Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2390: Tianji Valley

The latest website: The Tianji School has been inherited for more than 70,000 years. The masters are like clouds and have a profound background. The Supreme Elder of the Tianji School has entered the integration period.

The Tianji faction held a celebration for the Master Tianji, and invited many guests, including the Deng family in Xuanyun Mountain.

Tianji Valley, the square market established by the Tianji faction, with the convening of the celebration, a large number of foreign monks poured into the Tianji Valley, making the Tianji faction more prosperous.

The spacious and clean streets gathered a large number of monks, busy with traffic and very lively.

A short, stout young man in a blue shirt strolled down the street, looking around curiously.

The young man in blue shirt wore a string of blue beads on his chest, with a round face and small eyes, it was Wang Changsheng who had changed his face.

After leaving Qingyunmen, Wang Changsheng rushed to Xuanyun Mountain. He captured a Deng Jiahua cultivator, searched for his soul, and found that Deng Tianyang went to Tianji School to participate in the celebration of Tianji Master.

In desperation, he could only rush to Tianji Valley to find an opportunity to deal with Deng Tianyang.

Having said that, Wang Changsheng hadn't traveled inland, and most of them were overseas, but out of prudence, he still used treasures to change his appearance.

Unless there are exotic treasures or special spiritual pupils, it should be impossible to discover Wang Changsheng's true face.

Generally speaking, high-level cultivators would not casually use secret techniques to investigate the appearance of other high-level cultivators.

There are many elixir and fruit in the inland, and there are also many metal ore veins. There are many shops on both sides of the street that sell elixir or metal ores.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng appeared at the entrance of a nine-story cyan attic with three characters "Xuanyueju" written on the plaque. This was a tea house.

The teahouse is convenient for inquiring about the news. He plans to drink tea and inquire about the news by the way.

The aura he exudes now is in the spirit-transforming stage, and it is difficult for monks below the emptiness level to see through Wang Changsheng's specific cultivation.

Xuan Yueju's business is good, and there are guests in the private room.

Wang Changsheng came to the ninth floor, ordered a pot of spiritual tea, drank tea quietly, and listened to other monks chatting.

On the ninth floor gathered more than a dozen cultivators, and their chat contents were all related to the Tianji faction.

The Heavenly Secret Sect was created by the Heavenly Secret God. The Heavenly Secret God was so powerful that he once defeated four people with one enemy and killed three aliens in a row, and moved the entire Xuanling Continent.

At the peak of the Tianji Sect, there were six cultivators. Later, they encountered several major disasters. The cultivators were all killed and injured, and they gradually declined. Only one cultivator was left. If nothing else happened, the Tianji sect would slowly decline. Eventually disappeared into the long river of history.

God bless the Tianji faction, a genius appeared in the Tianji faction, and in less than 10,000 years, he entered the integration period, and the Tianji faction regained its glory.

"I saw Venerable Master Tianji in the early years, and the old man sat there, and there was a faint light of treasure. At first glance, he was a dragon and a phoenix. It was not what I expected. It has not been seen for thousands of years. Given time, Senior Chen will definitely be able to surpass Lipai Patriarch Tianji Shenjun."

A triumphant male voice suddenly sounded.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Lan, you can really blow it, seeing that everyone is a dragon and a phoenix, can't you change the word?"

A somewhat playful male voice sounded.

"Lan Fukong?"

Wang Changsheng felt that the voice was a little familiar. He looked towards the stairs and saw Lan Fukong striding up, with two cultivators walking in front.

"In the era of Tianji God, the Xuanling Continent was full of sky, who wouldn't bow his head when he saw the God? The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and it was only a matter of time before Senior Chen surpassed the God of Heaven. Lan Mousan was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in Senior Chen's celebration, hehe. , the next time I come to Tianji School, it is estimated that I will participate in Senior Chen's Mahayana celebration."

Lan Fukong was full of pride, as if praising himself.

Wang Changsheng was amused for a while, Lan Fukong likes to flatter, but his popularity is really good, and he actually received an invitation from the Tianji faction.

There are thousands of clothes, no flattery, no conflict of interest, who doesn't like to hear a few good words!

"I've heard the name of Fellow Daoist Lan for a long time. When I saw it today, it really lives up to its reputation. I can blow it like a true monarch, haha."

A man in a golden shirt with handsome features laughed, and the group walked into a private room, but no sound came out.

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Changsheng's mouth, and he continued to drink tea.

He sat in the teahouse for more than half an hour without hearing anything substantive, so he got up and left the teahouse.

He wandered around in Fang City, buying materials for refining.

He got a lot of property from the treasury of Qingyunmen, and got the property of three virtual refining cultivators. He was so rich that he just bought a lot of money. The sixth-order refining material is not cheap.

An hour later, Wang Changsheng appeared at the entrance of a bookstore. The store was not big, but more than a hundred feet tall. There were some jade slips, bamboo slips and thick ancient books on the shelves.

The shopkeeper is a short and stout golden-robed old man, but he is only at the foundation stage.

As soon as Wang Changsheng walked in, the golden-robed old man hurriedly greeted him and said respectfully, "Senior is here, I don't know if there is anything that can help you?"

Wang Changsheng took out a square cyan token with the word "July" engraved on it. This is an exclusive item of Qiyuelou. Within a certain range, the location of the branch of Qiyuelou can be sensed.

Qiyuelou is an intelligence organization that collects intelligence and sells it, with very few mistakes.

"Senior, please, Senior Sun has been waiting for a long time."

The golden-robed old man invited Wang Changsheng to the backyard. The backyard was only more than a hundred feet tall. A gentle and gentle scholar in white clothes sat beside a cyan stone table, watching his mana fluctuate, he was a spiritual monk.

The Confucian scholar in white holds a thick book in his hand, and a set of exquisite tea sets are placed on the stone table.

"Do you want to sell news or ask for news? If you sell news, you must provide evidence, and we must ensure the accuracy of the news."

The scholar in white put down the book and asked.

"I want to buy news, I don't know where is the water of the Styx?"

Wang Changsheng asked if he had been to so many Dafang cities, but still found the Qiyuelou branch in Tianji Valley.

"Water of the Styx!"

The Confucian scholar in white changed his face, looked at Wang Changsheng up and down, pondered for a moment, and said cautiously: "Junior needs time to contact the person in charge of other branches. If there is any news, how about I inform the senior immediately?"

Wang Changsheng nodded and asked, "How long does it take to hear the news? How many spirit stones do you need?"

He had inquired about the water of the Styx from Qiyuelou Unfortunately, there was no news, and I hoped to hear about the water of the Styx this time.

"Give me the news within seven days. As for the Lingshi, there is news about the water of the Styx River. I will quote again. If I think the price is reasonable, I can make a deal. If it is unreasonable, then forget it."

The scholar in white said politely.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out a flashing blue light communication disk, handed it to the scholar in white, and said, "If there is news about the water of the Styx River, use the communication disk to contact me. My surname is Lin."

"No problem, Senior Lin."

The Confucian scholar in white agreed.

Wang Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, turned and left.


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