Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2389: 9 The Great Law of Transmigration

The latest website: Qingyunmen, the conference hall.

A tall, thin middle-aged man was holding a cyan dharma plate in his hand, and more than a dozen cultivators were sitting on both sides, their expressions solemn.

The middle-aged man is Liu Yu, the head of Qingyun Sect. He is the eldest disciple of Chen Qingyang. He is currently in the early stage of divine transformation.

More than half a month ago, Chen Qingyang and others went to hunt for treasure. It didn't take long for Chen Qingyang and the other five people's natal soul lamps to go out. Only the **** natal soul lamp had not been extinguished, and their life and death were unknown.

"The Zhu family must have done this. The Zhu family has a mortal grudge against us."

"If Uncle Liu also had an accident, our Qingyunmen would probably be destroyed."

"Uncle Liu's soul lamp hasn't gone out yet! Could it be that he was taken away by the cultivator of the Zhu family?"


Many elders discussed and expressed their opinions.

Qingyunmen has made many enemies over the years, and the Zhu family is one of them. There are four cultivators in the Zhu family.

After years of accumulation, the Zhu family and Qingyunmen have become mortal enemies, and they cannot be resolved at all.

"There is no certification, all of this is our guess, I hope Liu Shishu is safe and sound."

Liu Yu sighed, his face full of sadness.

"Hmph, this is what the Zhu family did."

A somewhat weak male voice suddenly sounded, and just after the voice fell, a cyan light flew in, it was ***.

***'s face was pale, his breath was sluggish, there were many brown bloodstains on his clothes, and he looked like he was seriously injured.

"Uncle Liu!"

Liu Yu and the others were shocked and stood up one after another, looking nervous.

"Senior nephew Lin colluded with the cultivators of the Zhu family, and set up a scheme to harm us. Brother Chen and the others were unfortunately killed. We will immediately arrest the disciples who were close to nephew Lin, and conduct strict investigations. We must severely punish those who eat inside and outside."

*** commanded, looking sad.

After hearing this, Liu Yu quickly agreed.

"I'm going to retreat to heal my wounds. The affairs in the door are fully handed over to Liu Shi-nephew."

***After saying this, he turned into a flash of light and left.

After half an hour, he appeared in a secret room.

***A blue light lit up behind him, and Wang Changsheng appeared.

Wang Changsheng searched the souls of Chen Qingyang and Chen Yaoyao's Nascent Soul, and found that not many cultivators knew about the existence of Tianxu Yushu, and currently only three cultivators knew about it.

As long as the three of them are destroyed, no one in Qingyunmen will know the existence of Tianxu Yushu. It is a little troublesome that Chen Qingyang sent someone to look for Wang Mengbin, who has a portrait and name, because Qingyunmen is too far away from Qinglian Island, and Wang Mengbin lives in a secluded place. , Qingyunmen could not find Wang Mengbin for the time being.

There were too many cultivators, and Wang Changsheng couldn't trace it any further, so he could only confuse the news.

Fortunately, Chen Qingyang didn't say why he was looking for Wang Mengbin, but just sent someone to look for Wang Mengbin.

If the power of the Seven-Star Spirit Control Talisman is exhausted, it is impossible to control the opponent. Generally speaking, if a lot of mana is controlled, the power of the Seven-Star Control Talisman will be depleted faster. If you just talk and chat, you can control it for a longer time.

Wang Changsheng sat down, took out two shining storage rings, and counted his belongings.

This time, I have harvested a lot. There are 18 Tongtian Lingbao, in addition to two middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, there are also 48 sets of Tongtian Lingbao. The most precious one is a secret technique.

The Nine Transformations Accumulation of God Dafa can double the spiritual sense in a short period of time, but after a period of weakness, it is impossible to use a single spiritual sense.

If you master this secret technique, and cooperate with divine sense secret techniques such as Zhenshen Roar, it will definitely be a big killer.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's spiritual senses instantly doubled, and the two's spiritual senses were superimposed. When Wang Changsheng used Zhenshen Roar, the power would increase several times, and they could be used as trump cards.

According to the records of Qingyunmen, the Dafa of Jiuzhuan Yunshen came from the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun. Qingyunmen only got this secret technique, and high-level monks could drive a few more treasures.

Jiuzhuan Yunshen Dafa has cultivation requirements, at least one must have the cultivation level of the virtual period, in order to use this secret technique to temporarily increase the spiritual sense, the spiritual cultivator of Qingyunmen can also practice, if this secret technique is used, the spiritual sense will be later Serious damage, ranging from affecting cultivation, or becoming an idiot in severe cases.

The more powerful the secret technique, the higher the requirements.

To put it simply, this secret technique is to stimulate the potential of the cultivator's spiritual sense. If the cultivator's spiritual sense is not strong enough to use this secret technique, he will become an idiot if he cannot bear the backlash.

He sorted and collected his belongings, sat cross-legged, and meditated to adjust his breath.

In the next half month or so, Qingyunmen carried out a cleaning, mainly to arrest Lin Ziqiao's comrades. In order to clear the relationship, many high-level monks splashed dirty water on each other, and the involvement became more and more extensive.

*** Don't care at all, let Liu Yu handle it by himself.

On the top of a steep peak, there is a huge tower with azure light, and a square cyan plaque is hung at the entrance with the three characters "Treasure Tower" written on it.

This is the treasure house of Qingyunmen, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

A cyan escaping light flew from a distance, it was ***.

The disciples of Qingyunmen who guarded the treasure house did not dare to stop him and let him go.

*** strode in, and after half an hour, *** walked out and flew back to his residence.

In a secret room, *** stood in front of Wang Changsheng,

Qingyunmen is indeed a sect where there have been integrated monks. There are quite a few good things. In addition to three kinds of five-element materials for condensing the law, there is also a bottle of sixth-order Jiaolong blood essence. In addition, there are also some sixth-order refining materials. .

The sixth-order Jiaolong blood essence can be used for alchemy, and the raw clothes also have a good physical fitness effect.

Not long after, a respectful male voice suddenly sounded: "Master, the disciple is here."

The person who came was Li Huan, a disciple of ***, who was only in the late Nascent Soul.

The Seven Stars Controlling Talisman control the Nascent Soul cultivator as easy as the palm of your hand, and there is no problem at all.

"come in!"

*** said, his voice a little weak.

Not long after, a young man in green shirt with handsome features walked in.

When he saw Wang Changsheng, UU reading was stunned, thinking it was a certain uncle.

Wang Changsheng's sleeve flicked, and the Ding Lingzhu flew out, instantly appearing above Li Huan's head.

With a flash of golden light, the Ding Lingzhu released a golden glow, covering Li Huan's body.

Wang Changsheng punched the **** in the chest, the **** chest sunk, and a blood hole was directly broken open, a mini Nascent Soul flew out, and a dimly lit talisman was stuck on the mini Nascent Soul, the talisman It is the Seven Stars Spirit Control Talisman, and the power is almost exhausted.

Wang Changsheng took out a sparkling talisman, stuck it on the mini Nascent Soul, and put it away.

He slapped the Seven-Star Spirit Control Talisman on Li Huan, and with a flash of silver light, Li Huan's facial features were distorted and quickly returned to normal.

***'s body fell to the ground, the Nascent Soul has not been destroyed, the Qingyunmen disciples will not find out, they will only think that *** is in retreat to heal his wounds.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the green pearl, concealed his figure, and followed Li Huan out, and Li Huan took Wang Changsheng to leave the place. (To be continued)

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