Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2387: ambush

The latest website: Qingyunmen, a steep and ten-thousand-zhang peak. A blue stone step extends from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain is a blue palace more than ten feet high.

The hall was spacious and bright, Chen Qingyang sat on a cyan jade chair, his eyes solemn.

A charming young woman in a white dress and a tall and thin old man in a green robe sat on the side. The young woman in the white dress had gorgeous facial features and a pair of peach blossom eyes, which were fascinating.

The young woman in the white dress is called Chen Yaoyao, and she is in the early stage of refining.

The old man in green robe is called ***, and he is also in the early stage of virtual refining. He soared from the lower realm.

There are currently three cultivators in Qingyunmen. More than two hundred years ago, a cultivator died under the great catastrophe, and another cultivator was killed in the race. Otherwise, there would be five cultivators in Qingyunmen. .

"Junior Brother Liu, the affairs of the sect will be handed over to you. I want to go out to cross the great catastrophe, and Junior Sister Chen will protect me."

Chen Qingyang's voice was heavy. He was the second time to cross the great catastrophe. The power of the second great catastrophe was greater than the first time, and he had no idea in his heart.

Over the years, he has sent a lot of people to inquire about Wang Mengbin's news, trying to find the half-page Tianxu Jade Book, but unfortunately he couldn't find out Wang Mengbin's whereabouts.

After Wang Mengbin arrived in the Xuanling Continent, he has been active overseas, living in a secluded place. The outside world does not know much about his situation, and it is even more impossible for Qingyunmen, which is tens of trillions of miles away.

If he can get half a page of the Heavenly Void Jade Book, Chen Qingyang can exchange tribulation treasures with the big forces, and he will have a better chance of surviving the second big calamity, but unfortunately he failed to do so.

"Yes, Brother Chen."

*** Promise to come down.

Chen Qingyang seemed to notice something and looked outside.

A respectful male voice came from outside: "Master, this disciple has made a major discovery."

"Come in and talk!"

Chen Qingyang ordered.

The man responded, and two men walked in, one of them was Lin Ziqiao.

Strictly speaking, it was Lin Ziqiao controlled by Wang Changsheng.

"What did you find?"

Chen Qingyang asked casually, he has been practicing Taoism for many years, and he has never seen any strong winds and waves.

Lin Ziqiao looked at Chen Yaoyao and the ***, he hesitated, as if there was something unspeakable.

"It's all my own, but it doesn't matter."

Chen Qingyang waved his hand and commanded.

"The disciple found a shape-changing elixir in the Wanzhu Mountains, but unfortunately failed to catch it. In the process of chasing it, an ancient monk's cave was discovered. We attacked for seven days and seven nights, but we couldn't shake it, it was forbidden by Buddhism. "

Lin Ziqiao told what happened, and his companions quickly agreed.

"Transforming elixir? Ancient monk's cave? Buddhist ban?"

Chen Qingyang frowned, his face full of suspicion.

If other disciples reported it, he would have been suspicious. Lin Ziqiao grew up under his watch, so there should be no problem.

"Senior Brother Chen, our chance has come."

Chen Yaoyao said excitedly.

"You go down first, go back to your residence and wait, this matter is not allowed to go out."

Chen Qingyang ordered.

Lin Ziqiao and the others responded and turned to leave.

Chen Qingyang took out a glittering magic plate, entered several magic tricks, and asked, "Nephew Li, what's wrong with Zi Qiao's soul lamp?"

Faced with such a big temptation, his first reaction was not to fetch the treasure, he suspected it was a conspiracy.

Carefully sailing the Wannian Ship, Chen Qingyang did not dare to be careless.

"Returning to Senior Brother Chen, there is no problem with Senior Brother Li's Soul Lamp."

A silver bell-like female voice came from the Dharma plate.

Chen Qingyang nodded, and contacted other disciples to ask about Lin Ziqiao's situation. He was relieved that he found nothing unusual.

"Senior Brother Chen, you are being too cautious. Ziqiao grew up under your watch. How could he do such things?"

Chen Yaoyao said with some disapproval.

***I also feel that Chen Qingyang's reaction is too extreme. If he gets the inheritance of the ancient monks, Chen Qingyang has a very high chance of going through the big catastrophe.

"Be careful sailing the Wannian Ship, Junior Sister Chen and Junior Brother Liu, let's take a trip together! Bring the treasures of the town and be safe."

Chen Qingyang's tone was heavy. In recent years, Qingyunmen has also made many enemies, so it is better to be careful.

In this way, even if there is an ambush, as long as there are no integrated monks, they should be able to break out of the siege.

Chen Yaoyao and *** did not object, they explained a few words, and the three left Qingyunmen with Lin Ziqiao and the others.

They rushed to the Wanzhu Mountains at the fastest speed. Chen Qingyang didn't rush in, but sacrificed a round bead with a sparkling azure light with a cloud pattern on the surface, and the aura was amazing.

The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Qingyun Orb, an auxiliary treasure, can see through concealment techniques and prohibitions. After all, there have been integrated monks in Qingyunmen. Although it has fallen, there are still many treasures left, which are not comparable to those of the small families.

He urged the Qingyun Orb to investigate the surrounding situation, but found nothing unusual.

Chen Qingyang's three people's consciousness was wide open, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no ambush, they came to the place where the ancient monk's cave was.

In addition to Chen Qingyang, there are also Lin Ziqiao and the others.

"Do it, break the ban."

Chen Qingyang instructed to urge the law to break the ban.

A huge human-shaped phantom appeared in the void above his head, and the law was condensed by four-tenths.

Just then, a deafening man shouted loudly.

When the three of Lin Ziqiao heard this, they screamed in unison, spit out a large mouthful of blood essence, passed out and lost their ability to resist.

*** and Chen Yaoyao let out a scream at the same time, Chen Qingyang was no exception, his facial features were twisted and his face was pale.

Chen Qingyang endured the severe pain and sacrificed a small cauldron with a flashing blue light. The cauldron was engraved with a pattern of cyan sun, exuding amazing aura fluctuations.

The middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao Qingyang Ding has both offense and defense.

He entered a magic trick, and the Qingyang Ding lowered a blue glow, covering the three of them.

Countless blue water vapors emerged from the void, the ground was submerged by a blue sea water, the sea water spread rapidly, and the blue water vapor in the void suddenly condensed, turning into a big blue hand of 100,000 feet, patted towards it. Three of them.

With a muffled sound, UU Reading's big blue hand was stopped by the cyan glow.

A stream of blue sea water rushed in and turned into a huge wave that was more than a thousand feet high, hitting the blue glow, and there was a muffled sound.

Thirty-six rays of golden light flew out from the sky-high waves, and instantly merged into one, turning into a golden sky-raising giant blade, slashing on the cyan glow, tearing a thick and long crack.

Chen Qingyang was taken aback by surprise, and he hurriedly urged Dharma Xiang, spewing out a green flame, hitting the sky above the huge waves, and a large amount of white mist evaporated.

A burly young man in a blue shirt flew out of the fog. It was Wang Changsheng, who had been transformed into a disguise, holding the Zhenling horn in his left hand.

Even now, Wang Changsheng still doesn't dare to be careless, using treasures to change his appearance, don't worry if he misses.

As soon as Wang Changsheng appeared, the three of Chen Qingyang were about to sacrifice their treasures to attack Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's reaction was faster, and he had already blown the Zhenling Horn. (To be continued)

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