azure array plate in his hand, and there were many tiny cracks on the surface.

The real Taiyang frowned, and voiced the three of Liu Qingfeng: "In less than a quarter of an hour, the Forbidden Spirit Locking Talisman will be invalid, and the formation must be broken within a quarter of an hour."

Bai Ruohan took out a short ruler with white light, and with a flick of it, countless white ruler shadows swept out and went straight to Tianpeng Island.

Li Qingyue's tactic was pinched, and the white giant python flapped its wings fiercely, rushing towards Tianpeng Island.

Taiyang Zhenren's sleeves flicked, and a small drum flickering with red light flew out and entered a magic trick.

"You can use that treasure now, Xiaoyou Wang."

Immortal Taiyang instructed.

Wang Changsheng responded with a sound, flew out, and punched a magic trick into the red snare drum. The red snare drum suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light, and his body grew sharply. Muffled sound, the red giant drum did not respond at all.

His face was full of shock. His punch had the power of tens of millions of pounds, but he couldn't help this treasure.

"Don't hold back, you can't drive this treasure without true supernatural powers."

Immortal Taiyang instructed.

Wang Changsheng responded, and with a flick of his sleeve, nine Dinghaizhu flew out and landed in his right hand. The right hand lit up with a dazzling blue light, and smashed it against the head of the giant red drum again.

After an earth-shattering loud noise, a red sound wave swept out, and wherever it passed, the sea tumbled violently.

Wang Changqi was panting and his face paled slightly. This punch consumed one-fifth of his mana. This treasure is more powerful than Jiujiao Drum, and its functions seem to be similar. I don't know if it is a treasure made by the same person.

The white giant python spewed out a thick white flame, hitting the cyan light curtain. The cyan light curtain immediately froze, and a red sound wave swept in. The ice layer shattered, and the cyan light curtain shook violently a few times.

Several small cracks appeared on the formation plate on Jin Chu's hand, and his face changed greatly.

"Wang Xiaoyou, don't hold back, this is not the full power of Jiu Python Drum."

Taiyang Zhenren urged, looking a little unhappy.

"Junior Nephew Wang, go all out! If you break the formation, I will remember your merit."

Liu Qingfeng ordered.

Wang Changsheng nodded and took a deep breath, a muffled crackling sound came from his body, his body more than doubled in size, and a dazzling blue light burst from his right fist, hitting the giant red drum again.

In a loud roar, the three red fire pythons on the surface of the red giant drum seemed to come alive, wandering on the drum surface non-stop, and a red sound wave swept out.

The red sound wave was only more than a hundred feet in size at first, but as it moved rapidly, its size skyrocketed. Wherever it passed, the void was torn apart, as if the entire void was about to collapse.

When the red sound wave arrived in front of Tianpeng Island, the diameter had reached 10,000 zhang, the sea surface burst open, and there were huge waves rising to the sky, and a large number of cracks appeared in the void, and the momentum was amazing.

Seeing this scene, Jin Zhu was shocked, and quickly asked Peng Zhai to activate the attack formation to attack the red sound waves. At the same time, other clansmen manipulated treasures to attack the red sound waves.

In a loud noise, the red sound wave exploded, and a powerful air wave erupted, but soon, a larger red sound wave swept over and hit the cyan light curtain.


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