Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2378: Tribes perform their duties

The latest website: Qinglian Palace, the largest auction venue in Qinglian Valley.

With the approaching of the Qinglian Dharma Assembly, a large number of high-level monks poured into the Qinglian Valley, and multiple forces once again held multiple auctions to sell goods.

In the Qinglian Palace, there is a spacious and bright hall. In the center of the hall is a cyan lotus platform that is more than 100 feet long. On the cyan lotus platform is a cyan jade table. A fat middle-aged man is standing behind the jade table. , On the jade table is a flying sword with red light shining, with amazing aura.

The middle-aged man has a round face and small eyes, fair skin and a shrewd face.

Wang Moxin, who was in the Dandan period, was a descendant of Wang Qingcheng and was in charge of auctioning commodities.

Around the cyan lotus platform, there are tens of thousands of seats, and thousands of monks are participating in the auction.

If any force wants to hold an auction in Qinglian Palace, the host must be a monk of the Wang family. If there are rare things, they will arrange for someone to take them. If there are no rare things, the Wang family can also draw a commission.

The Wang family made a lot of money from commissions alone. This is the advantage of opening a market by themselves. Of course, there are also some underground auctions in the market. The Wang family did not interfere, turning a blind eye and sometimes sending people join.

The younger generation of the Wang family has grown up, and the cultivators Jiedan and Nascent Soul play their roles in various positions and contribute to the family. It is because of their existence that the family can function normally.

"Four million spirit stones, is there any higher price? Four million for the first time, four million for the second time, and four million for the third time. The deal is made. This Lingbao Chi Shuo Sword will return to Senior Forest."

Wang Moxin said loudly, with a bit of joy in his eyes. Every time he took a product, he could draw a certain amount of spirit stones as a commission. The higher the turnover, the higher the commission.

After the flying sword was taken away, the auction ended, and the monks left one after another.

"Mo Xin, you did a great job!"

A silver bell-like female voice suddenly sounded, and a tall young woman in a golden skirt flew down in front of Wang Moxin.

There is a lotus pattern on the clothes of the young woman in the golden skirt, and the petals are golden, which is the symbol of law enforcement disciples.

"Twelfth Aunt, you...why are you here? I haven't done anything wrong recently."

Wang Moxin looked nervous when he saw the young woman in the golden skirt.

The family has developed very well in recent years, expanding rapidly, and the number of clan members has grown rapidly. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. The family has a special law enforcement hall to review and rectify the clan members who violate the rules of the clan.

It's not a good thing for law enforcement disciples to come to the door.

"I didn't say what you did wrong, why are you nervous? Mo Dang murdered two cultivators in order to form a baby spirit. Do you know this?"

The tone of the young woman in the golden skirt is heavy, the family is getting stronger and stronger, and some clansmen have acted indiscriminately. .

"I don't know! I have been in Qinglian Valley. I haven't contacted him for a long time. Is it true?"

Wang Moxin asked cautiously.

"There are both human and physical evidence. He can't let it go. He has been captured and taken back to his family, imprisoned in Tianfeng Valley, and tortured by Tianfeng. Until he dies, he has no chance to come out."

The young woman in the golden skirt said coldly.

Wang Moxin shivered, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"In this case, your participation in this matter is a false accusation, you are busy! Don't do anything that violates the rules of the clan."

After saying this, the young woman in the golden skirt left the auction venue.

A manor with an area of ​​100 acres, pavilions, garden corridors, strange rocks and rocks.

In a huge cyan stone pavilion, more than 50 Yuanying monks were drinking tea and chatting in the stone pavilion, and Wang Huashuo was also inside.

Wang Huashuo is a descendant of ***, currently in the late Nascent Soul. He followed Liu Hongxue to learn the technique of alchemy and is currently a fourth-order alchemist.

The family held the Qinglian Dharma Conference, and many forces sent people to participate, hoping to photograph the fifth-order puppet beast and the heavenly treasure.

Wang Huashuo took this opportunity to hold a party, get to know the fourth-order alchemists of other forces, exchange alchemy techniques, and make some friends by the way.

With the development and growth of the family, the influence of the Wang family is getting bigger and bigger, and the appeal is getting bigger and bigger. It is not easy to change to a fourth-order alchemist from a small force to gather so many fourth-order alchemists to exchange alchemy techniques. .

Wang Huashuo's parents are both spiritual monks, and his mother is a fifth-order alchemist. Wang Huashuo's appeal is still very strong.

"Young Daoyou Wang is young and has such a high opinion in Dan Dao, the old man admires it."

"Friend Wang Dao, next time we meet, I am afraid we will be called Senior Wang."

"If you want me to say, it won't take long for Ling Zun to enter the Void Refinement Stage. At that time, Liu will definitely come to ask for a glass of wine."


The monks slapped Wang Huashuo's flattery. They knew that Wang Huashuo's parents were spiritual monks, Liu Hongxue was a fifth-order alchemist, and Wang Huashuo had a fifth-order medicinal pill on him, and would occasionally exchange them with them.

"Fellow Daoists have praised it, how can it be so easy to refine."

Wang Huashuo said modestly, with a look of joy on his face. He also hoped that his parents would enter the stage of refining.

"It's too early, let's exchange treasures! Let's exchange information."

Wang Huashuo suggested that these Nascent Soul monks come from all over the world, and maybe they can exchange some good things.

None of the other Nascent Soul cultivators refused, and they all agreed.

Wang Huashuo took out dozens of things, including fourth-order puppet beasts, spirit treasures, fifth-order medicinal pills, fifth-order demon pills, and so on.

The faces of the monks all showed envious expressions. They could take out a single item, but if they put them all together, they couldn't take it out.

As expected of the son of a god-turning cultivator, he is rich and powerful.

"I'm going to change Gu Danfang, or something of the same value."

Wang Huashuo said proudly, his eyes swept over the monks present.

He brought out a lot of good things, and the monks sent voice transmissions to Wang Huashuo, and took out the treasures for Wang Huashuo to check.


A nine-story cyan loft, the ninth floor.

Wang Jiye and other more than 20 cultivators were drinking tea and chatting. These cultivators came from all over the world, some came from cultivators, some came from cultivators, and some were loose cultivators.

The Wang family held the Qinglian Dharma Conference, of course, not to sell goods, but to expand its influence. With the help of fifth-order puppet beasts and Tongtian Lingbao, it would attract god-turning cultivators from other forces to participate, make friends, and expand the circle of communication. Ally if you can.

"Fellow Daoists have come to Qinglian Valley from thousands of miles away. I toast everyone."

Wang Jiye raised his tea cup, and UU Reading toasted a cup of tea.

The monks did not dare to neglect, and raised their teacups in return.

"You are welcome, Daoyou Wang. I heard that there will be a fifth-order puppet beast in this auction. I don't know how many fifth-order puppet beasts will be sold? Our patriarch has given a death order and asked me to take a fifth-order puppet beast."

"Yeah! I also received an order from the sect master to photograph a fifth-order puppet beast."

"Hey, the old man wants the Heavenly Spirit Treasure even more."


Wang Jiye smiled slightly and explained: "We took out seven fifth-order puppet beasts and five heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, most of which came from my own hands, you should prepare more spiritual stones, if there are not enough spiritual stones, you can use treasures mortgage."

The monks responded with a smile on their faces.

At almost the same time, the senior monks of the Wang family held various gatherings, made friends and expanded their social circle. (To be continued)

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