Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2379: puppet beast sale

The latest website: Tianhai Fang City, Fang City jointly managed by Zhenhai Palace and Leng Yan faction, this was originally Tianpeng Island, the old nest of the Jinpeng family.

After the Jinpeng clan was defeated, the Leng Yan faction moved Xueyanfang City to Tianpeng Island, managed it together with Zhenhai Palace, and moved many monks from the inland to develop overseas.

After more than 50 years of development, Tianhaifang City is rich in resources for cultivating immortals. Many monks came to Tianhaifang City from inland to buy resources for cultivating immortals. They were not familiar with Tianhaifang City, which gave birth to a large number of guides.

Wu Yixi is one of them. He grew up in Tianhaifang City since he was a child, and his relatives all make a living in Tianhaifang City.

If they are lucky, the Wu family will be able to own a piece of land and establish their own family in the future.

On this day, as usual, Wu Yixi stood at the entrance of Fangshi, staring at the entrance of Fangshi, looking for business.

A group of monks walked in, headed by a tall and thin golden-robed old man with a square face and big eyes.

The golden-robed old man looked left and right, as if he was looking for someone.

Wu Yixi quickly greeted him and asked with a smile, "Senior needs a guide? The junior grew up in Fangchang and is familiar with the situation in Fangshi."

A burly man in blue shirt took out a middle-grade spirit stone, threw it to Wu Yixi, and instructed: "Take us to the Thousand Puppet Building and introduce us to the situation in Tianhaifang City."

Wu Yixi repeatedly agreed, with a burst of joy in his heart, that he had met a big customer.

While leading the way, he introduced the situation in Tianhaifang City.

"Thousands of puppets can book fifth-order puppet beasts? Do you have any requirements?"

The golden-robed old man asked.

"You can pre-order fifth-order puppet beasts. The Thousand Puppet Building is one of the Wang family's industries. It mainly sells puppet beasts, ranging from first-order to fifth-order puppet beasts. However, if fifth-order puppet beasts need to be booked in advance, they need to meet some specific conditions. The specific situation, the younger generation is not clear."

Wu Yixi told the truth, in recent years, many cultivators went to Tianhaifang City to buy puppet beasts from the Wang family.

"How many shops does the Wang family have in Tianhaifang City? Only sell puppet beasts?"

The golden-robed old man asked curiously.

"As far as the younger generation knows, the Wang family has opened 108 shops, inns, spirit animal shops, tea houses, puppet shops, weapon shops, medicine pill shops, Linggu shops, talisman shops, bookstores, spirit fish shops, and spirit beast shops. , wine shop, etc., the business scope is very wide, but the most famous of the Wang family is the puppet beast."

Wu Yixi slowly said that the Wang family is a subordinate cultivator family of Zhenhai Palace, and the real Taihao shined in the race war and gained a lot of benefits.

The 108 shops are all monks from the Wang family from top to bottom. As for whether there are other shops in the Wang family, such as shops that collect information, shops that acquire materials from unknown sources, etc., Wu Yixi is not clear.

After a cup of tea, Wu Yixi stopped at the entrance of an eighteen-storey golden attic with flying eaves and arches and carved jade railings.

There are two huge stone lions at the entrance of the attic. Their bodies are covered with spiritual patterns. They are obviously not dead objects, but puppet beasts.

On the lacquered gold plaque, three large silver characters of "Thousand Puppet Building" are written, and the inspiration is shining.

"Senior, this is the Thousand Puppet Building. The quality of the puppet beasts sold by the Wang family is very good."

Wu Yixi pointed to the attic and introduced.

"Okay, you don't need to follow, you can go."

A burly man in a blue shirt threw five mid-grade spirit stones to Wu Yixi and told him to retire.

"You wait for me here, I'll be out soon."

The golden-robed old man exhorted and strode into the Thousand Puppet Tower.

The hall is bright and spacious, and there are various puppet beasts on the shelves. More than 50 guests are choosing puppet beasts.

