Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2392: junior melee

The latest website: There is no restriction on the lifespan of the cultivators above the refining, and it is normal for them to retreat all year round, and the cultivators have no doubts.

"Junior Brother Wang and Sister Wang are ascetic. It is estimated that the next time they show up, their cultivation will be improved to a higher level."

Qin Ming praised and smiled.

"How can it be so easy to break through in the Void Refinement Stage. The higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to break through. If you just practice hard, you will be able to advance, and many Void Refinement cultivators can't be trapped in the Void Refinement Stage for many years."

Song Yunwu said disapprovingly, his tone changed, and he said, "Friend Wang, I heard that your Wang family cultivators are proficient in puppet art, I brought some juniors here, and I want them to see your family's puppet art, I wonder if Wang Daoyou can make it happen? "

Generally speaking, when the major forces hold celebrations, they will come up with some rewards as a lucky draw, let the juniors compete with each other, feel happy, and take a look at the strength of their respective juniors. If the juniors perform well, they may get married.

The puppet beasts of the Wang family have become famous. Immortal cultivators in this sea area all know that the children of the Wang family like to control puppet beasts against the enemy. With the cooperation of many people, they can arrange puppet formations, which is very difficult to deal with.

"Yeah! I've heard the name of the Wang family's puppet formation for a long time, and this old man would also like to see it."

Han Changfeng agreed, his face full of curiosity.

The Wang family has developed well in recent years, and the Han family pays more attention to the Wang family.

Wang Mengbin nodded and said, "Of course you can, but I don't know what the younger generation of Fellow Daoist Song is. I would like to send the clansmen to discuss with your younger generation."

The Wang family now has a lot of talents, such as Yuling Master, Physical Cultivator, Sound Cultivator, Puppet Master, Sword Cultivator, Sword Cultivator, Formation Master, Spiritual Wine Master and other skilled talents. The cultivation bases are different. He does not know what Song Yunwu School is. The cultivated clansmen learn from each other.

"Liming, you guys haven't come out to meet Wang Daoyou, and have a good discussion with the younger generation of the Wang family."

Song Yunwu commanded, his face full of confidence.

As soon as the words fell, the nine disciples of the Song family stood up and walked quickly. The leader was a nine-foot-tall red-shirted youth. The red-shirted youth had handsome features and a arrogance between his eyebrows.

Song Liming, a cultivator of the alchemy, and the other eight are also cultivators of the alchemy.

This is not to say that the Song family does not have a sword repair in the Yuanying period, but the higher the rank of the puppet beast, the harder it is to damage.

If the Song family sent a sword cultivator from the Yuan Ying period, the Yuan Ying cultivator of the Wang family would drive the fourth-order puppet beast to fight, and it would not be easy to destroy the fourth-order puppet beast.

The six Nascent Soul cultivators of the Wang family controlled multiple puppet beasts, and they fought a few tricks with the fifth-order monsters. They had a good reputation, and it was better to send a cultivator of Pills.

"I also brought some juniors here, and let them increase their knowledge! Jingfeng, you should have a good discussion with Wang Daoyou's juniors."

Zhao Yuanfeng ordered.

The seven disciples of the Zhao family stood up, headed by a green-shirted man who was as thin as a bamboo pole.

Zhao Jingfeng, a cultivator of Pill Formation, he is a sword cultivator.

"There are several juniors in our Qin family who are not bad, Xiubin, come out and learn from the juniors of the Wang family."

The eight Qin cultivators stood up, and the leader was a young man in a golden shirt, carrying a long sword with a sheath and dark skin.

Qin Xiubin, he is a sword repairer and is also in the stage of forming an elixir.

Ye Tianxue smiled sweetly and said, "Yuyan, you will meet the cultivators of the Wang family for a while."

The nine Taiyang Sect disciples stood up, headed by a graceful girl in a red dress with picturesque features and a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth.

Lin Yuyan, Ye Tianxue's younger disciple, Yuan Ying cultivator.

Taiyangzong, Song family, Zhao family, and Qin family all sent a team of cultivators, Wang family sent four teams of cultivators to fight, Wang Yuanwei, Wang Yuanjiang, Wang Yuanhong all participated in the battle.

