Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2386: set up

The latest website: Qingyunmen has been inherited for more than 50,000 years. In its heyday, there were five integrated monks and more than ten disciples. After several calamities, Qingyunmen now has three cultivators. Chen Qingyang is the chief elder of Qingyunmen. Intermediate monk.

Lin Ziqiao is Chen Qingyang's youngest disciple. He is currently in the late stage of God Transformation and is very powerful.

The Wanzhu Mountains are filled with miasma all year round. There are a large number of poisonous insects and poisonous beasts. There are also many detoxification elixir and fruit. It is said that some people have encountered sixth-order monsters, and few people dare to go into the depths to find medicine. Most monks are activity on the periphery.

In the depths of the Wanzhu Mountains, a blue escaping light quickly swept through the sky, and it didn't take long for the blue escaping light to stop over a dense black forest.

The escape light converged, revealing a flying shuttle whose blue light was flowing indefinitely. Two men and a woman stood on the blue flying shuttle, and Lin Ziqiao was also inside.

"She won't run away! She is a transforming elixir, and she is proficient in wood escape."

A graceful young woman in a golden skirt frowned and said that they received news that there are fifth-order amethyst flying scorpions here.

They came here to look for the Amethyst Flying Scorpion, but unexpectedly found a shape-changing elixir, and jointly injured the monster.

It is very difficult to transform the spirit medicine into shape. If you capture this medicine and hand it over to your teacher, it will definitely be a great achievement.

Lin Ziqiao took out a small mirror with a glittering golden light and injected it with mana. The mirror surface lit up with dazzling golden light, spewing out a golden glow, covering it downward, and the golden glow kept moving.

Suddenly, a girl in a golden shirt with delicate features appeared in the golden glow. Her face was pale and she seemed to be injured.

"I found it, don't let her run away."

The bridge surface of the woods is full of joy.

Just after saying this, countless cyan spiritual patterns appeared on the body of the girl in the golden shirt, turning into a streak of azure light, leaping among the many big trees at a particularly fast speed.

The three of Lin Ziqiao attacked the girl in the golden shirt one after another, but the attacks were all in vain, and the girl in the golden shirt escaped too fast.

"Junior Sister Chen and Junior Brother Li, you are flanking from both sides, and you must block her."

Lin Ziqiao instructed, and the two fellows agreed and flew to the left and right, trying to detour to block the girl in the golden shirt.

It didn't take long for the three of them to get farther and farther away, and eventually they couldn't see each other.

A loud shout of a man rang in Lin Ziqiao's ear, Lin Ziqiao let out a scream, passed out, fell from a height, and fell on a big tree.

Wang Changsheng drilled out from the ground, took out a seven-star magic control talisman, and slapped it on Lin Ziqiao.

With a flash of silver light, the seven-star spirit control talisman disappeared into Lin Ziqiao's body.

Lin Ziqiao groaned, his facial features twisted, as if resisting.

As soon as Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, Lin Ziqiao's resistance became weaker and weaker.

Based on his cultivation in the middle stage of the Void Refinement, it was not a problem to use the Seven-Star Spirit Control Talisman to control the late-stage cultivator. When the power of the Seven-Star Spirit Control Talisman was exhausted, Lin Ziqiao would return to normal.

After a while, Lin Ziqiao opened his eyes.

His body surface glowed brightly, flew towards the distance, and disappeared into the sky.

The corner of Wang Changsheng's mouth showed a smug look. The girl in the golden shirt was Wang Lin. She just pretended to be injured. All of this was planned by Wang Changsheng to deal with the cultivators of Qingyunmen.

Qingyunmen and the Deng family knew that Wang Mengbin had obtained half a page of the Heavenly Void Jade Book.

The Wang family does not have a cultivator. If there is a cultivator who believes this rumor, it will be troublesome.

Wang Changsheng sent people to spread rumors around, targeting those fast-rising human race forces, either saying that they had obtained the inheritance of the fit cultivator, or the Tianxu Jade Book, or even the relics of their Xutian clan.

This is catching fish in troubled waters, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Dead people can’t speak. It’s best to get rid of the insiders of Qingyunmen and Deng’s family to solve this hidden danger.

In the past, Wang Changsheng's cultivation base was too low, and he was not Chen Qingyang's opponent. Now that his strength has increased greatly, it is time to solve this hidden danger.

The strength of Qingyunmen is so strong that Wang Changsheng naturally cannot enter the main altar of Qingyunmen, he can only outsmart it.

He used the Seven Star Controlling Talisman to control Lin Ziqiao and let him lead Chen Qingyang out of the main altar of Qingyunmen.

Wang Changsheng put away Wang Lin, and disappeared into a little blue light.

Lin Ziqiao stood above a steep peak, frowning.

After half an hour, two rays of light flew from a distance, it was his companion.

"Senior Brother Lin, what's the matter? Lost it?"

A graceful young woman in a golden skirt wondered. To be honest, it was really difficult for the three of them to track down a shape-shifting elixir. The vegetation here is lush, and the shape-shifting elixir is proficient in the wood escape technique, making it difficult to capture.

"It ran away, but I found an ancient monk's cave, which seems to be left by a Buddhist monk."

Lin Ziqiao said in a deep voice, looking at the peak.

There was a cave with a size of several feet on the halfway of the peak. The three flew into the cave, and soon they came to the end. A cave with a size of several acres appeared in front of them.

The stone wall is uneven, and there are a lot of gravel scattered on the ground, and it looks nothing special.

A cyan flame emerged from Lin Ziqiao's right hand, smashing towards a certain stone wall in the void, and a cyan fire fist more than a hundred feet in size flew out and smashed on the stone wall.

There was a loud bang, billowing flames submerged the stone wall, dust was flying, a lot of gravel rolled down, and a Buddha light was faintly visible.

After a while, the flames dissipated, and a golden light curtain appeared in front of them. There were some Buddhist runes on the surface of the golden light curtain, and there was a faint sound of Sanskrit.

"Forbidden by Buddhism, this is rare."

The young woman in the golden skirt said in surprise.

"Hey, this is our chance. I don't know what treasures are in it. Let's break the ban together."

Lin Ziqiao smiled, and threw out a green flag, and with a flick of it, a cyan flame was released, hitting the golden light curtain.

The two young women in the golden skirt were not idle either, manipulating Tongtian Lingbao to attack the golden light curtain.

For a while, the roar continued.

The three of them attacked the golden light curtain with the help of heaven-penetrating treasures and attacked for seven days and seven nights. They used various means, but the golden light curtain was safe and sound, which showed that the golden light curtain was not an ordinary restriction.

"The ban on Buddhism is so tricky? Is it a sixth-order array? Or a seventh-order?"

The young woman in the golden dress frowned.

"It may be the sixth-order formation, Junior Sister Chen, you stay here, and Junior Brother Li and I return to the sect to report to the master. Our chance has come."

Lin Ziqiao ordered.

"Yes, Brother Lin."

The young woman in the golden skirt didn't think much about it. They really couldn't break the ban, so they could only ask the cultivator to do it.

Lin Ziqiao was Chen Qingyang's disciple. He couldn't break the ban, and it was normal for him to report.

The two of Lin Ziqiao turned into two rays of light and walked away, disappearing into the sky. (To be continued)

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