Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2388: Fleshly show prestige

The latest website: After a loud horn sounded, Chen Qingyang and the three found in horror that they could not mobilize the slightest mana.

There was a skeletal sound of "crackling" from Wang Changsheng's body, and after releasing a dazzling blue light, his fists smashed towards Chen Qingyang with a piercing sound.

His double punches were on the azure glow, the azure glow sank immediately, and long and thick cracks appeared. The golden giant blade suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, slashing on the cyan glow, and the cyan glow was torn apart.

The giant golden blade cut Chen Qingyang in half, Chen Yaoyao and *** were hit by Wang Changsheng's double punches and flew backwards, vomiting blood and screaming almost simultaneously.

With a flash of golden light, a giant pagoda with glittering golden light emerged out of thin air, spewing out a golden glow, covering *** and Chen Yaoyao, and rolling them into the tower.

They were about to sacrifice their treasures to get out of trouble when a loud shout from a man resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the void shook and twisted.

Chen Yaoyao and *** let out a scream in unison, and once again spurted blood, they felt that the sea of ​​​​consciousness was about to be torn apart.

When they reacted, they had already been swept into the golden tower by the golden glow and disappeared.

The void was torn apart, and a glittering guillotine flew out, and a miniature green dragon was faintly visible on the blade.

The cyan guillotine exudes amazing aura fluctuations, and wherever it passes, the void is twisted and deformed.

After the sound of a dragon roar resounding through the heavens and the earth, the cyan guillotine suddenly released a cyan light, turning into a cyan flood dragon with a length of more than a thousand meters, with dense scales and an astonishing momentum.

With a flash of blue light, Chen Qingyang appeared, his eyes gloomy.

He used the treasure for the robbery to escape the catastrophe. This Qingjiao guillotine is a middle-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure. It has been refined into the soul of a sixth-order low-grade Qingfengjiao as a tool spirit, which can be transformed into an attack.

This treasure is one of Qingyunmen's trump cards, and it will not be used easily.

He took out a cyan jade talisman, five inches long and three inches wide, with countless mysterious cyan runes engraved on it, forming a miniature magic circle pattern.

The Qingyunmen has been inherited for more than 50,000 years, and there have been cultivators who fit together. Although they have declined, there are many treasures left behind. This Qingyang Huayuan Talisman is one of them.

This talisman can weaken the power of magic spells such as illusion and ecstasy. Use it less than once. The treasure in the opponent's hand is too powerful, causing him to temporarily lose his mana. With the Qingyang Huayuan Talisman, he can still mobilize some mana. , so as not to be passively beaten.

The miniature magic circle on the surface of Qingyang Huayuan Talisman suddenly released a bright blue light, burst open with a muffled sound, and turned into a blue glow, covering Chen Qingyang's whole body.

The golden giant blade lashed out, and wherever it passed, the void was torn apart, and cracks appeared.

Chen Qingyang snorted coldly, and opened his mouth to spew out a dense azure light. There were forty-eight cyan darts. Each dart had a pattern of a cyan sun, the size and shape were exactly the same, and the aura was amazing.

This set of Qingyang slaying darts is his natal magic weapon. There are 48 sets of Tongtian Lingbao.

In the past, he seldom used the entire set of Qingyang Spirit Destroying Darts. He needed a huge spiritual sense to drive this set of treasures. With his spiritual sense, he could not drive it at all. Fortunately, there is a secret technique in the treasure house of Qingyunmen, which can temporarily destroy the spiritual sense. It can last for a quarter of an hour to increase twice, and there is a period of weakness after the event, and it is impossible to use a trace of spiritual sense.

What makes him feel strange is that, both of them are middle stage cultivators, the other party's consciousness seems to be no weaker than his.

The forty-eight azure smashing darts suddenly released azure light, and a azure flame gushed out, merged into one, turned into a giant dart wrapped in azure flame, and greeted them.

The cyan giant dart collided with the golden giant blade, making a "clanging" sound, the air waves rolled, and the golden giant blade fell to the wind.

