Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2382: Protecting Duan Tongtian

The latest website: Duan Tongtian's eyes showed a bit of reminiscence, and said: "When I was young, I was obsessed with cultivation, and Qinger has always supported me. In order to become stronger, I learned from people everywhere, including the Xia family. My son, by chance, I entered a secret realm of the Xutian family to hunt for treasures, and I got a fortune, and I was able to enter the virtual refining period."

"Maybe it was the cultivator who competed with me for the treasure to spread rumors, and the Xia family dealt with Qing'er and the other three for this reason. When I got home, the family was gone. I single-handedly entered the Xia family, killed all the cultivators, and Xue Li disappeared. , I finally found Xue Li, she no longer recognizes me, but fortunately she is doing well now, otherwise I don't know how to explain to her mother."

Speaking of the truth, Duan Tongtian's eyes were flushed red, with tears flashing in his eyes.

"Xue Li is my daughter-in-law. She has paid a lot for our Wang family. We will treat her well. You can rest assured. Where is your family planning to attack the virtual refining period? I will protect the law for you."

Wang Changsheng's tone was sincere, he originally planned to protect Duan Tongtian.

When high-level monks cross the great catastrophe, they usually have relatives and elders to protect the law. After the high-level monks cross the great catastrophe, they will be very weak. Without high-level monks to protect the law, they will be in trouble when they encounter strong enemies or high-level monsters.

For the sake of safety, some high-level scattered cultivators often look for remote places to cross the big catastrophe. If they are lucky, they will not encounter a strong enemy. If they are unlucky, high-level monks will pass by after crossing the big catastrophe, and they will be killed and taken away. precious.

"I'm about to leave. Within a hundred years, there should be a big catastrophe."

Duan Tongtian's face was solemn. It stands to reason that every three thousand years, the cultivator of the imaginary will attract a great catastrophe. This time is not so accurate. The error is within a hundred years. Some special secret techniques or treasures can delay the great catastrophe. time.

The power of the big catastrophe is huge, and it is usually done in a remote place. There are very few high-level cultivators who cross the big catastrophe in their old nest.

"No problem, I'll go with you! I'll protect you personally."

Wang Changsheng agreed, Duan Tongtian is the first time to cross the big catastrophe, there should be no problem with the sixth-order formation and the complete set of Tongtian Lingbao.

Duan Tongtian nodded, put away the treasure, and walked out. Wang Changsheng followed.

After leaving Yuyang Valley, the two of them turned into two rays of light and left.


The Black Wind Mountains are located in the middle of the Xuanling Continent. The spiritual energy here is weak, the elixir of old age is rare, the fifth-order monsters are rare, and the high-level monks are rare.

A cyan escaping light flew from the distant sky, and it didn't take long for the cyan escaping light to stop.

The escape light converged, revealing a flying boat with azure light, Wang Changsheng and a thin azure-robed old man stood on it, the azure-robed old man was Duan Tongtian.

Because of the Song family, Duan Tongtian had a fake appearance outside.

"Just here! No more trouble."

Duan Tongtian said, Wang Changsheng took him to run around, looking for a suitable place.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and with a pinch of the magic formula, the Qingluan boat slowly landed near a lake with a size of 100 acres.

Duan Tongtian's right hand was raised, and a large piece of green sword energy swept out and submerged into the lake.

After a loud noise, the lake water splashed, and the small half of the lake was stained red with blood, and a large number of monster corpses could be seen.

Duan Tongtian's sleeves flicked, and thousands of blue-light sparkling flags flew out, submerged into the lake, and disappeared. After entering a magic trick, the lake surface lit up with a dazzling blue light, and ripples swayed.

He flew down in the middle of the lake and sat down on the lake cross-legged.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves flicked, and hundreds of yellow flags flew out. With a pinch of the magic trick, hundreds of yellow flags suddenly brightened, turned into hundreds of yellow lights, and disappeared into the ground.

Wang Changsheng took out a shiny yellow hexagonal array plate, and entered several magic tricks.

The ground shook slightly, and countless yellow mists gushed out, covering a radius of 300 miles with the yellow mist.

After a while, the yellow mist disappeared, the lake disappeared, and Wang Changsheng and Duan Tongtian also disappeared.

Even if there are spiritual cultivators passing through this place, it is difficult to find their existence.


Chi Falcon Island, one of the islands controlled by the Song family overseas, there are thousands of monks on the island.

Song Huizong has been practicing Taoism for more than 2,000 years. He is currently in the late stage of God Transformation. He is also the head of the Song family overseas, managing the family's affairs.

A 10,000-zhang-high peak, the mountain is steep, and on the top of the mountain is a golden palace more than ten feet high, with eaves and arches, and the stone pillars are carved with exquisite flower and grass patterns.

The gate of the palace is open, the main hall is luxurious, and the ground is paved with golden jade.

Song Huizong was sitting on a golden jade chair, with more than 50 clan elders sitting on both sides with smiling faces, reporting the situation.

The Song family exchanged some islands with the Wang family, plus the Zhenhai Palace's reward, they got a lot of islands, and sent more than 20,000 people to the outer sea for development.

With the help of overseas monster resources and Zhenhai Palace's support, the Song family's development is very good, and there are more and more overseas masters.

"Patriarch, in the past fifty years, our family has added 35 Nascent Soul cultivators and three Spirit Transformation cultivators, and there are as many as 83 Spirit Transformation cultivators in the outer seas."

A clan elder reported.

Hearing this, many clansmen were very happy.

Song Huizu nodded with satisfaction and said, "In the past fifty years, everyone has worked hard. I hope everyone will continue to work hard in the future to bring the family..."

Before he finished speaking, a burly middle-aged man walked in quickly. The middle-aged man looked solemn, as if something major had happened.

"What happened? In a panic."

Song Huizu asked.

"Patriarch, the real Zixiao of the Qinglian Island royal family has entered the virtual refining period."

The middle-aged man said respectfully, speaking, the Song family and the Wang family are both subordinate cultivators of Zhenhai Palace, and the two belong to different factions.

There is no blood feud between the King and Song families, and they still have contacts.

"Zhixiao real person, in this way, the Wang family has five combat powers in the virtual refining period."

Song Huizong frowned and said that the stronger the Wang family is, the more powerful they can feed the ascended faction. The competition between the two kings of Song is greater than cooperation.

The stronger the Wang family, the greater the right to speak in this sea area, the more benefits they can obtain, and the certain influence on the Song family.

The Song family members who were present looked at each other in dismay, and their faces were not very good-looking. They just added three new gods to the family and were complacent, and the Wang family directly added a virtual cultivator.

"Really? It won't be fake news!"

Song Huizong wondered.

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "It is absolutely true, this is what the Wang family's children said, and it has spread all over Tianhaifang City."

"You all heard it, and you have to work harder in the future."

Song Huizong's face sank and he encouraged.

"Yes, master."

The Song family cultivators agreed to go back to their respective homes.


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