Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2376: fame

The latest website: The competition of other monks has not ended yet. Wang Yuanjiang's eyes fell on a tall young man in red shirt. The young man in red shirt has handsome features and a dignified appearance.

The young man in the red shirt did not use the magic weapon, and when he waved his hands, red fireballs flew out one by one, smashing towards the opposite side, and the speed was very fast.

His opponent was a tall and thin girl in a blue dress, holding a short blue ruler in his hand, and a light blue water curtain covered the girl in the blue dress.

One after another, the red fireballs came, and the blue-skirted girl couldn't resist at all. She controlled the magic weapon to attack the red-shirted youth, but was blocked by the red-shirted youth's spellcasting.

The young man in the red shirt drew a large circle in the void with his hands, and a huge red fireball emerged out of nowhere, emitting an amazing heat wave, and smashed at the blue-skirted girl.

The girl in the blue dress quickly controlled two blue flying knives and slashed at the red fireball.

After a loud noise, the red fireball burst, and the billowing flames drowned the figure of the blue skirt girl.

The young man in the red shirt wanted to continue casting spells, but the blue-skirted girl's hurried voice came from the flames: "I admit defeat, and Daoyou Zhao stopped."


The red-shirted youth clasped his fists and said, and walked down.

"Cousin Jing Yan is really powerful. He defeated his opponent without using a weapon."

"What's weird about this, cousin Jing Yan is an elite disciple of our Zhao family."

"The Wang family's children are not weak, so I don't know who is better."


The low-level monks talked a lot, and they knew very well that the focus of this competition was not other small forces, but the Wang family and the Zhao family.

Wang Yuanjiang looked at the other arenas, and a girl in a silver skirt with delicate features caught his attention. The girl in the silver skirt had a snowy skin and a golden butterfly pattern on her clothes.

As the girl in the silver skirt waved her hands, each released a thick silver lightning, slashing at the opponent.

It didn't take long for the opponent to concede defeat.

"Cultivator Lei Linggen."

Wang Yuanjiang was secretly surprised. Looking at the butterfly pattern on her clothes, it should be a child of the Qin family in Flying Butterfly Valley. The Qin family is an immortal family in the inland. The ancestors came from Zhenhai Palace, but they belonged to the local faction.

There are factional disputes within the Zhenhai Palace, and there is still contact with each other. They are both competitive and cooperative, and the same is true of the affiliated Xiuxian families, who have marriages or friendships.

Wang Yuanhong controlled two second-order puppet beasts and also defeated his opponent.

Zhao Shiyu looked at a graceful young woman in a golden skirt and asked with a smile, "Mrs. Qin, your Qin family has produced a good seedling!"

"Among my descendants, Xiulin has the best aptitude. Speaking of which, Daoyou Zhao and Daoyou Wang's descendants are not weak."

The young woman in the golden skirt was modest, but she couldn't help showing a proud expression on her face.

Not long after, in the second round of the written test, Wang Yuanjiang's opponent was a burly man in a red shirt.

After Wang Yuanjiang imposed two defenses on himself, he controlled two second-order puppet beasts to face the enemy. The man in the red shirt was unable to destroy Wang Yuanjiang's defense, but the two second-order puppet beasts were quickly defeated.

At this time, Zhao Jingyan and Qin Xiulin also defeated their opponents.

In the next few rounds of competitions, Wang Yuanjiang and Wang Yuanhong defeated their opponents with their puppet beasts and advanced smoothly.

After half an hour, only Wang Yuanhong, Wang Yuanjiang, Zhao Jingyan and Qin Xiulin were left.

Wang Yuanhong faced Qin Xiulin, and Zhao Jingyan faced Wang Yuanjiang.

"Mrs. Qin and Daoyou Wang, I'm free when I'm idle. Let's make a bet! Let's see who's junior can win the first place. How about I use a bottle of Chichidan as a bet?"

Zhao Shiyu suggested to take out a red porcelain bottle.

"I don't mind, I'll bet with a Seven Star Transformation Talisman."

The young woman in the golden skirt took out a silver talisman.

The Zhao family's medicinal herbs are well-known, and the Qin family sells several fourth-order talismans that are very popular among the Yuanying cultivators.

