Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2391: Refinement Celebration (Not available today)

The latest website: Qinglian Island, the island is decorated with lanterns, and the faces of all the clansmen are filled with joy.

Today is a great day for Wang Mengbin to hold the virtual refining ceremony, and a large number of guests gathered on Qinglian Island.

Many years ago, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan held a celebration. At that time, the Wang family had not established the clan for a long time, and there were not many good forces and poor guests.

At present, there are more than 60,000 immortal practitioners in the Wang family, not including the affiliated forces.

In a bluestone square covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, nearly 10,000 immortal practitioners gathered in the bluestone square. Thousands of jade tables of the same size were placed on the square, and behind each jade table sat several immortal practitioners. The higher the position, the higher the position.

Wang Mengbin held a celebration, with hundreds of forces participating, and the weakest forces also had Nascent Soul cultivators in charge.

Zhenhai Palace is the backing of the Wang family, so naturally they also sent people to participate. Taiyang Sect, Song family, Zhao family, Lan family, and Han family all sent people to participate.

Wang Yuanjiang sat in the back row, looking excited.

It is an honor for him to appear here. There were more than 5,000 guests who came to the celebration. The Wang family selected 1,000 people to accompany him. Wang Yuanjiang performed well in the once-in-a-hundred-year competition and won the 75th place. Participate in Wang Mengbin's celebration.

Wang Mengbin has not yet arrived, and the Wang family's children are chatting with the guests.

"Friend Wang Dao, I heard that your family's Lin Zun is very big, can you see it?"

An easy-going young man with handsome features asked curiously.

Song Lijie, a cultivator of Pill Formation, came from the Song family.

The Song family also received an invitation, and Song Yunwu personally led the team to celebrate. Song Yunwu had a cultivation base in the late stage of virtual refining, and was the most cultivated member of the Song family overseas.

"Yeah! I heard that the seventh-order monsters are not as big as Lin Zun, but unfortunately I couldn't see them."

Zhao Jingyan was full of anticipation. He had already formed a pill and followed his elders to the Wang family to celebrate.

The Zhao Wang family has been married, and they are in-laws with their sons and daughters.

Qin Xiulin blinked and said in agreement, "My grandfather was fortunate enough to see Lin Zun eat, and he ate five high-rank fifth-rank monsters at one time. It would be great if he could see it with his own eyes."

When the tortoise went out to eat occasionally, the Wang family would send someone to follow him to avoid anyone trying to beat the tortoise. After all, it was a lightning-type spirit tortoise.

The tortoise shell of the sixth-order spirit turtle is an excellent material for refining the inner armor of defense.

The size of the lin turtle is too big, and every time it eats, it will eat multiple fifth-order monsters. It is eye-catching and famous. Not only the Wang family knows the existence of Lin Zun, but other human forces in this sea also know that the Wang family has one. Sixth-order tortoise.

"I can't be the master of this, and I haven't seen Lin Zun for a long time, maybe I'm cultivating!"

Wang Yuanjiang said vaguely that the tortoise has a special clan to take care of, and he really doesn't know the movement of the tortoise.

He didn't want to say more on this topic, so he quickly changed the subject, looked at Song Lijie, and asked: "Song Daoyou, I heard that you are good at kendo, and you can team up with eight clansmen to set up the Nine Sun Sword Formation to defeat the Yuanying cultivator? I don't know if you can. Do you know it?"

The big realm is not so easy to cross, the opportunity is big enough to catch up with the elites of other forces, and it is particularly difficult to cross the big realm to destroy the enemy.

Wang Yuanjiang has not heard of any cultivator who can cross the great realm to destroy the enemy.

Song Lijie had a proud look on his face, and said, "Young Daoyou Wang is wrong. We can set up a sword formation, and we can also have a few moves with the Yuanying cultivator. In a life-and-death battle, we are not the opponents of the Yuanying cultivator."

"Hey, my cousin is also a sword cultivator. He and the six clansmen can set up a seven-star demon sword array, and once severely damaged the fourth-order demon beasts."