Different from the previous discussions, this time it was a multiplayer melee.

Wang Yuanwei and eight clansmen faced nine people from Song Liming, eight physical cultivators including Wang Yuanjiang faced eight people from Qin Xiubin, seven people from Wang Yuanhong controlled puppet beasts to face cultivators of the Zhao family, and Wang Huayue led eight sword cultivators from the Yuan Ying period to face nine people from Lin Yuyan.

Wang Yuanwei is a sound repair, Wang Yuanjiang is a physical repair, Wang Yuanhong controls the puppet beast, Wang Huayue is a sword repair, they are the elite disciples of the Wang family.

The strength of individuals is limited, and the strength of the collective is unlimited. All major forces can train tribe disciples to form formations against the enemy.

The cultivator of the Wang family sacrificed four radiant lotus dais, which instantly grew to a size of more than 100,000 zhang.

Doufa Lotus Terrace is specially designed for cultivators below the gods to compare and compete.

Wang Yuanjiang flew to a golden lotus platform, and the eight Qin Xiubin flew up with them.

The golden lotus platform lit up with countless mysterious golden runes, which turned into a huge golden light curtain, covering the entire lotus platform. Almost at the same time, the other three lotus platforms were also covered by a thick light curtain.

At the beginning of the fight, Qin Xiubin's eight people sacrificed a sparkling sword and slashed towards the opposite side at the same time.

In a piercing sound of swords, hundreds of gleaming swords swept out, suddenly merged into one, and turned into a sky-high sword that was hundreds of feet long, slashing at Wang Yuanjiang and the eight people.

Wang Yuanjiang's eight people's arms moved, and in a burst of sound, fist shadows flew out and greeted them.

With a loud bang, Qingtian Daoqi was defeated by the dense boxing shadows.

Wang Yuanjiang's eight people successively sacrificed magic weapons, swords, guns and sticks to attack the opposite side.

On a cyan lotus platform, Wang Yuanwei and other nine musicians hold various musical instruments, such as pipa, guqin, guzheng, flute, Yuxiao, small drum, cucurbit silk and so on.

Countless musical notes flew out, and these notes were colorful, condensed in mid-air, and suddenly turned into a thick nine-color sound cover, covering Wang Yuanwei's nine people.

Sound waves of different colors swept out, accompanied by bursts of fairy sounds.

Song Liming's nine people each offered a red flying sword. After the sword art was pinched, the nine flying swords burst into ear-piercing sword sounds, and the red sword energy swept out one after another, aggressively slashing at the opposite side.

The dense red sword energy suddenly condensed and turned into a huge red sword light, slashing towards the nine-color light curtain.

The sound of flute, Xiao sound, pipa sound, drum sound and other sounds sounded one after another, and sound waves swept out, facing the red sword light.

After the loud bang, the red sword light broke inch by inch and turned into a raging flame.

The terrifying high temperature swept across in an instant, and the heat wave was billowing.

On a blue lotus platform, Wang Yuanhong's seven bodies each have a thick light curtain, and each controls two third-order puppet beasts, a melee puppet beast, and a long-range puppet beast, attacking Zhao Jingfeng's seven people.

There are flying puppet beasts in the sky, and melee puppet beasts such as tigers, leopards, wolves, etc. on the land. Zhao Jingfeng's seven people drove the sword array to meet the enemy.

Wang Huayue and other nine sword cultivators in the Yuan Ying period offered flying swords one after another, releasing dense sword energy. These sword energy were colorful and suddenly condensed, turning into a sky-high sword light more than a thousand feet long, with a burst of annihilation. The breath of the earth slashed at Lin Yuyan and the nine others.

Lin Yuyan and the other nine held a red flag in each hand. They waved the red flag at the same time, and released red flames. Some of the flames turned into a red wall of fire to protect them. The long red fire python greeted him.

With a loud rumbling sound, the four lotus pedestals remained motionless, and various magic spells lit up. Both sides showed their magical powers and attacked each other.


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