At this time, the cyan Flood Dragon had already rushed in front of Wang Changsheng, spewing out countless cyan silk threads, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's body soared, a dazzling blue light appeared on his body, and his right fist greeted him.

The cyan silk thread hit Wang Changsheng's fist, and there was a "clanging" metal collision sound, as if hitting a copper wall and an iron wall.

After taking three bottles of the sixth-order body forging pills, Wang Changsheng's physical body was further strengthened.

"How can it be!"

Chen Qingyang exclaimed, is the body hard against the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao? Which major faction's core successor is this?

There are not many physical cultivations in the Void Refinement period, and it is possible to resist the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao. Except for the core descendants of the great sect, ordinary Void Refinement cultivators absolutely cannot do it.

Wang Changsheng's fist hit the cyan Flood Dragon's head, and after a loud noise, the cyan Flood Dragon let out a miserable dragon roar and flew out backwards.

With a flash of golden light, a golden orb emerged out of thin air, which was the Ding Lingzhu.

After the Ding Lingzhu spun around, a dazzling golden light bloomed, covering the cyan Flood Dragon.

Wang Changsheng played the Zhenling Horn and once again used the Zhenshen Roar.

Chen Qingyang frowned, he could see that he was not the opponent's opponent, and the 36 strategies were the best.

As soon as his magic trick was pinched, the cyan giant dart suddenly released its azure light, knocked the golden giant blade into the air, and went straight to Wang Changsheng. He turned into a cyan rainbow and flew towards the distant sky.

In order to escape, he didn't even want the magic weapon of his life, and the more delay, the more danger.

If you lose your life magic weapon, you can practice it again, but if your life is lost, it is really gone.

Wang Changsheng did not expect this person to be so decisive, but fortunately he has left behind.

Before Chen Qingyang flew far, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a thick blue lightning shot came flying, hitting Chen Qingyang instantly.

After a loud bang, blue thunder light drowned Chen Qingyang's body.

A clear and loud bird chirping sounded, and a golden tornado with a height of more than 10,000 feet swept in. The blue thunder light all dissipated, revealing the figure of Chen Qingyang.

Chen Qingyang's face was pale, and the Qingyang Ding floated above his head.

An invisible force pushed him into the golden tornado. It didn't take long for the golden tornado to burst open, and Chen Qingyang escaped, and the Qingyang Ding was no longer above his head.

Chen Qingyang's body was covered with scars and his breath was sluggish.

A huge blue hand appeared out of thin air and patted Chen Qingyang.

A cyan flame emerged from Chen Qingyang's right hand, and shot towards the front, countless cyan flames swept out and greeted him.

After a loud bang, the big blue hand was torn apart, the sea water splashed, and a blue flame drowned for several miles.

A dazzling blue light lit up in the cyan flame, and the flame suddenly seemed to collapse. Wang Changsheng flew out of the flame and appeared in front of Chen Qingyang in an instant.

A dazzling blue light emerged from his right fist and smashed towards Chen Qingyang.

"Do not······"

Chen Qingyang let out a desperate cry, Wang Changsheng's right fist smashed on Chen Qingyang's body, Chen Qingyang's body exploded and turned into a blood mist, a mini Nascent Soul flew out of the body, and before it flew far, it was caught. A big blue hand held it.

A scream The Mini Nascent Soul passed out.

Wang Changsheng took out a silver talisman and affixed it to the mini Nascent Soul, put away the treasure left by Chen Qingyang, and flew into the golden giant tower.

The golden tower swayed violently, and after twenty breaths, *** and Wang Changsheng flew out of the golden tower.

The three of Lin Ziqiao passed out and completely lost their ability to move, but they were not dead.

Wang Changsheng destroyed their bodies and put away their Nascent Soul.

*** took out a flying boat with a sparkling blue light, jumped on it, and Wang Changsheng jumped on it.

Wang Changsheng put away the treasure, sacrificed the azure beads, and entered a magic formula. The azure beads released a cyan mist that enveloped Wang Changsheng's body. After a while, the cyan mist dissipated, and Wang Changsheng disappeared.

*** With a pinch of magic, the cyan flying boat turned into a ray of light and flew away, disappearing into the sky. (To be continued)

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