Zhao Jingyan smiled with pride.

The major forces will select a group of people to train into sword cultivators, and many people will join forces to arrange sword formations, which is not small.

"My cousin is a sword cultivator. Together with seven clansmen, we can set up eight spirit annihilation formations. If there is a chance, let's learn from each other."

Qin Xiulin suggested, her face full of pride.

This is the home court of the Wang family. Naturally, Wang Yuanjiang will not show weakness, and said, "My uncle can also set up a sword formation. If there is a chance, let's discuss it together."

Near the rostrum, seven cultivators, including Song Yunwu, Han Changfeng, Ye Tianxue, and Qin Ming, were chatting.

Qin Ming belongs to the Ascension faction. When Wang Changsheng just ascended to the Xuanyang Realm, he asked him about the art of refining. He entered the virtual refining stage earlier than Wang Changsheng.

"I have heard the name of the real Tahoe for a long time, and I hope to meet the real Tahoe."

Song Yunwu said with a smile.

"If you have a predestined relationship, you can naturally see that my cultivator has so much free time."

Qin Ming explained that he knew that Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were in a closed life, and it was inconvenient to show their faces.

"The auspicious time is here, please ask the real person Zixiao."

A clansman shouted loudly, and just after the voice fell, a deafening thunder sound came from the sky, tens of thousands of silver lightnings pierced the sky, and the thunder rang in unison.

A silver light flew from a distance, very fast.

It didn't take long for the silver light to stop over the Qingshi Square, and it was a cloud ladder with silver light that flickered for thousands of miles.

The silver cloud ladder was obviously transformed by the formation, and the Wang family did not have many flying treasures, so they could only use the formation to fill the scene.

Wang Mengbin stood on the silver cloud ladder, wearing a silver robe, a silver jade crown, sword eyebrows and star eyes, giving a strong sense of oppression.

"Meet the real Zixiao (Meng Bin's ancestor)."

The low-level monks saluted one after another, and Han Changfeng and the other seven stood up one after another.

Wang Mengbin landed on the main seat and sat down. Bai Yuqi walked over quickly and sat beside him.

"Fellow Daoists have come from thousands of miles to congratulate Wang. It's hard work, please sit down and have a few more drinks."

Wang Mengbin's tone was gentle, and the monks sat down one after another.

"Zhenhai Palace congratulates Senior Wang on entering the virtual refining period, and presents five sixth-order demon pills, two ten-thousand-year golden longevity bamboos, and a box of snow lotus jade paste."

"The Taiyang Sect sent a jar of sixth-order spirit wine and blood taro, a piece of ten thousand-year-old golden thunderwood, and a hundred catties of Tianlei sand. Congratulations to Master Zixiao for taking it to the next level."

"The Han family sent two bottles of the sixth-order elixir Tianxin Huayuan Dan, five sixth-order demon pills, and a piece of ten thousand year golden thunderwood."


All the forces sent congratulations one after another, and the congratulations from Zhenhai Palace were the most precious. Snow lotus jade paste could heal the injuries caused by lightning strikes, and it could be used to heal wounds after the thunder calamity.

The gifts from Taiyang Sect are neither expensive nor light. The blood taro has healing effects and is brewed with five thousand years of blood taro as the main material.

Not to mention the Han family. When Wang Mengbin first arrived in Xuanyang, he was enshrined in the Han family, but not many people knew about it.

Wang Mengbin made a lot of money just by receiving the congratulatory gifts.

After the guest representatives sent the congratulatory gifts, Wang Mengbin raised the glass and said, "Thank you for coming to congratulate Wang, and I toast everyone."

After saying this, Wang Mengbin raised his glass and drank it all at once, and all the monks responded in return.

The monks drank and chatted and chatted.

"Wang Daoyou, why didn't you see the real person Taihao? He didn't show up on such an important day?"

Song Yunwu said casually.

Wang Mengbin didn't change his face, and said, "The ancestors are in a closed life, so it is inconvenient to come forward."

Wang Changsheng told the public that he was in a closed life, but Wang Mengbin didn't know the purpose.


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