Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2381: Get another half-page Tianxu Jade Book

The latest website: Yuyang Valley, a square market opened by the Jiang family.

The streets were crowded with people, and all kinds of hawkers shouted to attract customers, which was very lively.

Yuyang Tower is the largest inn in Yuyang Valley.

In a guest room, Duan Tongtian was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed, holding a flag with a gleaming blue light in his hand.

It won't be a hundred years, and he will cross the great catastrophe. This is the first time he has crossed the great catastrophe, and Duan Tongtian does not dare to be careless.

After the race war ended, he used his good deeds to exchange for an immortal cultivation resource and found that the Song family cultivators were following him. To be honest, if Dong Xueli was not considered, Duan Tongtian would have set up an ambush and killed them long ago.

Now that Dong Xueli is full of children and grandchildren, he is living a very happy life, and the killing intent in Duan Tongtian's heart has eased.

Dong Xueli was his only concern in the world, and the one who could restrain him.

There was a melodious sound from Duan Tongtian's body. He was stunned at first, then quickly reacted. He took out a dazzling magic plate, entered a magic formula, and said cautiously, "Xue Li, what do you want me to do?"

"My family, I'm Wang Changsheng. Xue Li told me about you. You've been involved in worldly affairs all these years. Otherwise, you should have come to see you long ago. I'm really sorry."

A gentle male voice suddenly rose.

"What family? I don't know you, you've got the wrong person."

Duan Tongtian's face was full of suspicion, he was worried that the enemy was setting up a situation.

Wang Changsheng told a few interesting things about Dong Xueli's childhood, and Duan Tongtian believed it.

"My dear, I'll be waiting for you in the private room of Yuyang Residence, how about we talk?"

Wang Changsheng suggested.

"Okay, I'll go right there."

Duan Tongtian agreed.

Yuyang Residence, a private room on the third floor.

Wang Changsheng sat at a tea table made of jade wood, holding a dazzling Dharma plate in his hand.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Wang Changsheng said, with a flick of his sleeve, the door opened, and a thin-faced old man in green robe walked in. According to Dong Xueli's description, this person was not Duan Tongtian.

The blue-robed old man's consciousness was wide open, and he carefully scanned everything in the room, full of vigilance.

Wang Changsheng did not show any dissatisfaction, but was very happy. Duan Tongtian's vigilance was so heavy, the harder it was to reveal.

After closing the door, Wang Changsheng activated the restriction in the house to prevent other monks from exploring.

Duan Tongtian's facial features were blurred, and he returned to his true appearance.

"My dear, I'm really sorry. Over the years, the old man has gotten used to it."

Duan Tongtian's face was full of apology. If the Song family cultivator hadn't followed him, he wouldn't have to change his face.

"My family has to worry too much, this is good for everyone."

Wang Changsheng disagreed and greeted Duan Tongtian to sit down.

Duan Tongtian asked about Dong Xueli's situation, and Wang Changsheng answered truthfully.

Knowing that Dong Xueli was all right, and that the house was full of children and grandchildren, Duan Tongtian showed a relieved expression on his face.

"I originally wanted to bring a few children and grandchildren to meet you, but you have also heard about the situation of the Song family. To be cautious, forget it. If you want to see them, I can arrange it. It is safer to meet on Qinglian Island. "

Wang Changsheng said sincerely.

Duan Tongtian shook his head and said, "No need, as long as Xueli is doing well."

"My dear, this is a set of earth-attribute heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures, as well as a set of sixth-order defense formation, mysterious tortoise, water-spreading formation, this is our little intention, I hope you can survive the big catastrophe safely, if you need my law-protector, Although she said, Xue Li is a very good child, but she can't think of it for the time being, don't blame her, I will provide her with spiritual things when she cultivates to the perfection of God Transformation, and help her to break through the refining stage."

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Duan Tongtian. The sixth-order formation came from Jin Shuo.

Judging from the situation explained by Dong Xueli, Wang Changsheng speculated that Duan Tongtian would be over the great catastrophe within a thousand years.

This is a debt to children, and Wang Changsheng, the father, must contribute.

Duan Tongtian was stunned. He didn't care about these things. Since he entered the Void Refinement stage, no one has cared about him anymore.

"Thank you, my dear."

Duan Tongtian thanked him and accepted the storage ring.

He pondered for a while, took a deep breath, took out a beautiful cyan jade box, and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

With a flick of his sleeve, three **** of different colors flew out, and after a swirl, they turned into a thick three-color light curtain, covering the two of them.

"Xue Li is my only daughter. I got this half-page Tianxu Jade Book by accident. I have never been able to open the ban on it. The Xia family heard the news, so they did something to Xue Li and the others. Xue Li's dowry!"

Duan Tongtian said softly, with a look of reluctance on his face.

To tell the truth, he originally wanted to use this half-page Tianxu Jade Book to exchange treasures with the big forces to help Dong Xueli impact the virtual refining period, but Wang Changsheng was willing to provide Dong Xueli with spiritual objects to impact the virtual refining phase, and he took out a complete set of Tongtian Lingbao and six. Duan Tongtian changed his mind after he gave him the step formation and was willing to protect him.

Change the sincerity for the sincerity, Wang Changsheng treats him as a relative, and Duan Tongtian will not hide it.

He has half a page of Tianxu Jade Book, even Dong Xueli doesn't know it, let alone outsiders.

"Half-page Tianxu Jade Book!"

Wang Changsheng was stunned, he really didn't know Duan Tongtian had such a treasure.

He opened the box cover, and a soft treasured light swept out, and half a silver page appeared in his eyes.

"My dear, where did you get it?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

"A secret realm mastered by the Xutian family, I only got half a page when I got it, and I also entered the virtual refining period. I have tried many methods, but I can't get rid of the ban. Maybe you have a way to get rid of the ban. Your family is useful."

Duan Tongtian said slowly.

"How did the Xia family know that you have a half-page Tianxu Jade Book?"

Wang Changsheng was greatly puzzled, and Wang Mengbin also got half a page of the Heavenly Void Jade Book, wouldn't it be the same page!

Duan Tongtian shook his head and said, "I don't know either. The secret realm of the Xutian family has existed for many years. Some people say that there is a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and some people say that it has a powerful secret technique. There are cultivators who are in charge, unscrupulous, and take action against Xue Li and the others, I can guarantee that since I got this half-page Tianxu Jade Book, only we have seen this half-page Tianxu Jade Book."

"This gift is too precious."

Wang Changsheng's expression was serious. If this half-page Tianxu Jade Book was the same page as the half-page Wang Mengbin got, that would be fine.

With two pages of Tianxu Jade Book, it is enough to help the rise of the Wang family.

"Xue Li is my only daughter. This is her dowry. It should be precious."

Duan Tongtian is full of arrogance. In recent years, he has inquired about the news of the Wang family from various channels. Wang Qingfeng and Dong Xueli are in pairs, and they have a good relationship, which many monks can see.

If it wasn't for the Wang family being nice to Dong Xueli, Duan Tongcai wouldn't have taken out this half-page Tianxu Jade Book. (To be continued)

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