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Chapter 2364: Chase and kill Jin Shuo

The latest website: The cyan light curtain was twisted and deformed, and Tianpeng Island shook violently, like an earthquake.

There were more than a dozen tiny cracks on the array plate in Jin Chu's hand, and he was shocked.

Taiyang Zhenren and others stepped up their attacks one after another, Tianpeng Island shook even more violently, and there were more cracks in Jin Yu's hand.

"Man and knife unite!"

A cold and ruthless man's voice suddenly sounded, and a blue sky-high giant blade lashed out and slashed on the blue light curtain.

The giant blade was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and the cyan light curtain shattered instantly.

The formation plate in Jin Yu's hand shattered, and the human cultivator killed him.

The great formation of protecting the clan was forced, but in desperation, Jin Hu could only lead the clan to meet the enemy.

Wang Changqi was panting, his face was pale, his legs were weak, and his face was full of shock.

He smashed a total of three punches, the first punch was useless, the last two punches consumed 90% of his mana, and the effect was amazing.

He can conclude that the Nine Python Drum is a high-grade Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasure, and the materials used are extraordinary. With his cultivation in the middle stage of the Void Refinement, he can barely drive it.

If this treasure is not damaged, the power is probably even greater.

"Jiujiao drum and Jiu python drum can't be made by one person! Otherwise, how can the functions be similar?"

A bold idea appeared in Wang Changsheng's mind. Since the Item Spirit can send them up, she should also be able to go to Xuanyang Realm.

As far as he knows, Taiyang Master is not good at refining weapons, and this treasure is obviously damaged, it is estimated that Taiyang Master obtained it by accident.

At this time, Taiyang Zhenren and others had already killed Tianpeng Island.

Liu Yumei threw a blue porcelain bottle to Wang Changsheng and said, "Junior Brother Wang, you should take Jiuzhuan Yuandan to restore your mana first! Junior Sister Wang will protect you."

After saying this, Liu Yumei also went to deal with the Jinpeng family.

Wang Changsheng released the tortoise, and he and Wang Ruyan stood on the back of the tortoise.

Wang Changsheng poured out a pale blue pill from the blue porcelain bottle, with nine golden spots on the surface of the pill.

The medicinal pill was given by Liu Yumei, and Wang Changsheng swallowed it without any hesitation.

The medicinal pill melted in the mouth, and Wang Changsheng could clearly sense that the mana was rapidly recovering, and the pale complexion slowly returned to rosy.

After a deafening roar sounded, a huge golden sun lit up on Tianpeng Island, which was very conspicuous.

A azure light flew out from Tianpeng Island and flew towards the distant sky at a very fast speed.

More than a dozen escaping lights immediately chased after them, and it seemed that the cyan escaping light was an important person.

"Junior Wang and Shi nephew Wang, hurry up and don't let Jin Shuo run away. He is the young patriarch of the Jinpeng clan. It's better to capture this person alive than to kill this person. This is a great achievement."

Liu Qingfeng's voice rang in the ears of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Jin Shuo!"

A cold light flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. He searched for the souls of the Jinpeng cultivators, and learned that Shaming Pearl was Jin Shuo's Taoist companion.

When Jin Shuo escaped, he should bring the shark pearl with him.

In this race war, the reason why the Jinpeng family sent six cultivators to deal with the Wang family was because of Shaming Pearl's proposal.

If the shark pearl is released, it will definitely be a serious problem for the confidant.

Wang Changsheng gave an order to the turtle, and the turtle's body released blue light and dived into the seabed. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were wrapped in a blue light, and the turtle carried them along the seabed at a very fast speed.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surface glowed blue light, and they performed secret techniques. The consciousness of the two of them was superimposed on Wang Changsheng's body to track down the whereabouts of Jin Shuo.

"I found it, northwest direction, hurry up."

Wang Changsheng snorted softly, and the speed of the tortoise soared, moving towards the northwest.

On Tianpeng Island, Liu Qingfeng urged the law to oppose Fu Yanxuan, and the dense cyan blade energy went straight to Yanxuan.

The real Taiyang held a red flag and released a raging flame to attack Peng Zhai.