"Old man, use this mysterious cloud ruler as a bet!"

Wang Yiyan took out a shining jade ruler and said with a smile.

At the beginning of the competition, Zhao Jingyan shook his arms, and a dozen red fireballs flew out and smashed at Wang Yuanjiang.

While Wang Yuanjiang applied two defenses to himself, he controlled the puppet beast to attack Zhao Jingyan.

More than a dozen red fireballs were blocked by Wang Yuanjiang's defense, but Zhao Jingyan also rushed towards the puppet beast.

The monkey puppet beast threw its fist at Zhao Jingyan, Zhao Jingyan was not afraid at all, and after a dazzling red light lit up with his right fist, he greeted him.

With a loud noise, the monkey puppet beast flew out backwards, and the giant tiger puppet beast rushed over, opened its **** mouth, and revealed a row of sharp fangs.

Zhao Jingyan's figure flickered, and suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yuanjiang. His boots shone brightly, and they were obviously flying instruments.

He was hiding his clumsiness before, but he was actually a double cultivation of Dharma and body.

The Wang family's puppet beasts are relatively powerful. This is a well-known thing. Zhao Jingyan did not dare to delay, and planned to give full play to his strengths and defeat Wang Yuanjiang.

A red flame emerged from his right fist, a bone sound of "crackling" came from his body, his body grew bigger, and his right fist hit Wang Yuanjiang with a wave of heat.

After the two muffled sounds, Wang Yuanjiang's defenses were all broken.

Wang Yuanjiang was not afraid at all. After a blob of blue light emerged from his right fist, his body grew bigger and greeted him.

With a muffled sound, the two fists collided, Wang Yuanjiang remained motionless, and Zhao Jingyan took two steps back.

"You are also a physique."

Zhao Jingyan was surprised.

Wang Yuanjiang didn't answer, he moved his arms and went up to meet them. Neither of them used magic weapons, they fought with the strength of their bodies.

A strong wave of air swept out, Wang Yuanjiang was obviously slightly better, Zhao Jingyan fell behind, and it didn't take long for Zhao Jingyan to be defeated.

"It's accepted, Daoyou Zhao."

Wang Yuanjiang said politely that it was the first time he had encountered a foundation-building body cultivator.

On the other side, Qin Xiulin also defeated Wang Yuanhong.

Wang Yuanjiang competed with Qin Xiulin. At the beginning of the competition, Wang Yuanjiang sacrificed an iron rod that sparkled with blue light, and waved the blue iron rod to hit Qin Xiulin.

Qin Xiulin didn't dare to be careless, she sacrificed a shining silver bead and released a silver light to cover herself.

Wang Yuanjiang sacrificed a small umbrella with a blue glow, released a blue glow to protect himself, and slapped several defensive talismans on his body. He waved a blue iron rod and smashed it at Qin Xiulin.

Qin Xiulin's attack was powerful, but she couldn't break Wang Yuanjiang's defense with a single blow. She had difficulty resisting Wang Yuanjiang's attack.

Wang Yuanjiang's face sank, mana was injected into the blue iron rod crazily, UU reading www. The blue iron rod of burst out with a dazzling blue light, smashing at Qin Xiulin with a burst of wind.

In the midst of a loud noise, Qin Xiulin's defense was like a piece of paper, and was smashed to pieces by the blue giant stick. Seeing that the blue giant stick was about to hit Qin Xiulin's head, a big golden hand appeared out of nowhere, blocking the blue Giant stick.

"We conceded."

The young woman in the golden skirt said, willing to admit defeat.

Compared with the stakes, Qin Xiulin's life is more precious.

"It's accepted, Fairy Qin."

Wang Yuanjiang put away the magic weapon. To be honest, as long as Qin Xiulin persisted a little longer, she could defeat Wang Yuanjiang.

Wang Yiyan accepted the bet with a smile, and praised Wang Yuanjiang a few words.

The cultivators continued drinking and chatting. In today's battle, Qin Xiulin, Wang Yuanjiang and Zhao Jingyan's reputation spread, and they were well-known among the juniors. (To be continued)

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