The golden-robed old man didn't stop in the hall and went straight upstairs.

On the fifteenth floor, Wang Qingfeng was sitting on a chair, and a shrewd young man in a golden shirt was reporting the situation to Wang Qingfeng.

The family is expanding too fast, and there is an urgent shortage of skilled talents, especially puppet masters. The fifth-order puppet beasts of the Wang family are very popular. For convenience, Wang Qingfeng moved to Tianhaifang City to be in charge of refining fifth-order puppet beasts.

A slight footstep sounded, and a tall and thin golden-robed old man came up.

"Friend Wang Dao, long time no see."

The golden-robed old man greeted him with a smile.

"Are you a Taoist friend from the East?"

Wang Qingfeng was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt.

He followed Wang Changsheng to attend the Taiyang Real People's Fitting Ceremony, and met some monks. The golden-robed old man was called Dongfang Hong, and they had been missing for many years.

"Exactly. I haven't seen him for many years. I thought you Wang Daoyou forgot about the old man."

Dongfang Hong said with a smile.

Wang Qingfeng waved his hand, and the young man in the golden shirt stepped back.

After chatting for a while, Dongfang Hong talked about the business: "Friend Wang Dao, I want to book a few fifth-order puppet beasts with you, I wonder if it's convenient?"

The cultivator of the Dongfang family in the Golden Ape Valley died under the great catastrophe. Without the cultivator, the Dongfang family plans to buy a few more fifth-order puppet beasts to serve as the foundation.

The Qinglian Valley opened by the Wang family has fifth-order puppet beasts for sale, but Wang Jiye doesn't know Dongfanghong, so naturally it is not convenient.

When Dongfanghong went to Tianhaifang City this time, he hoped that Wang Qingfeng would recognize his old feelings and let him buy more fifth-order puppet beasts. In addition to Dongfanghong, the Dongfang family also sent many monks to other Dafang cities to buy fifth-order puppet beasts.

The outside world does not know that the cultivator of the Dongfang family has died, and the hostile forces are still afraid.

"Order a fifth-order puppet beast? To be honest with fellow Taoist Dongfang, it is not easy to refine a fifth-order puppet beast, and the order queue is very long."

Wang Qingfeng's face was embarrassed.

Dongfanghong took out an exquisite jade box, handed it to Wang Qingfeng, and said, "This is the multi-colored divine mud, the best material for refining the core part of the sixth-order puppet beast."

Wang Qingfeng opened the jade box and glanced at it. There was a paste-like object glowing with five-color aura, which was just used to refine the core part of the sixth-order puppet beast.

"Looking at the friendship in the past, Dongfang Taoist friend can order three fifth-order puppet beasts and deliver them in twenty years."

Wang Qingfeng said with a smile.

Dongfang Honglue thought about it, then took out another jade box, handed it to Wang Qingfeng, and said, "This is a crystal of Tianlei, which has been tainted by some poisonous blood, so it can't be used to condense dharmas, but if it is used to refine utensils, it should be fine. , Ling Zun is a sixth-order artifact refiner, maybe he can get rid of poisonous blood, I want ten fifth-order puppet beasts."

After many attempts, the cultivators of the Dongfang family couldn't get rid of the poisonous blood, and they exchanged them with other cultivators.

Wang Qingfeng frowned, opened the jade box, there was a piece of pale silver jade, the surface of the jade was glowing with a faint silver light, and there were some brown marks on the surface of the jade.

"Ten is too many, seven at most, and delivery within fifty years."

Wang Qingfeng said with a frown.

"Okay, deal."

Dongfang Hong agreed.

Wang Qingfeng wrote two documents, and the two signed their names, one for each.

After chatting for a while, Dongfang Hong said goodbye and left.

"It seems right to let you manage the puppet shop."

A relieved male voice suddenly sounded, and Wang Changsheng came up with a smile on his face. (To be continued)

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