Bai Ruohan and Li Qingyue teamed up to deal with Jin Hu, and a huge Peng bird phantom appeared in Jin Hu.

Jin Shuo's face was gloomy, they were probably out of luck today, and hoped that Jin Shuo could escape the catastrophe.

If it weren't for this race war, Jin Shuo would have a high chance of becoming the third integrated monk of the Jinpeng family.

With the protection of many cultivators, and Jin Shuo's own strength, he should be able to retreat.


A hundred million miles away, a azure light quickly swept through the sky.

Qingguang was an impressively large cyan Pengbird, and Jin Shuo and other six cultivators stood on the back of the cyan Pengbird.

The Jinpeng family is good at wind-type supernatural powers, and it is really difficult for the human cultivators to catch up with them if they focus on escaping.

Jin Shuo's expression was gloomy, no longer the same as before.

As the young patriarch of the Jinpeng clan, he has been favored since he was a child. He doesn't have to worry about resources for cultivating immortals. He is protected by experts when he comes in and out. Who would dare to fight against him?

This race war completely overturned his worldview.

In the face of the race war, the Jinpeng family is just a small race, and they must obey the orders of the cultivators of the Jinghuo family.

The Jinpeng clan he was proud of was just a **** in the hands of the big clan.

Four escaped lights appeared in front of them and flew towards them.

The blue Pengniao stopped, and the expressions of the six Jin Shuo became tight.

It didn't take long for the four escape lights to stop, led by Yang Xuemei.

Yang Xuemei and others were attacking Jinxiaodao, and after receiving a communication from other cultivators, they immediately took a detour to block Jin Shuo.

"Young master, let's hold them back, you go away."

A short and stout golden-robed old man flew out with two virtual cultivators and confronted the four Yang Xuemei.

The blue-colored Pengbird flapped its wings fiercely, and flew towards the right side, escaping very fast.

The three of Yang Xuemei were about to stop them, but the three old men in golden robes had already urged Fa Xiang to attack them.

A gust of wind suddenly blew on the sea, the sky and the earth changed color, the sea tumbled violently, setting off a tornado of water waves, and went straight to Yang Xuemei and the four of them.

Yang Xuemei's face sank, and she quickly urged the treasure to resist.

The roar continued, the air waves were like tides, and the blue Peng Bird had disappeared into the sky.


Three billion miles away, in an endless sea, the sky is gray, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and from time to time, thick lightning cuts through the sky.

A blue light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards it quickly.

Qingguang is a huge cyan Pengbird, with Jin Shuo, Shaming Pearl and a graceful young woman in a blue skirt standing on the back of the cyan Pengbird.

"At such a long distance, they shouldn't catch up."

Jin Shuo breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, it's not safe enough here, continue on your way."

The blue peng bird spit out human words, and the tone was a little weak.

The azure light flashed, and the azure Pengbird turned into a tall and thin azure-robed old man. The azure-robed old man's face was slightly pale, and he was a late stage cultivator. There were some scars on his body, which was obviously injured. .

He escaped from the siege with Jin Shuo. During his escape, he encountered many interceptions by human monks and was slightly injured.

Among the four of them, Jin Shuo and the young woman in green skirt are in the middle stage of virtual refining, and Shaming Pearl is in the early stage of virtual refining.

"Xiaoyu, UU reading you quickly transform into shape, take us to fly away."

The old man in the green robe ordered the young woman in the blue skirt, if it wasn't for the shark pearl, they would be much more relaxed.

The young woman in the blue skirt responded with a sound, turned around in place, and turned into a huge cyan owl.

At this moment, a loud horn sounded, resounding through the world.

Hearing this, the four old men in green robes discovered in horror that they could not use their magic power.

With a flash of golden light, a small tower of golden light suddenly appeared above their heads, and it suddenly grew in size, spewing out a golden glow, covering them.

In normal times, they can naturally avoid it, but now they can't use mana and can't avoid it at all.

The old man in green robe instinctively pushed aside Jin Shuo and Mingzhu, and he and the young woman in blue skirt were covered by the golden rays of light, and they were involved in the golden giant tower.


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