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Chapter 2380: A chance encounter with Cheng Zhenyu and his wife

Latest website: Wang Changsheng took three bottles of body-building medicinal pills, and his physical strength was greatly enhanced.

"Father, why are you here?"

Wang Qingfeng was full of surprises when he saw Wang Changsheng.

"Come and see you, by the way, where's Xue Li! Take me to her, I have something to ask her."

Wang Changsheng instructed that he wanted to see Duan Tongtian. In any case, he and Duan Tongtian were in-laws. Before, they were busy cultivating, resisting large-scale beast tides and racial wars. Now that everything is peaceful, he plans to see Duan Tongtian.

Dong Xueli could not recognize Duan Tongtian, but Wang Changsheng could not deny his in-laws. This was a minimum courtesy.

Wang Qingfeng agreed and left the Thousand Puppet Building with Wang Changsheng.

Half an hour later, they appeared in a secluded manor, not far from a three-story cyan attic.

"Father, these are the materials that I just received, the multicolored divine mud and the Tianlei crystal. The Tianlei crystal has been tainted by poisonous blood. I'll call Xue Li to come out."

Wang Qingfeng took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took over the storage ring, Qinglian Fortune Ding should be able to take out the poisonous blood, just as Wang Mengbin entered the virtual refining stage, he could use the crystal of thunder to condense the law.

The Dongfang family actually took out these two materials as a deposit, and asked for ten pieces at the first opening. He felt a little strange, and now there is no war, does it mean that the Dongfang family is going to fight with other forces? Or to explore secrets?

The Golden Ape Valley Dongfang’s house is inland, too far away from the Wang’s house. Wang Changsheng doesn’t know the situation of the Dongfang’s house.

It's nothing to sell some fifth-order puppet beasts, sixth-order puppet beasts are rare, seventh-order puppet beasts are even fewer, and it is estimated that only a few forces can come up with them.

Not long after, Dong Xueli followed Wang Qingfeng over.

"Xue Li, how can I contact your father? Do you know where he is?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Dong Xueli frowned and said, "Dad, do you have anything to do with my father?"

"He is Qingfeng's father-in-law, and also Qiuya's grandfather. I should go see him and get to know each other. You are my daughter-in-law, and I have never seen your father. , this is outrageous."

Wang Changsheng's expression was serious.

"He doesn't know how many enemies he has provoked, so it's better not to contact him."

Dong Xueli resisted instinctively, but she still couldn't let it go.

"Ma'am, he is my father-in-law anyway."

Wang Qingfeng persuaded. He had mentioned it many times and went to Duan Tongtian in private, but Dong Xueli repeatedly refused.

"He should be in Yuyang Valley opened by Jiang's family. You can go to Yuyang Building to find him. This is Qianyinpan. You can contact him."

Dong Xueli took out a glittering dharma plate and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took it down, warned him a few words, and then left.

He strolled down the street, heading straight for the exit.

"Senior Wang."

A somewhat familiar male voice suddenly sounded.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan came towards them, Wang Changsheng was a little surprised when they saw them.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan looked excited. They took the cross-ling treasure ship to Xuanling Continent and heard about Wang Changsheng's deeds on the way.

"This is not the place to talk, let's find a place to talk."

Wang Changsheng took them to a teahouse and asked for a private room.

"Listen to Meng Bin, how come you are living in the Qinghuan world with him, why are you only ascending now?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, it seems that most of them are the human race forces that soared in the Qingli Sea Area.

Cheng Zhenyu didn't hide it. To tell the truth, there was nothing to hide.

"What's your plan next? Join Zhenhai Palace or not?"

Wang Changsheng asked about their plans in the future. If they wanted to establish their own family, Wang Changsheng could give them a piece of land.

"We want to meet the seniors of Zhenhai Palace, can senior Wang recommend you?"

Cheng Zhenyu said politely, after weighing them, they still wanted to take refuge in Zhenhai Palace.

Zhenhai Palace is much stronger than the Wang family, so the practice is a problem, and there is a panacea for longevity, will the Wang family give it to them for nothing? There are tens of thousands of immortal practitioners in the Wang family, and the elixir of longevity cannot be used up?

It will be even more difficult if they are alone. They have been cultivators for so many years, and they can get to this point thanks to their own efforts and the help of Wang Mengbin.

"No problem, you come with me."

Wang Changsheng agreed, if they joined Zhenhai Palace, if they were promoted to high positions, they might be able to speak for the Wang family.

Wang Changsheng took them to a blue palace more than ten feet high. The three characters "Tianhai Palace" were written on the plaque. The disciples sent by Zhenhai Palace in Fangshi lived in Tianhai Palace.

He walked in with Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan and introduced them to Zhenhai Palace.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng walked out with a relaxed expression.

Cheng Zhenyu and Zheng Nan are ascension monks. The monks of the ascension faction want to send them back to Piaoyun Island. Whether they stay in Zhenhai Palace or go out independently depends on their own plans.

After leaving the market, Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Qingluan boat and jumped on it.

He broke into a magic formula, and the azure boat suddenly released its azure light, turning into a azure escaping light that broke through the air and disappeared into the sky.


The Huangfeng Mountains are composed of hundreds of thousands of peaks, large and small, stretching for thousands of miles and full of spiritual energy. The Song family's old nest is here.

The ancestors of the Song family came from Zhenhai Palace, and they had no hope of breaking through, going out independently, and establishing a family. After years of support from Zhenhai Palace, there were more than 100,000 immortal cultivators in the Song family, more than ten cultivators, and one integrated cultivator.

In a quiet manor, Song Huizu was talking to a young man in a golden robe with decent features.

The golden-robed youth had fair skin and a burly stature, with a faint golden light from his eyes, and his body exuded an aura like a vast sea.

Song Yunlong, a spirit body person, has been the most cultivated clan since the Song family established the clan, and is currently in the early stage of integration.

"You actually lost it?"

Song Yunlong's face was gloomy, and Song Huizu seemed to have found the trace of Master Mad Saber, but they lost it.

"His escaping speed is too fast, and there are treasures of disguise, we can't catch up."

Song Huizu explained carefully.

"He has a lot of contacts with the monks of the Wang family?"

Song Yunlong asked, he didn't take the Wang family seriously, what he cared about was Chen Yueying and other integrated cultivators of the Ascension School.

"No, except for that shot, I never dealt with the Wang family cultivator again. Maybe it was intentional, or maybe he had nothing to do with the Wang family."

Song Huizu answered truthfully.

"Forget it, UU reading You have never seen the true face of this person, you can't be 100% sure that he is Master Crazy Blade, our family is still on the rise, don't offend the high-level monks casually, you go out Just be careful, just in case."

Song Yunlong ordered.

"Yes, my ancestor."

Song Huizu agreed, but he didn't know what to do. It was absolutely unnecessary to befriend the royal family for the sake of a cultivator whose identity could not be determined.

Of course, the main reason is that he is not sure that Duan Tongtian has the Tianxu Jade Book in his hand, there are too many rumors, and there is news that the Song family has obtained the Tianxu Jade Book.

Any human power that is stronger or rises faster will be rumored to have obtained the Heavenly Void Jade Book or the inheritance of great power.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's self-defeating, behind the Wang family is Chen Yueying, Song Yunlong doesn't want to deal with the Wang family for an unverifiable news, it's not worth the risk.

Song Yunlong warned Song Huizu to withdraw. (To be continued)

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