Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2377: Qinglian Mountains, Qinglian Dharma Assembly

The latest website: Xuanling Continent, Qinglian Mountains.

At the northwest corner of the Qinglian Mountains, there is a huge valley extending in all directions. Outside the valley, there is a blue stone tablet more than ten feet high, with three silver characters "Qinglian Valley" engraved on it.

Qinglian Valley is a square market established by the Wang family. It has been around for nearly 50 years. Qinglian Valley has a lot of overseas cultivation resources, monster materials, demon pills, etc., attracting many immortal cultivators to buy immortal cultivation resources here.

A golden light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards the Qinglian Mountains quickly.

After the golden light approached Qinglian Valley for thirty miles, the speed slowed down. It was a flying boat with golden light. Hundreds of monks stood on the golden flying boat, led by Lan Haisheng.

Lan Haisheng is the grandson of Lan Fukong, and he has entered the stage of spiritual transformation.

The Lan family has been developing for many years, but it has not improved much. It has always been a small family. After Lan Fukong entered the Void Refinement period, he encountered a race war.

Lan Fukong, Wang Qingshan, and Wang Dafei joined forces to kill a number of aliens in the imaginary stage. Lan Fukong got a lot of good deeds, and the Lan family also got a large piece of land and ushered in a prosperous period.

The Wang family established a market in the inland to sell monster materials and puppet beasts.

The Wang family held the Qinglian Dharma Conference and invited many cultivators to participate in it. In addition to discussing Taoism, the Wang family also held an auction and prepared a lot of goods.

The Wang family's puppet beasts performed well in the race war and the large beast tide. Lan Haisheng went to Qinglian Valley this time, hoping to photograph a fifth-order puppet beast.

With a pinch of the Blue Ocean Victory Art, the golden flying boat slowly landed, and he walked towards Qinglian Valley with his clan.

Before they entered the Qinglian Valley, a loud noise came from the valley.

In Qinglian Valley, the streets are spacious and clean, the crowd is surging, bustling, and the shouts are constant, very lively.

Most of the shops on both sides of the street sell weapon refining materials, and there are many weapon shops.

A team of Wang family cultivators in uniform cyan armor walked through a street. They were responsible for patrolling and maintaining order.

The children of the Lan family are scattered, and as long as they do not leave Fangshi, there is no danger.

After a cup of tea, Lan Haisheng appeared in a bluestone square covering an area of ​​100 acres. In the center of the square stood a blue loft with a height of more than 20 feet, with flying eaves and bucket arches and carved jade railings.

The lacquered gold plaque is shining brightly, with three big characters "Qinglian Tower" written on it, which is very conspicuous.

There are many monks coming in and out, very lively.

Qinglianlou is a shop opened by the Wang family. Its business scope is very wide. The puppet beasts are the most famous. You can order fifth-order puppet beasts, but you need to exchange special cultivation resources. In addition, you want to get fifth-order in Qinglian Valley. Puppet beasts can only participate in the auction held by the Wang family.

Lan Haisheng strode in, the hall is bright and spacious, there are a lot of weapons, guns, sticks, etc. on the shelves, as well as many puppet beasts.

He didn't stay too long and went straight upstairs.

Not long after, he came to the eighteenth floor, and the shopkeeper of Qinglian Building, Wang Gongzheng, received Lan Haisheng.

Wang Gong was in the Yuan Ying period and was in charge of managing the business of Qinglian Tower.

"Welcome senior to our shop. I don't know what senior is called? Is there anything I can help senior?"

Wang Gongzheng asked politely.

"In Xiayunhang Mountain, Lan Haisheng, I heard that your Wang family has a fifth-order puppet beast for sale. I want to reserve a fifth-order puppet beast. What are the requirements?"

Lan Haisheng asked straight to the point.

"I'm here to entertain fellow Daoist Lan, Gongzheng, go get busy!"

A gentle female voice suddenly sounded, and as soon as the voice fell, ** Yan walked up.

She has already entered the spirit transformation stage, and is proficient in puppet art. The level of refining fifth-order puppet beasts is second only to Wang Jiye, Wang Qingfeng and Wang Changsheng.

**Yan and Wang Jiye are Wang Mengbin's more outstanding descendants, they are all fifth-order refiners.

Wang Gongzheng responded, bowed and stepped back.

"Concubine Yan, I don't know what is the relationship between Fellow Daoist Lan and True Monarch Kuangchui?"

** Yan asked politely.

Mad Blowing True Monarch Lan Fukong is well-known in the Xuanling Continent, and most of the high-level cultivators of the human race have heard of Lan Fukong.

"True Monarch Kuangchui is my grandfather. Next time, I have been ordered by my grandfather to purchase fifth-order puppet beasts from Qinglian Valley."

Lan Haisheng said truthfully.

"It turned out to be a descendant of Senior Lan, disrespectful and disrespectful, there will be a fifth-order puppet beast for sale at the auction. If you want to reserve a fifth-order puppet beast, you need to come up with some good things as a deposit. Our Wang family has no shortage of spirit stones."

** Yan said with a smile, a confidence in her tone.

The power of selling fifth-order puppet beasts in the Xuanling Continent is less than ten fingers. After the race war, the Wang family's puppet beasts became famous. The rare thing is the most expensive.

If you want to reserve a fifth-order puppet beast, you can use special cultivation resources as a deposit. For small and medium-sized forces, a fifth-order puppet beast can enhance their strength. If there are special materials, they are willing to use it to book fifth-order puppet beasts.

Of course, the Wang family won't want too much, only part of it, otherwise others will directly exchange it for other things.

Lan Haisheng took out a blue porcelain bottle, handed it to Yan, and said, "This is the blood essence of the sixth-order multicolored swallowing python, can you book the fifth-order puppet beast?"

A bottle of the blood essence of the sixth-order multicolored spirit swallowing python is naturally not worth tens of millions of spirit stones, so it is good to use it as a deposit.

**Yan checked it, and after confirming it was correct, she nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Okay, which kind of fifth-order puppet beast do you want to book? This is the catalogue. Fellow Daoist Lan selects slowly, and it depends on Senior Lan's opinion. For the sake of face, you can reserve two fifth-order puppet beasts, if you want more, you will go to the auction to bid."

She took out a glittering magic plate and handed it to Lan Haisheng, asking him to choose a puppet beast.

Lan Haisheng checked it carefully, UU reading selected a giant ape puppet and a flying eagle puppet.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, looking at Senior Lan's face, it will be delivered in five years, 30 million spirit stones."

**Yan wrote the documents on the spot, two copies in total, and the two signed their names.

A low-grade Tongtian Lingbao is worth more than ten million spirit stones. The price of the fifth-order puppet beast is more expensive, but it is worth the money. The fifth-order puppet beast is difficult to destroy. Fifth-order puppet beast.

There is a day when the guardian spirit beasts will be transformed. As long as the puppet beasts are not fatally damaged, they can be used. There are many elixir or secret techniques to temporarily enhance spiritual consciousness in the Xuanyang Realm. Therefore, some small forces are eager to get one. Rank puppet beast, acting as the background.

"Fellow Daoist Lan, there will be a party in Qinglian Garden three days later, and there will be many cultivators attending. If you are interested, you can participate."

** Yan sent an invitation, and Lan Haisheng agreed.

After a few chats, Lan Haisheng left Qinglian Building. (To be continued)

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