Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2400: backhand

The latest website: Qinglian Island.

A blue light appeared in the distant sky and quickly flew into Qinglian Island.

The blue light flew into Qinglian Peak and landed in the manor on the top of the mountain.

The escape light converged, revealing the figure of Wang Changsheng.

The half-page Tianxu Jade Book obtained by Wang Mengbin has minimized the risk of exposure, and there must be hidden dangers, such as the Qingyun Palace in Qinghuanjie, which is the sect of Qingyunmen in the lower realm. door.

Unless the lower realm destroys the Qingyun Palace, the half-page Tianxu Jade Book is still at risk of exposure.

Wang Changsheng also acted as a back-up, arranging spies under the control of the Wang family to spread rumors, claiming that the Song family, Zhao family, Qin family and other subordinate cultivators of Zhenhai Palace had Tianxu Yushu, which was true and false, and made the water muddy.

In order to hide the existence of Xuantian things, the human race of the Xuanling Continent spread rumors, claiming that the Jinghuo clan, the Yasha clan and other big clans had obtained a complete set of high-grade Tongtian Lingbao or fairy weapons.

Generally speaking, forces with little difference in strength will not directly kill them by relying on unconfirmed news, otherwise the world of immortality will be in chaos. hostile forces.

If the difference in strength is too great, then it’s hard to say. If the senior officials of the Wang family heard that a force with only Nascent Soul cultivators possessed a heavy treasure, they would definitely send experts to inquire about it. Strangely, it is not necessary to think about an elephant stepping on an ant.

Spreading rumors is the best way to cure the symptoms but not the root cause. The Wang family grows as soon as possible and has enough power. Even if other forces know that the Wang family has a celestial jade book, that's fine.

Wang Changsheng considered handing in the half-page Tianxu Jade Book, but the half-page Tianxu Jade Book recorded a variety of refining methods for sixth-order talismans, especially the Tianlei Spiritual Talisman.

Regardless of the fact that the Wang family has been established for more than a thousand years, and there are many cultivators, the Wang family does not have anything that can attract cultivators above the cultivator.

It is impossible for the Wang family to rely on Zhenhai Palace all the time, and the help of Zhenhai Palace is limited. After all, there are also many cultivators in Zhenhai Palace.

If Wang Ruyan can refine the Heavenly Thunder Spirit Transformation Talisman, it will be easier for the following monks to overcome the calamity. This is very important. As far as Wang Changsheng knows, those great forces have mastered similar things, secret talismans, exotic treasures, formations or other Treasures can make it easier for the cultivators to cross the great catastrophe. The Jinghuo clan can refine a treasure called the Huoxiao Orb. The Huoxiao Orb can weaken the power of the integrated cultivator’s great catastrophe. Because of this, the Jinghuo clan can It developed into one of the five major races of the Xuanling Continent within ten thousand years.

If half a page of the Tianxu Jade Book is handed over to Zhenhai Palace, it can only be exchanged for a sum of resources for cultivating immortals, and it can be bought and sold in one go. The ability of Zhenhai Palace to collect resources for cultivating immortals is definitely stronger than that of the Wang family, which indirectly increases the difficulty of collecting materials for the Wang family. Wang Ruyan It is even more difficult to refine the Heavenly Lightning Transformation Spirit Talisman.

The Zhenhai Palace family has a great business, and the half-page Tianxu Jade Book of Talisman-making is not a very rare thing for Zhenhai Palace, and it is impossible to give something too precious.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng did not intend to give the half-page Tianxu Jade Book to Zhenhai Palace for the time being. If one day the Wang family encountered a crisis, the half-page Tianxu Jade Book might be able to save the Wang family's life.

Of course, Wang Changsheng also had a fluke. The outside world knew that the Wang family was a subordinate cultivator family of Zhenhai Palace. Even if the outside world learned that Wang Mengbin had obtained the Tianxu Jade Book, they might not keep their eyes on the Wang family. The Wang family might have handed over to Zhenhai Palace. Who can prove that the Wang family did not hand over the Tianxu Jade Book to Zhenhai Palace?

This time, Wang Changsheng got a lot of good things by getting rid of the Deng family and the cultivators of Qingyunmen. The treasure house of the Deng family was looted by Wang Changsheng, and there were thirty-five pieces of Tongtian Lingbao.

The Deng family once had a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao, but it was destroyed by a strong opponent.

In addition to Tongtian Lingbao, there are 15 top-quality spiritual stones, a batch of refining materials, more than 400 million spiritual stones, more than 3,000 spiritual medicines of more than 1,000 years and less than 10,000 years, more than 20 sixth-order demon pills, and fifth-order magic pills. Thousands of demon pills.

The Deng family and Qingyunmen were very wealthy in their heyday, but they have fallen into decline. Most of the treasures left by the ancestors have been used up. Therefore, no matter how long the inheritance is, the more treasures left behind, the descendants will not live up to their expectations. If there are many prodigal sons, more treasures It's useless, sooner or later it will end.

In Wang Changsheng's view, the most precious is a sixth-order mid-grade spirit-devouring rat's demon pill. The spirit-devouring rat is a descendant of the sky-devouring rat. The spirit-devouring rat is different from the demon rat that has a little blood of the sky-devouring rat. The blood of the former is different. Pure, with great potential.

Strictly speaking, this demon pill does not belong to the Deng family. The Deng family destroyed the Ning family and snatched it from the Ning family's treasure trove. Unexpectedly, it was cheaper for Wang Changsheng.

This time against the two forces, Wang Changsheng made a lot of money, which made him think about it, if he killed a few more forces with virtual cultivators in charge, wouldn't it be even richer.

However, he quickly dispelled this crooked thought. He often stood by the river without wet shoes. He repeatedly warned himself that this time he had to deal with the Deng family and Qingyunmen. Once Tianxu Yushu's secret was leaked, The Wang family is in danger of extermination.

It took him a lot of time to get rid of the crooked thoughts. Looking back on it now, Wang Changsheng's face has a lingering expression on his face.

He almost went into trouble and became an evil cultivator who specializes in killing people and stealing treasures.

Some high-level monks have been stuck in a realm for many years or for other reasons. They are motivated by greed, controlled by greed, go crazy, and do stupid things that make their minds dizzy. For example, some monks of the right way have been unable to break through. The reason, suddenly changed his temperament, and began to kill people and seize treasures.

The magic way is more radical, and the monks who practice the magic way are more likely to have this situation. For example, the blood knife True Monarch, in order to advance to the late stage of the gods, kill all the high-level monks in the ice sea world, and practice blood sacrifice.

Wang Changsheng took out the communication disk, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Qingcheng, come to Qinglian Peak, I have something to ask you."

"Understood, UU reading dad, I'll go over right away."

Wang Qingcheng agreed.

It didn't take long for Wang Qingcheng to appear in front of Wang Changsheng, and he reported to Wang Changsheng the situation of the family for nearly a hundred years.

"Both Yingjie and Meng Bin have entered the virtual refining period?"

Wang Changsheng was full of surprises. As a result, the Wang family had the combat power of six members of the Void Refinement Stage.

"Yes, there are many people in our family who have cultivated to the late stage of God Transformation."

Wang Qingcheng said excitedly, Wang Qiuyu and Liu Hongxue were both practicing in seclusion, and if they entered the virtual refining stage, the Wang family would have a sixth-order alchemist.

"Qingcheng, you select some elites from the clan, go to the inland to develop, support them to establish a power or family, and act as a back-up. The less people know about their existence, the better."

Wang Changsheng commanded, his face solemn.

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